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georgek's picture

playing midi

I don't know if anyone checks this, but if so...can anyone help with a problem I have playing midi files. Do I need to have the midi in a special folder or anything to play it? I can set up the event for start of the level, and browse to the midi file and select it, but when I go to the level to test play it or export the game and play it, there's no midi. I don't have a problem with .wav files at all, and the game is set to play music and samples.

Are there any gotchas or tips for playing midis? Thanks.

SpindleyQ's picture

Spectre VR: The Cyberpunk Novella

Spectre VR is based on something called virtual reality, or cyberspace. By reading this chapter, you will become acquainted with the underlying concepts, so that you may understand how the game is played.
Anyway, hope you like cyberpunk. Here's some for you to read.

Starts on page 11. Not quite as insane as the Captain Blood novella, but I haven't seen this one on the internet anywhere.

It goes without saying that it has absolutely nothing to do with the actual game. I used to read this thing over and over and try to figure out how it had anything at all to do with driving around picking up flags and squares and shooting low-poly tanks or whatever. It doesn't, but it stuck with me.

Spectre VR Manual.pdf7.28 MB
mbtzl's picture

Insecurities and a need to create


Sometimes I find myself staring longingly at itch.io

I scroll through, looking at the beautiful art and programming genius that takes place.

It makes me sad, but also hopeful.

I love making games, more than I ever thought that I would, but a lack of budget, knowledge, and overall skill makes it incredibly difficult.
I feel a constant need to create, but never the ability.
This blog entry is mostly just a ramble;
Some sort of shout into the void.

I feel insecure about what I make.
I feel inadequate.
I feel like I'm spinning in circles, even though I have only just started taking this seriously.

Ever since I was a little kid, I had a deep fascination for this stuff.
I research and research, never actually applying or learning.
Just longing to create.

I feel hopeless.
I feel petty.
I feel pathetic.

Deep down I know that I am new to this, finally putting my foot down and releasing things that I make. I know I will improve, but don't know where or how to start.

I feel like I should give up.
But I don't want to.

Even recently, when I would lurk on this website for hours, I never thought I could do what some of you do.
And yet here I am. I can't say that what I make is good, or even passable, but Glorious Trainwrecks makes me feel like it is.

I feel accepted.
I feel supported.
I feel loved.

Blog posts tend to not get much attention on this site, so maybe nobody will see this, and maybe that is OK. Just writing this, I feel a little bit better.



Vitellary makes a simulation for adventure-seeking Viridian! Nothing wrong should happen, right?

* This level features internal scripting, only for cutscenes.
* This level should be compatible with all versions although VVVVVV 2.2+ (including VVVVVV Make & Play) is recommended.
* Staying in rooms with warping platforms for a prolonged period of time can cause crashing. Unfortunately, this is unpreventable.

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markp0rter's picture

Max Headroom of Doom


stay inside the headroom

game number 1000. I win the pirate kart ;)

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Discord Town Hall: Sekret Santa Events

Sat, Apr 04 2020 05:00 AM
04/04/2020 - 12:00

This is a discussion about the future of the Sekret Santa events, typically held every year round the Winter holidays. If you have an opinion on these events, and want to see them in the future, now's the time to speak up about it. Everyone is invited!

There are two phases to this event.

--Phase 1: Online Survey--
The survey has been closed. Thanks to all the respondents! Results can be seen here:
If you have any additional thoughts, please add a comment below.

--Phase 2: Online Discussion--
Additional Town Hall Scheduled!
Date: 4 April 2020
Time: 18:00pm GMT (2:00pm Eastern)
I've requested time on the Alt-Games Discord Server to share these results and hear what the rest of the community has to say about the following:

  • Event structure
  • Event length
  • Event organizer
  • Structure of the "wish lists"
  • Anything else on peoples' mind regarding the Sekret Santa event

So here's your chance! You want to see more of the Sekret Santa stuff, now and into the future, you should make your voice heard.

If you need access to the Discord Server for this but don't have it, post your concerns here and those in charge of it will be able to reach out to you.

Please make time to answer the survey and to attend the discussion. Thanks!

Games made for Discord Town Hall: Sekret Santa Events

hugs's picture

little little adventure


"Very Thought Provoke. Truly Games Are Mature Now." - kotaku.com

thanks to qrleon for ripping jillojun sound effects

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
Smedis2's picture


Game File: 


Made For: 
An event
fizzhog's picture

The Worshipful Temple of Hermes Trismegistus

Game File: 

Themes: Still Life with Non-Things, Family Reunion, Hermes Trismegistus. These took me to a strange place so ... erm ... enjoy? And yes, the movement is meant to be like that.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
SpindleyQ's picture

Klik of the Month Klub #10

Sat, Apr 19 2008 04:00 PM
04/19/2008 - 16:00
04/19/2008 - 18:00

The Klik of the Month Klub meets right here on this very website on the third Saturday of every month at 4pm Pacific Time (taking daylight savings into consideration) for a two hour Klik & Play Showdown. Everyone who participates gets two hours to create something from scratch in Klik & Play. Abusing the stock objects is encouraged. If you really loathe Klik & Play you can use whatever game development platform you want. Two hours is a pretty tight time limit, though, so choose wisely!

Klik & Play is absolutely free to download, and learning it takes minutes, so everyone can get in on the action. Want to talk to your fellow Klikwreckers? Join us on IRC -- server irc.freenode.net, channel #glorioustrainwrecks. Join the mayhem!

Sign up below to get reminded by email the day before the klikkening begins!

Games made for Klik of the Month Klub #10

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