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Web 1.0 Buttons

I decided to make a few Web 1.0 style 88x31 buttons promoting Glorious Trainwrecks. Here they are:

Just think, they'd look just great on a personal website, next to your Netscape Navigator buttons and your excessive use of the MARQUEE and BLINK tags.

In case you wanted more buttons, I maintain an 88x31 button gallery at http://harrypagerubbish.webs.com/buttons.html

kotm button.gif53.96 KB
knp now.gif40.17 KB
gtbutton.gif20.38 KB
rosden's picture

Avoider (30 min jam game)

game 3.PNG
Game File: 


arrow keys/WASD: move
R: restart room

A small arcade game about dodging objects that bounce off the edges of the screen that I made in 30 minutes

Made For: 
An event
mkapolk's picture

ehy we're getting our friends together to play space invaders do you want to play??

Screen Shot 2015-11-23 at 1.22.26 PM.png
Game File (Linux): 
Game File (Mac): 

arrow keys, space to shoot, k to die
please play nicely no one llikes a spoil sport

Made For: 
An event
FlaviusMaximus's picture

Santa is Sick

Game File: 

Santa is sick and it's up to you to deliver his presents. up and down moves, avoid the naughty biker dudes and deliver the presents to the good boys. don't let any of them escape without a treat!

Made For: 
An event
quasiotter's picture

WASD test version lol

Game File (Mac): 

Pretty much what the thumbnail says, I do a monthly gallery exhibit but I'm so far behind so I forced myself to get to a decent point to publish a somewhat-close to complete version of it tonight.

I gotta test it with non-WASD experienced people. If anyone has any feedback, regardless of your experience with WASD, I'd gladly listen!

Here's what I'm planning on making/improving:

• A video of the walkthrough. An inset screen of my keyboard as I did the walkthrough.

• A key press that toggles the in-game text.
• Adjust Directional Lighting.

Scene 1:
• Figure out how to make a different music track play for each time a key is held down (W makes one beat, A makes another, etc.) that sort of blends with the 4/4 beat.

Scene 2:
• Another text message, probably not about mouse sensitivity because I don't know how to offer that option lol

Scene 3:
• Maybe make put more decoration? I do want to make it plain for clarity reasons, but is it too plain?

Scene 4:
• I feel like there's something missing, but not sure yet.
• Have the capsule under the hat/tree lead you to a Scene 5.

Scene 5:
• Make a scene 5 that either:
- Makes you feel like your player (the Unity capsule) is just one of many players
- A hell for the capsule (irritating noises and visuals)
- A bunch of capsules fall onto you
- Control a bunch of other capsules as well as yourself and you're all stuck
- Has text that discusses walking sims and that a goal/end state is not needed and I don't like guns lol (might go in Scene 4 where you walk around a boring white walkway)

Also, the next show is an open invitation, I made a post in the forums: https://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/10720

Made For: 
An event

Jaguar Quiz

Game File: 

Test you knowledge of jaguars with this very difficult quiz game.

Made For: 
An event
sergiocornaga's picture


Game File: 

A visual novel of mystery and intrigue. There are many paths to follow... which will you choose?

Mac, Linux and Windows builds included.

Made For: 
An event
Smedis2's picture

Ideas sapping, will to live draining

Haven't made a game in a while and im out of ideas. HALP.

nilson's picture

a maze of my mistakes


A small flatgame poem playable in-browser. Use arrow keys to wander. Audio starts in chrome after first key-press.

Originally made as a demonstration for a workshop. Both my roommates took the workshop, which was online, and when I returned home, they were both still making flatgames in the living room, surrounded by rainbow sticker-sheets and old books for scanning in. Excitedly, they showed me what they had made. Later: Evan said to me "it's funny that you made an example game and called it 'the maze of my mistakes.'"

Inspired by Lee Tusman's p5 flatgame: https://leetusman.com/p5-flatgame/

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
Danni's picture

Untilted Game - PuzzleScript Port


This was the second PuzzleScript game that I made! It's a fully functional port of my Untilted Game, minus level skipping and deadlock notification. Included are all 20 of the original levels.

Made For: 
An event
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