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a game that works around a poop loop, enjoy.

Made For: 
An event
Fubaka's picture

Juni Gets a Food

Juni Gets a Food 1.png

This level was made as part of Knytt of the Month Club #9.

In this grand adventure, Juni must get a food from her fridge, but such a task may prove more difficult than she thinks!

Challenge/Scenic/Misc. Small. Normal difficulty.

UPDATE: New version released. Following changes:
*Fixed a pair of void screens, replacing them with... something else.
*Added some leaf effects in the Broken Bulwarks areas.
*Tweaked the last challenge to make it slightly less annoying.

Recommended to get the updated file if you have the old one.

UPDATE 2: New version released. Following changes:
*Fixed grass at beginning of bulwarks which was on layer 3. Now on layer 2.

Get update at your leisure.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
zum's picture

GT Saturday Specials: Knytt Stories

Sat, Mar 27 2010 04:00 PM
03/27/2010 - 18:00
03/27/2010 - 20:00

On Saturday, March 27 at 4 PM Pacific, join us for a special Knytt Stories hoedown! You will be provided, free of charge, with TWO HOURS to create your very own Knytt Stories level from scratch.

Never used the Knytt Stories editor before? No problem! Download Knytt Stories here. (If you've never played it before, give the tutorial or bundled level a go to get a feel for how the game works.) The editor comes included, and a good way to learn to use it is by cracking open existing levels and poking at them to see how they work. This guide is also recommended reading.

Join us on IRC for camaraderie, support and merrymaking! Point your favourite IRC client to #glorioustrainwrecks on irc.freenode.net, or use our handy-dandy in-browser chat here.

Upload your level here when it's done!

(And remember: don't eat the mushroom.)

Games made for GT Saturday Specials: Knytt Stories

NameCreatedByScreenshotCommentssort icon
At Land (unfinished)03/27/2010 - 18:04luvcraft0
super juni03/29/2010 - 11:34ioshiinsuperjuni.jpg1
Juni's Winter Wonderland03/28/2010 - 21:34Healywintwonder_screen.png2
Juni Encounters a Bug03/27/2010 - 19:08sergiocornagajunibug.png3
At Land03/28/2010 - 16:09luvcraftat land screenshot.png5
mzo's picture

Aesops Fables: Chatper 3

Game File: 

Another wonderful Aesop chapter, teaching worldly wisdom! Troll likes food!

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
Kate B's picture

Mess With The U.S


go to the U.S and mess with it

Made For: 
An event

Pierrot le fou the game


Ferdinand Griffon (Jean-Paul Belmondo) is unhappily married and has been recently fired from his job at a TV broadcasting company. After attending a mindless party full of shallow discussions in Paris, he feels a need to escape and decides to run away with his baby-sitter, an ex-girlfriend, Marianne Renoir (Anna Karina), leaving his wife and children and bourgeois lifestyle. Following Marianne into her apartment and finding a corpse, Ferdinand soon discovers that Marianne is being chased by OAS gangsters, two of whom they barely escape. Pierrot (the unwelcome nickname Marianne gives to Ferdinand during their time together), and Marianne go on a traveling crime spree from Paris to the Mediterranean Sea in the dead man's car. They lead an unorthodox life, always on the run. Settling down in the French Riviera after having burnt the dead man's car (full of money) and sunk a second car into the Mediterranean Sea, their relationship becomes strained. Ferdinand ends up reading books, philosophizing and writing in his diary. Marianne becomes bored of the Robert Louis Stevenson-ness of their living situation and insists they return to town, where in a night-club they meet one of their pursuers. The gangsters waterboard Ferdinand and depart. In the confusion, Marianne and Ferdinand are separated, with Marianne traveling in search of Ferdinand and Ferdinand settling in Toulon. After their eventual reunion, Marianne uses Ferdinand to get a suitcase full of money before running away with her real boyfriend, to whom she had previously referred as her brother. Pierrot shoots Marianne and her boyfriend, and, in the climactic scene, paints his face blue and decides to blow himself up by tying sticks of red and yellow dynamite to his head. Regretting his decision at the last second, he tries to extinguish the fuse, but he is blinded by the dynamite and is blown up.


Thibault Solinhac
Made For: 
An event
Cube_Well's picture

Caketown Double Feature


This is a pack of two worlds you can explore in Katelabs:

  • Caketown, a handful of buildings on top of a massive chocolate cake
  • Shipping Society, another town, this one constructed entirely of shipping crates

These worlds are in open beta, and more will be added to them over time, probably.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
FirecatFG's picture

Super Fast Racers 20000

Game File: 

A racing game i think. Based on something i previously overlooked on the Construct engine.

Made For: 
An event
KlikBot's picture

Klik of the Month Klub #47

Sat, May 21 2011 04:00 PM
05/21/2011 - 16:00
05/21/2011 - 18:00

The Klik of the Month Klub meets right here on this very website on the third Saturday of every month at 4pm Pacific Time (taking daylight savings into consideration) for a two hour Klik & Play Showdown. Everyone who participates gets two hours to create something from scratch in Klik & Play. Abusing the stock objects is encouraged. If you really loathe Klik & Play you can use whatever game development platform you want. Two hours is a pretty tight time limit, though, so choose wisely!

Klik & Play is absolutely free to download, and learning it takes minutes, so everyone can get in on the action.

Want to talk to your fellow Klikwreckers? Join us on IRC -- server irc.freenode.net, channel #glorioustrainwrecks. We've also got a Mumble voice chat server -- just connect to glorioustrainwrecks.com using Mumble and you can talk to us like real human beings! Join the mayhem!

After you've made your game, you should upload it here!

For more information, check out the KotM N00B FAQ.

Sign up below if you want to get reminded by email the day before the klikkening begins!

Games made for Klik of the Month Klub #47

kirkjerk's picture


Dance of the sugardum fairies... for the Klikth Day of Klikmas or whatever that KotM is...
you'll think you're getting mad at frustrated at the idiot fairy, but really you're getting mad at the idiot programmer and his bad excuse for a physics engine!

drag gifts to help the fairy jump and get to the christmas star.

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