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clyde's picture


Game File (Linux): 
Game File (Mac): 

A tool for making a four-page zine. You don't get to write or draw though. Hypothetically you could take the images from the screenshot-folder and add that content if you are especially motivated. Enjoy!

Made for Ragzouken who asked for:
* tools
* zines
* paradise
* patterns

//WARNING: Don't resize the window after you pick your resolution. The game locks up when the scene changes and your zine does't get saved in the screenshots folder. I'm not sure how to solve it yet.

Made For: 
An event
juliette's picture

France 2015

Game File: 

a political kind of game

Juliette Bidon
Made For: 
An event
LocoRoo's picture


Game File: 

best gaem evar xD

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2

Parchment Dragon


Take control of the titular Parchment Dragon and fight your way through waves of enemies to reach the evil dragon overlord! Use arrow keys to move, space to fire, escape to bring up the pause menu. Created by a team from the Carnegie Mellon Game Creation Society (www.gamecreation.org).

Evan Shimizu, Andrew Mittereder, Elizabeth Davis, Ethan Pfeifer, Jennifer Lee, Jessica Tumarkin, Luo Yi Tan, Carnegie Mellon University Game Creation Society
Made For: 
An event
zum's picture

ATTN: Pizza Time

HAPPY BIRTHDAY (belated)!!

I meant to make you something on your actual birthday but there were Things Happening, I am sorry

Anyway here is a game it is called FREESTYLE CLAUS 2: GRAY GOO SCENARIO: BROPOINTER EDITION it is not very good

WASD to bust moves + click to ollie

Hope you had a good one!

manwhat.zip8.39 MB
markp0rter's picture

GDC- noaw?!

so it IS the 5th
i just realized GDC is going on so WHAT is going on. i want DETAILS. are we there? i want pictures. is there a web cam stream? what is just going on. everything is idling again in IRC. ardsfsdfh

ihavefivehat's picture


Game File (Linux): 
Game File (Mac): 

wow, this is the most 'video gamey' video game I've ever made. you can shoot things and even get scored in a way that corresponds logically to your in-game performance. feels weird & icky. I like doom a lot. anyway, I made it for the global game jam.


Running - "Right Lane Leaving"

Alesia Cosmos - "So Far"

Chrome - "You've Been Duplicated"

Royal Trux - "Funky Son"

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event

Baron-duke Brog von Smestorp the First

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
flan's picture

College Hill Kentucky

Screen Shot 2018-04-14 at 9.29.08 PM.png
Game File (Mac): 
Game File: 

have fun chasing your nightmare self around College Hill. i got to the jam late so I made this in 1 hour. Based on the town College Hill in Kentucky which was the theme.

Made For: 
An event
Groul's picture

Push blocks, Listen to gud music, and veg out.

luv u trainwrueks.jpg
Game File: 

Push blocks, listen to good music, and veg out. Its as simple as that buudy, but if you mess up, stick a fork in yourself cause your done deal and your going back to the start.

In this game you will be forced to confront the big questions. Should you live your life as other people tell you, simply to fit in (or because they own a monopoly on state violence and will use it to their full advantage if u dont submit)? Push blocks, Listen to gud music, Veg out. Only then, can you reach your final conclusion.

(short game I made to practice the battle system in OHHRPG, which, as always, warped into something else entirely during development. Have fun!)
(windows tested only)

Made For: 
An event
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