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Mega Mountain 2100

Game File: 

Mega Mountain 2100 is a "climbing platformer metroidvania" without an ability to jump that's an unofficial sequel to the Glorious Trainwrecks classic Mega Mountain.

It's heavily inspired by indie classics like Cave Story, Undertale and Mega Mountain.

The game isn't finished yet. The game *.exe and the itch.io page are placeholders and everything can change at any time.

- not too much, it's a demo.

(C) 2017 Adrian Makes Games. Original Mega Mountain by sylvie. Made with love.

Adrian Makes Games
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dessgeega's picture


Fri, Oct 14 2011 04:13 PM
10/14/2011 - 16:13
10/17/2011 - 23:59


we're putting together a compilation of games to submit to the INDEPENDENT GAMES FESTIVAL! someone has offered to cover the entry fee, so this is your chance to be part of it!

have you made klik of the month games, text adventures, visual novels, adventure game toolkit games, anything? or feel free to make something new, right now!

EXCITEMIKE is generously compiling all of the games into a single compilation! send your games to him at MIKE AT MEYERMIKE DOT COM. the deadline is monday at midnight, but please don't wait to the last minute! RESPECT MIKE'S RIGHTS

if you have the multimedia fusion flash games exporter, please volunteer to convert some klik and play games to flash! it'd help a lot!

some discussion has already gone on in this thread.

Games made for LET'S ALL GO TO THE IGF!


Game File: 

Well, I was playing Joust this weekend with my brother and was inspired to try and recreate it using Box2d. I didn't get very far... I'll probably come back to this later. Unzip the folder and double-click index.html to play.

SHIFT to flap, arrow keys to turn...

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SophieH's picture

Dialogue Tree


It's a tree, of dialogue.

Sophie Houlden
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SpindleyQ's picture

A Teaser Release!

Apparently I was up until about 2:00am whipping my code into shape just so I could share the introductory portions of Alien Zit 2000. I've been having a blast drawing and singing and playing the jaw harp.

Download the Alien Zit 2000 teaser! You may also want to peek inside the data directory for a special MP3 surprise.


Game File: 

Clearly not inspired from Mario Paint.

Jesse Burstyn
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Danni's picture

Chainwreck 2 and 1/2: Sequelitis Spectacular!

Sat, Mar 17 2012 09:00 PM
03/18/2012 - 00:00
03/24/2012 - 23:59

Since the Knytt Stories collab was a success I figured we might as well go on ahead with a more general game dev-oriented chainwreck. Of course, there's a small issue with that.

A lot of people are now on 64-bit Windows or a different operating system altogether. Klik & Play usage has dwindled considerably in favor of other game development tools. For Pirate Kart V, I saw a pretty good mix of tools, including Klik & Play, Multimedia Fusion 2, Game Maker, Flash, and Unity, just to name a few. A chainwreck where everyone uses the same tool and produces a single game will be hard to facilitate.

Instead I'm proposing something different: we will implement this chainwreck in the form of separate games that are sequels to one another! Yes, that's right! Here's how it'll work:

- The first participant creates "Episode 1". It will establish the main character and scenario and provide the first three(?) levels. At the end there will be a cliffhanger or two for the next person to pick up on. The participant creates a standalone and submits the episode as a game.
- The second participant creates "Episode 2". It will build upon the first episode, maybe address one of the cliffhangers presented earlier, maybe not. More levels created, perhaps more material for future participants to build upon. The participant creates a standalone and submits the episode as a separate game to the first one.
- The third participant picks up on this and etc. etc.

Basically, participants will be free to use whatever tools they want and design their own sequel however they choose - perhaps one person's section of the game is a whole new genre or minigame, or it might just build upon the gameplay established by the previous entry. Design your entry however you like, as long as it has some tangible connection to the previous games by scenario.

Coming soon-ish after KotM #57.



Games made for Chainwreck 2 and 1/2: Sequelitis Spectacular!

sergiocornaga's picture

Sergio Cornaga, Procrastinator

Game File: 

A somewhat accurate depiction of the past week of my life. I didn't make the backgrounds and I don't know who did.

Use the arrow keys to move.

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mkapolk's picture


Game File (Mac): 

Just in the nick of time! This took a lot longer than I expected.

So this is a silly little 1 player paper & pencil adventure game about collecting loot. It's sort of a mixture of Gacha games, the slow and steady progress of MMOs, and a little bit of crafting-y puzzle-y things. In trying to research Gachapon design techniques I discovered Shopkins and was horrified, so I had to channel their hyper commercialized aesthetic a little bit.

There's two uploads- a PDF that's good for reading (the pages are in order), and a PDF that's for printing (the pages are collated like a booklet). Theoretically, it should print onto 5 8.5x11" pages, double sided, but I haven't tried it yet.

P.S. if you read the "Reading" PDF - try to put it into the "pages side by side" mode!

Love from ya boy,

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Healy's picture

Juni in the Haunted House

haunted info.png

Whoo! I am so glad to be done with this level.

Anyway, this is an old level of mine from way back (like, 2010 back) that I decided to finish up for Knytt of the Month Klub. Except that I went two days into overtime, but okay. Anyway, the basic gist of it is, Juni must explore a haunted house in order to learn its secrets. And get keys, endings, and junk. And that's all I'll say about it for now. If you see any bugs, please let me know, as I didn't test this level as thoroughly as I could have.

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