
everythingstaken's picture

Breaking Bread


UPDATE: You can now play this game on itch.io with added music and sound. I noticed that the html version hosted on GT didn't work anymore, so I uploaded to itch. This version has some sound effects and some music that I wrote originally intended for this game, but I never put in until now.

The player can watch episodes of a popular TV program at home and go outside to socialize. The velociraptor only wants to talk about TV! Talk to your velociraptor friend about TV!

Made For: 
An event
Blueberry Soft's picture

Rapture Raptor

Rapture Raptor.jpg

You are a raptor, sent to Earth to save as many souls as possible. Do that.

(Newgrounds version link added)

(Internet Archive version availible now)

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
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