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Game File: 

When the world was young, and only one man and woman walked the Earth, I can't help but feel that they were surely very, very immature to each other. Especially over a biological difference so immediately obvious.

In case it wasn't clear, this is basically Donkey Kong with urine.

EDIT: Fixed incomplete controls listing on title screen.

EDIT2: Fixed no music in Windows.

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An event
everythingstaken's picture

Kill Yr Idols 004

Game File: 

fourth in a series of sonic worlds levels

music by Black Andrew & Lillyan Ling
Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event

My Half Hour Trainwreck


So here's my submission for the new trainwreck...
I made it in a half hour...
I would have made it longer but I have to go to a celebration for the winter equinox...
Only 4 levels and they're all pretty easy...
Your a penguin who can replicate himself and use his body as a platform...
(BTW this is also my first KnP EVAR...
So in the half hour I learned how to use it and make the game)

Spacebar to replicate
Arrow Keys to move
ctrl to jump


Sekret Santa 2017

Wed, Nov 22 2017 03:00 AM
11/22/2017 - 03:00
01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)

2016: https://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/10400

2015: https://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/9921

2014: https://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/8883

2013: https://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/6560

2012: https://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/4574

Maybe the genesis...? https://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/2065

Games made for Sekret Santa 2017

dessgeega's picture


Game File: 

you've got to show this bull - no, the world! - what it means to be a MATADOR!

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2

Crypt 2: Crypt harder

Game File: 

second episode of the crypt
i addressed some of the shortcomings that didn't work in the first game
e.g. i felt that everything moving tile-by-tile actually hurt the game somewhat
but in the end it ended up being a lot more different than the first one

(also the megaswf screen seem to be not working correctly for me,
so i might upload it somewhere else)

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An event
Kate B's picture

Last Game of the Decade 2019 (Last GOTD 2019)

Game File: 

Hidden object game.

Way more detail in this one. More to collect, more types of thing to collect, items, quests, more characters, locked doors, more variety in places... I started this all the way back in March and I think this is one of my best. I've been developing it in secret for ages. Months of work has gone into it. Even after starting it so early, it still came down to the wire. Hope you enjoy it!

Made For: 
An event

Bitsywick 2015

An acquaintance of mine has started the "Bitsywick" game jam events. The first one is in late January 2015. A theme will be determined and announed, and participants have a week to come up with a game and submit it. This is a shorter form event than what he usually runs in August: The Buswick.


Folks around here seem accustomed to games completed in a week or less, so there's likely at least a few of you who want to participate.

I'll see you there! :)

anne laplantine's picture


Game File: 

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
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