dessgeega's picture
Fri, Oct 14 2011 04:13 PM
10/14/2011 - 16:13
10/17/2011 - 23:59


we're putting together a compilation of games to submit to the INDEPENDENT GAMES FESTIVAL! someone has offered to cover the entry fee, so this is your chance to be part of it!

have you made klik of the month games, text adventures, visual novels, adventure game toolkit games, anything? or feel free to make something new, right now!

EXCITEMIKE is generously compiling all of the games into a single compilation! send your games to him at MIKE AT MEYERMIKE DOT COM. the deadline is monday at midnight, but please don't wait to the last minute! RESPECT MIKE'S RIGHTS

if you have the multimedia fusion flash games exporter, please volunteer to convert some klik and play games to flash! it'd help a lot!

some discussion has already gone on in this thread.

Games made for LET'S ALL GO TO THE IGF!


Radix's picture

I will be happy to konvert

I will be happy to konvert KNP (or TGF or MMF) games into internet browser flash swfs for internet. Just email me your game and I'll email it back to you in a variable duration jiffy.

HOWEVER, this can either be a twenty-second job for me or a twenty-minute fuckaround, so YOU'RE GOING TO HELP by making your game flash-ready for me first! What does this mean?

-- Text boxes! KNP's flash font is a little wider than KNP's regular default font, so you need to make sure all your text strings are oversized. The best way to do this is to make your string objects twice as wide as they need to be, with the text centred so that it can get a little bigger without breaking all over the place. (I know KNP is a little weird with this, but I don't feel like firing up a virtual machine to check the best way to do it for you right now. Figure it out.).

-- MIDI files! The flash converter craps itself if your game contains midis. That's okay, I don't mind going through your frames and replacing all the midi triggers with OGGs, but converting the midis is something you can do. Find a crappy converter -- I use this piece of crap -- to turn your music into a bad MP3, then use whatever you want (I use audacity) to turn it into an OGG. I don't know why it only takes oggs considering I'm pretty sure it just converts them back to mp3s when it builds the swf, but whatever. Include the music with your game when you send it to me... and if you have more then one midi in your game make sure the oggs have the same filenames.

I think that's it. Send your crap to .

By the way, I think Clickteam has said something about covering the submission fee for things made with klik products this year. Hahahaha,

Radix's picture

You know what would be

You know what would be really cool of you though? Open up the knp gam in mmf if you have it and replace all your midis with oggs, that way all I have to do is click a button. It'll also be a lot easier for you to fix the text boxes this way, because mmf doesn't try to snap the widths like knp does.

Radix's picture

I used the word crap a lot.

I used the word crap a lot. I'm not awake yet.

Radix's picture

HELLO please don't submit

HELLO please don't submit your games to me! I'm only converting knp-->flashes for people. If you want to submit, send them to ExciteMike! His email address is in super secret code in the node text above my posts.

Radix's picture

HELLO please don't submit

HELLO please don't submit your games to me! I'm only converting knp-->flashes for people. If you want to submit, send them to ExciteMike! His email address is in super secret code in the node text above my posts.

Danni's picture

Argh! Add a link to post

Argh! Add a link to post games, please.

Danni's picture

Woo! First

Woo! First specifically-made-for-IGF game in the IGF Kart!

ExciteMike's picture



  • Does NOT have to be made in Klik n Play.
  • Should be a Windows exe, swf, .unity3d, or a webpage. If you have something else, let's talk about it and maybe we can make it work anyway!
  • Please DO make a token effort to not too blatantly violate the rules (http://www.igf.com/rules.html). The main thing to watch out for there is having the rights to distribute the game. It'd suck to get disqualified for like having a Disney song playing in the background. But I don't exactly know fair use laws or anything so I will assume that anything I get is ok even though I'm not asking anyone to sign anything saying it is.

How many games so far?

As of 2:37 AM Saturday: One Hundred and Nine actually received, and a handful talked about but not yet in my possession!

Can I help with the fee?

Nope! It's paid for! No more money please!

Danni's picture

190?! Mind = blown.

190?! Mind = blown.

ExciteMike's picture

err, one-zero-nine, not

err, one-zero-nine, not one-nine-zero, but hey maybe we'll get there! Another 13 have rolled in already since I posted that! :)

Danni's picture

Lol, I fail at reading

Lol, I fail at reading numbers.

So most folks are going by email? Eh, I would have liked to see them posted here, but whatever. I'll continue using this place to post games.

Since folks are posting already existing games, I've decided to look back at my collection of TGF games I've made around the age of 11-12. Most of the games use sprite rips and video game MIDIs (and thus would be disqualified), but I'll salvage what I can.

Healy's picture

Yo, I'm submitting a bunch

Yo, I'm submitting a bunch of text adventures but they're all in z-code format; would it be too much trouble if you had to use Parchment or some other system to run them?

ExciteMike's picture

Um, probably? But if you

Um, probably? But if you could figure out how to package that up into an exe or like a link to a webpage or something so I don't have to learn how this parchment thing works, that'd save me some time!

