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View a table of most of the games that have been uploaded to the site


  1. The 100-in-1 Klik and Play Pirate Kart
    Created for the TIGSource B-Game Competition, The 100-in-1 Klik & Play Pirate Kart is a collection of over 100 videogames created by a total of seventeen people over a single 48-hour period, making it the best thing that has ever happened in the history of humanity.
  2. The 529 in 1 Klik and Play Pirate Kart II: Klik Harder
    Created just because we can, the 529-in-1 Klik & Play Pirate Kart is a collection of over 500 videogames created by a total of 102 people over a single 48-hour period, making it the new best thing that has ever happened in the history of humanity, as well as most non-human races.
  3. Year One: The Kollector's Kut
    A complete collection of every game created by our Glorious Trainwreckers for the first year of the site's existence (excluding the Pirate Kart). 108 delicious monstrosities!
  4. The Klik of the Month Klub
    You simply must check out the voluminous, incredible output of our Klik of the Month Klub, where every month we all band together for two short hours to make phenomenal videogames.

Completed Projects

  1. The Relationship: The Complete Saga by captaincabinets
  2. Skylathe 600km Shooting by Pizza Time
  3. Train Quest IV: The Quest For Trains by SpindleyQ

Unfinished Projects

  1. Alien Zit 2000 by SpindleyQ
    A modern-day remake of a ridiculous game that I made in QBASIC when I was 12 years old.
  2. Hatworld: World Of Hats by Six
    Will it ever see the light of day?

SpindleyQ's picture

Richard and Larry Build a Time Machine

So, for the past couple of months, I've been poking at the idea of interactive fiction without a parser. I had a grand idea, years ago, for a graphic adventure game with a comics-based interface. My idea is essentially that the entire story is always available at all times, and that you can make the protagonist do things, or, undo things, at any point in the story. I realized recently that I could bring many of the same ideas to text, which is much quicker to write than comics are to draw.

So I began to build it.

So today, I'm ready to release a little tech demo, for people who might be interested in such things. It doesn't even really demo the tech that well -- I don't use any world state, though the capability is there to do so, and there's not even any branching like Choose Your Own Adventure. The interface is still kind of rough; I definitely haven't worked out all the kinks in deciding when to show which options to the user. I don't even know whether I should be showing or hiding clickable words. (Right now they're hidden because that's the last thing I tried.) Basically, I'm still exploring the idea, but I'm interested in your comments.

Anyway, if you like, you can try it out and tell me what you think. Click on words that are clickable to get a menu of things you can do. Once you've seen everything in the game, maybe you'd be interested in peeking at the story's source code (not the engine's source code) to get a feel for what writing IF in this sort of system might be like.

PurpleChair's picture

Space Harriet

Game File: 

Based on an idea I had while doing something unrelated earlier today.

Arrow keys to move, Z to shoot.

I wanted to make it so my head would only appear on screen while commenting on your performance, and then have a secret boss fight if you shoot me enough, but I'm already 40 minutes over the limit and I haven't even started on that stuff yet. The floating head tracks more stats than you might think, although it only ever comments on your ratio of enemy kills. It compares how well you've done during your current life to how well you've done in the rest of the game so far, basically.

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An event
SpindleyQ's picture

Don't Copy That Floppy

Game File: 

Avoid committing the heinous sin of SOFTWARE PIRACY! Get to the store to pay for this software!

--== CALL THE ROLLY JOGGER ELITE BBS 365-689-3321 ==--

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2

Majora's Task

Game File: 

Consume everything! Crash into Clock Town to destroy the world, don't let the four giants stop you!

Made For: 
An event
ndrake's picture

Chopper Pilot

Game File: 

Now you can pilot one of the most famous helicopters in video game history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Made For: 
An event
gisbrecht's picture

Games to Purge Melancholy

I am too distressed to work on games... that much I say. Distressed by wrongdoings of others... and the likes.


Game File: 

Use the mouse or the arrow keys to move and rotate the line by clicking and dragging so that all of the red lines around the border will cross your line when extended. Press space to start things moving along the red lines to find out if you've solved the puzzle.

If a red line has a blue circle at the end, the darker arc of this indicates the angle it will turn through when any other of the moving things crosses your line.

left-click drag, arrow keys: move the line.
right-click drag, ctrl+left/right: rotate the line (left anticlockwise, right clockwise).
space, enter: run the puzzle; continue at title screen.
escape, backspace: cancel running the puzzle; quit at title screen.
tab, ctrl: hold to increase the speed when the puzzle is running.

To quit, close the window.

Joseph Lansdowne
Made For: 
An event
hugs's picture

House and Garden


what a curious spot to build a house

update 2: should be extra fixed now? there are no longer any ks+ no-climbs, at least. also slight change to sea-stone pool.

Healy & hugs
Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
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