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Smedis2's picture

mybrothr's accnt now belongs to me!! :) :) :) :) :)

big brother got hurt in skool and now im using his accont cause my mommy let me yay

snapman's picture

Weekly Updating 2: The Best Movement

Welcome to part 2 in our ongoing series of weekly updates on my experiments with my old friend, Klik & Play. Last week I discussed linked/paired object chains, and their potential application to swing simulations. While I considered using this week's entry for a further discussion on pairing or the advantages of wait-based simulation, I decided to talk a bit about one of the most overlooked object movements in KnP: The Platform Movement.

The Platform Movement is generally looked down upon. It doesn't function well with sprite animations of irregular height and hotspot combinations, landing a jump zeros horizontal momentum, its rudimentary inertia simulation mirrors momentum when the player tries to switch directions, and the wall jumping bug is well known. But despite all this, the built-in platform movement has great potential.

If you've every tried to make a two-player game with the platform movement, I'm sure you've noticed that the "bounce" condition when applied between two platform movement objects treats the slower/unmoving player as a wall. But a simple trick can change that dynamic. One of my recent experiments was to try transference of inertia between platform objects of different speeds. It's simple. Three events. The first tests collision, and object A moving faster than B. If A is faster, B takes its direction, and both object swap speed. The second tests collision, and object B moving faster than A. If B is faster, A takes B's direction, and both objects swap speed. The third event simply tests collision, and results in a bounce. The effect of this (with tweaking) is the ability to unexpectedly shove the other player off a platform, or into a trap.

But the greatest potential I found came from not using the platform movement as a player movement. Set a number of these object to control by an imaginary player 2, and lock player 2 input at the start of a level. When two of the same collide (from being shoved by a player object), "switch position with another object" and the two appear to transfer inertia from horizontal collisions! I've found a few other tricks with locked platformer objects, but I'll probably save them for the next KOTM. It's coming up in about 11 days, I think?

edit1: fixed a few typing errors. Original post was written under time constraints.

Lynx's picture

Zombie Hunter (for TheCube)

Game File: 


A game for theCube made for Secret Santa 2014!

Left click to shoot.
Space for grenade.
R to reload.

Hold mouse still to gain accuracy.
Great music by 'King Keytan' found at http://ptesquad.bandcamp.com/album/summer-forever
(Great Stuff)



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All 1200 games in the 1200-in-1 pirate NES cart

The 1200-in-1 pirate cart is a NES multicart that contains Contra, Super Mario Bros., Tetris II, Chinese Chess, Battle City, Field Combat, Antarctic Adventure, Circus Charlie, Binary Land, Bomberman, Ice Climber, Galaxian, Ninja Jajamaru-kun, and Road Fighter, with various level-skip hacks or other permutations.

Game jam idea: make games using the titles of these entries.

Smedis2's picture


Game File: 


Press z to fire arrow keys to move YOU GET THE IDEA.

Also figure out the semi-artsy message of this game.

Smardis tew
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Johny L.'s picture

The 2009-2010 Shame Collection!

t20092010sc poster.png

This is my first game to contain games made with Game Maker.

Are you bored? Do you hate the present games (for joke)? Well, not late, there's a collection of badly made games in Game Maker: The 2009-2010 Shame Collection! This game contains over 20+ games with annoying levels, poor grammar, ridiculous story, misplaced music, etc. made around 2 years: the 2009 and the 2010, which doubles the fun! The more you play these, the more you will get ridiculous fun! Plus there's a bonus feature which will let you get excited: THE ENCLOSED BONUS PACK! But it is locked with a hidden password, find out more by reading the readme of the locked bonus pack.

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mkapolk's picture

The Zang Zurfers Restoration Project

Game File (Linux): 
Game File (Mac): 

Not much is known about the ancient art of Zang Zurfing. The only remnants are scattered screenshots, a few minutes of blurry let's play footage and, for the few lucky enough to have played the original when it existed, the vague memory of the feeling of zour powder between your toes...

From these, the Zang Zurfing Restoration Committee has created the definitive facsimile edition of Zang Zurfers. Enjoy!

WASD, Mouse, Click to Zurf Zang.

Music stolen from our dear nuuup because I couldn't track down the original: https://nuuupin.bandcamp.com/album/horrorscope

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jan_strach's picture

Poor Thing Update


Hi anybodies,

I have been working on Poor Thing almost every day for five months. Recently I had a bit of a breakdown and I cannot bringmyself to start working on it again, but I will, don't worry, small steps. It is just overwhelming. But I want to finish it. But it just gets bleaker and more depressing, the game I mean. So stepping away for a bit but instead I complete the backstory and work on the plot and these things are actually progressing. I've been working on my music more recently and I am also making a music video on KnP, I will post it when I'm done. There are many new levels added but it is all a secret and I cannot show you the secret levels.

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netgrind's picture

SSSnake (Vacuum)

SSSnake (Vacuum)ss.png

Your mouth is a vacuum sucking in all the pills nearby

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Healy's picture

Tiny House: A Knytt Story

Victorian House.jpg

Tiny House is yet another entry in Sergio's "One screen" competition. Actually I think the due date for that has passed, but since I haven't seen him pick a winner yet I decided to make another entry, mostly just to pass the time. Again, seeing the one screen would probably spoil the fun, so I'm holding off on a screenshot. Instead, have this picture of a house I found in my pictures folder!

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Made For: 
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