Healy's picture

I'm not sure how to package

I'm not sure how to package anything up into Parchment (there's way to do it in the latest version of Inform 7, I think, but I'm running an older and crappier version that doesn't have that feature), but I'll see if I can get somebody to volunteer to do this for me.

rhetoricstu's picture


I failed to specify that the one i sent was named "caevstroy.rentozip" because gmail is a shitty piece of fascist dystopia

what i mean is it should be renamed to something.zip

i think you probably figured it out but as someone mentioned you didn't have time to email confirmations to everyone

ExciteMike's picture

Yep! Found 4 games in there.

Yep! Found 4 games in there.

squidlarkin's picture

So does it have to be

So does it have to be something made this year? Or if it does, can I take something from a previous year, hack on it a bit, and say development continued this year?

SpindleyQ's picture

I hope not, because I'm

I hope not, because I'm submitting games I made when I was 11.

ExciteMike's picture

That's awesome! Yeah I'm not

That's awesome! Yeah I'm not going to worry about _when_ the games were made.

I mean, if IGF can cover games that won't be finished until far in the future then things that were finished far in the past seem like fair game to me. :)

the_muteKi's picture

For that matter, wasn't at

For that matter, wasn't at least part of the catalyst inspiring this that Phil Fish was re-entering Fez into the competition? :P

Terry's picture

Naw, not really. It just so

Naw, not really. It just so happened that that argument was happening on twitter at about the same time. Far as I'm concerned, the pirate kart is about something much bigger than that.

the monkey will dance igf version

as requested by webbedspace

tmwd.zip1.15 MB
SirNiko's picture

I have added my game to the

I have added my game to the list! I have conveniently avoided midi files, and have oversized the text boxes so that they should be immune to breakage. It contains all original art, though I did use the native KnP "Blip" sound effect.

So I need to mail my game in as well? I don't want to accidentally submit it twice.

sergiocornaga's picture

I have submitted via

I have submitted via email.

I am so happy this exists. I hope the aftermath will be as amazing as I think it will be.

I have sent a game in via

I have sent a game in via email; I hope that it arrives safely -- do I need to upload it here too, or what?

ExciteMike's picture

Either here or an email is

Either here or an email is fine. I am going through emails first but will be coming here to grab games next.

I submitted!

This is an amazing endeavor! I just sent my submission, hopefully it arrives safely! Thanks to everyone who is making this possible!

just sent in my game ;)

just sent in my game ;)

syed's picture



ExciteMike's picture

If anyone wants to grab a

If anyone wants to grab a non-final version and just double check for me that it mostly works on machines that aren't mine: http://s3.amazonaws.com/excitemike/2012igfpiratekart/2012+IGF+PIRATE+KART.zip (1.3GB!)

Due to the looong upload time this is a version from before the deadline so it's missing some games, the requested renames, and some KNP games aren't converted yet in it. I've done those things in the time since then, though.

Once I get home tonight I plan on adding an option for randomizing the order, some kind of About/Special Thanks screen, a couple fixes people sent me and then uploading the final thing and making a torrent.

I checked the list that's

I checked the list that's been circulating and was saddened to see I was not included. This was fun, nonetheless!

ExciteMike's picture

Replied to your email again.

Replied to your email again. Your Exchange server appears to have stripped out the exe :(

Instead there was this text file:


Microsoft Forefront Protection for Exchange Server removed a file since it was found to match a filter.
File name: "Laika.zip->Laika.exe"
Filter name: "FILE FILTER= EFiles: *.exe"

I'll delay the Kart a little bit in the hopes that you see this or the email soon.

Danni's picture

That is quite possibly the

That is quite possibly the strangest way to combat viruses I've ever seen. Sure, don't even notify the sender that the attachment was rejected. Just strip it out of the archive without the sender knowing.

I never did understand most of Microsoft's design decisions.

I've sent it off to you

I've sent it off to you again through a different email -- I understand it may be too late. I apologize if so.]]

It seems the filename just happened to be similar to a virus? or something?

Sure would have liked to know that it didn't get there myself, or if it hadn't been innocent, that I could have a virus; what the hell, microsoft?

ExciteMike's picture



that is excellent news sir

that is excellent news sir -- you are a lifesaver

Danni's picture

Sooo 313 games?

Sooo 313 games?

Also, SpindleyQ is awesome for including Jaws Leashed: Mustach Edition.

ExciteMike's picture

Actually I goofed up my

Actually I goofed up my count yesterday and its 319!

Danni's picture

Just ten more and we would

Edit: Wait, what the hell am I thinking.

SpindleyQ's picture

I am fucking proud of Jaws

I am fucking proud of Jaws Leashed: Mustach Edition.

Zecks's picture

geez maybe i should've done

geez maybe i should've done something for this, but since i couldn't really submit my knp games (they're nothing but stolen midis and klipart abuse. it's primarily the music choices that make up the experiences in those) i didn't feel like it