
sergiocornaga's picture

You Have To Put The Stake In The Dracula


A spooooky Halloween game! Also included: You Have To Put The Steak In The Dracula.

Title inspired by Healy, music stolen from Castlevania, other things stolen from other places.

Made For: 
An event
Blueberry Soft's picture

Castlevania 10


Castlevania 10 is the latest game in the epic demon-slaying videogame series. The first designed exclusively for your Klik'n'Play 371 videogame console!

The Newgrounds version is a bit worse. I spent no time fixing KNP-to-TGF things. And spent far too long converting the MIDI music.

(Now also on The Internet Archive)

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
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