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Game File: 

Help Icarus escape! Use up to fly away from your troubles.

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An event

Celebrity Let's Get a Headache

Game File: 

Get a headache with the new edition of this instant classic. Featuring appearances from your favorite celebrities, including an appearance from Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson! (pictured)

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An event

Grid Eater

Grid Eater!.png
Game File: 

You gotta kill your friend, but you can't retrace your steps because I programmed it that way.

Blue: WASD to move, left shift to shoot
Red: Arrows to move, right shift to shoot

Nick Scalzi
Made For: 
An event
Kate B's picture

Caught Between Dimensions


This started as a tiny platformer I was making over the last few days, and I was thinking ehhh I'll keep it really small and tight. It got slightly bigger, but still didn't get so big as to become unmanagable. It also got an extra coat of polish, somehow. I think that was pure accident. But anyway, here it is. It follows the story of a girl stuck in another dimension trying to get out. It uses some old sprites that I also had half-baked ideas for.

It's got 4 levels, and makes heavy use of a mechanic called "air walking" which I was going to use in another game that I also didn't finish, so I thought for a long time that I wanted to give it a proper outing. The mechanic involves running off edges, and being able to float in the air for a split second. Think Wile E. Coyote running off a cliff. It also makes a satisfying "pop" noise like a gas stove clicking on.

You can use this to get more air. I built the whole game around this mechanic. There's no combat, just platforming. It let me really experiment with this idea

Arrow Keys: move
Z: interact
M: mute sound
Esc: pause

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ClayDay's picture

Gnomes and toast and umbrellas and demons and a woodpecker and

Sammich Forest (DEBUG) 12_24_2023 12_47_07 AM.png

WASD too look around

Arrow keys to move

F to interact

theres all sorts of thingys in the woods

Made For: 
An event

Hay Bale Madness!

Game File: 

Something about a hay bale, rolling down a hill, don't hit the other hay bales... or something...

Adrian Gordon (Code) + Arran Langmead (Art)
Made For: 
An event

Stupid People with Yellow Hair - Dedicated to Deceased Crab

Game File: 

Just pretend the kid is Chester. No, I don't know what's up with the banana.

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Pirate Kart 2
zum's picture

rest in peace, klik leechin'

The "official" download link for Klik & Play is here.

For convenience, I'll also list a few mirrors here:

Vetusware (via the Knp Korner -- thanks!)

If all else fails, it's also locally mirrored here: glorioustrainwrecks.com/files/KPSchool.zip

Happy klikkin'.

smoking behavior

Some smokers can potentially control their coronary heart break but with definitely no nicotine in their very own body they begin to develop weaker and their physique fails to react. Consequently, to get rid of cigarette smoking behavior instantaneously isn't doable for each smoker on earth. It is actually fast becoming one of the leading tobacco option merchandise for safer smoking cigarettes. In fact, you may utilize it without any environmental pollution.

KumoriCloudGames's picture



My very first game uploaded on this glorious site, ahaha!
Here he is, with his very own spiritual mango collecting adventure!
The famous prequel to Cease, The Death RPG, Starring Tofumin.
"Which can be found here: https://rpgmaker.net/games/11927/"
A deep debate into the rise of power, but only in a mental sense!

I did all the materializations, including the Music.
~I hope you enjoy!

Made For: 
An event
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