
bamcquern's picture

Demo Game made with student.

Hi! This is a quick game I made with a student to demonstrate Twine.

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spiral's picture

Vegetable Grower 2


Finally, after waiting so long... It's arrived! The long awaited sequel to VG- that is, VG2! That is, Vegetable Grower 2!! Thank you very much for donations of $(D_AMT) and other support over the years, as otherwise we (ArfBark Group) wouldn't be able to have done it.

Vegetable Grower 2 picks off right where Vegetable Grower Part 1 left off- So to speak, after following Blu's guidance in the greenhouse, you have been chosen to let loose your awesome knowledge abilities in a real, true environment- The farm plains of your home city, $(P_CITY). Wonderful!!

However, you can't do it alone: As such, you will have the option of one of $(N_SPONSORS) possible player guides to pick from based off of famous, living, real gardeners. Some of them will require proven prowess to impress them enough before you can use them. Figure it out! Learn! Act!! Either way, no matter who you choose, the possibilities are without any limit...

Each actor comes with their own special implement, but there is a large selection of mowing devices available, representing the many moods of a vegetable grower. You will witness before your very hands the life cycle we depend on on a daily basis. Start with some cute Grass, mow it to Dirt, bring Water, create farm Acres, grow your Plants, and most importantly, produce Food!

Can YOU complete every Acre in the field?? Find out with Vegetable Grower 2... Welcome to the world! Of course, for detailed information and answers to any confusion or questions, please consume the README $(S_TYPE) file included with the program. Thank you, and please eat your greens!

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spiral's picture

Learn 100 Words: One At A Time!


Welcome To Learn 100 Words: One At A Time Edition!

This program features 100 "Words" (or games) that you can tackle all in a row or one at a time. Progress is always saved automatically (and rewarded!), so have no worries in your play!

- 100 Words/Levels to complete
- 10 "Level Selection" pages
- 3 gameplay modes, two of which are unlocked through play
- 10 Game Mode Action Types, such as "Spell The Word", "Identify The Word", and "Platformer"
- Over 200 vocal clips
- Approximately 70 "sound effects" samples
- (Mostly) Unoriginal Soundtrack featuring 100 songs, over an hour and a half in length
- Al the Alien, the award-winning NPC/AI who will guide you through your learning objectives
- COMING SOON: Exploration guide of tips and tricks to getting the most out of Learn 100 Words

Original Program Description:
Learn 100 Words: One At A Time!

Welcome to Learn 100 Words: One At A Time Edition © 2015! In this program, you will select one of 100 possible words to learn, each hidden behind a number representing the categorization of it for both purposes of record keeping, as well as that of keeping the 100 words available as a bit of a surprise to be learnt by you, one at a time!

The goal of each game, you can call them, is to establish your understanding of the word on display. How you do this varies. Sometimes you must answer a quiz. Sometimes you must think hard about how to go outside of the box and really understand. Each "game" shall tell you how to approach it so that you do not need to play them in any order to grow understanding, it will come over time naturally.

If you are ever caught struggling, you may be asked to have the "game" offer you a hint, which can be paused and replayed at will with no penalty. So do not worry about pressing it as often as needed, or even more!

The "games" will also give you pointers on when you have gotten something correct, or have gotten something wrong, so you can experiment and understand the effects your choices have on your progress. And also you may turn off the music and/or the other sounds as you please, if they are distracting or some such.

I hope you greatly enjoy Learn 100 Words: Learn 1 At One Time Edition 2015©!

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sergiocornaga's picture

an average life


This is an accurate description of an average life from birth to death. We leave all interpretation to the viewers.

Sergio Cornaga & rhetoricstu
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everythingstaken's picture

abcdefghijklmnopqrstusavwxyz aka abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz3

Hillary Rodham Clintons.png

Learn your States and Capitals of the USA!
Break the walls of the patriarchy AGAIN!
Learn your ABC's AGAIN.

This game requires some knowledge of the United States.
If you aren't from the USA, I don't mind if you print off a cheat sheet.
If you're from the USA, I mind if you print off a cheat sheet, but, you know, it's fine if you do.
You are in control of your own destiny.

YES, if you want to put this on your site I included the MMF2 file because I don't have the flash/html exporter.

eit and vocals by steven herzog and the florida question is an edited question by a noncredited person
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everythingstaken's picture



Break the walls of the patriarchy! Learn your ABC's.

Thanks again for the help Dattorz!

Happy Buzzlewitz Day!
(I'll make an actual Buzzlewitz game later today)

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spiral's picture

World Of Explore


What is the WoE?? Well! You're about to find out, huh!? Choose the right answer below:

VI) "Whatever, o, Emanuel": the only known line of a destroyed play by W. Shacklespare.

4) Many have spoken of a whole World of Exploration out there... something beyond the WORKZONE we all know and love. But first you'd need a MAPZONE to find your way there, and all know MAPZONES died out years ago!

A) Watermelon over Eggplant, a famous Canadian dish.

¢) Wonders of Edutainment, the previously infamous publisher of "classics" such as How To Drop Out Of School And Pursue A Non-Capitalist Lifestyle and Just Where Do Chicken Eggs Come From Anyways: Every Disgusting Detail You Never Wanted To Know. WoE closed in late 2059 after the sucess of the government-funded anti-public learning potential campaign.

B) To Explore other Worlds is illegal as going off-planet has been banned since 1988.

∞) Infinity and its lack in limit halt my quiz ability, as I can't act any; I am stuck running by my mind that significant acting against infinity is in grand vain.

eee) Pour Water on yer Enigma plants daily or else it will start thirsting for your blood.

Q) The most common letters, case included, in the star language spoken by the dreaded Queens of Space, when translated into English. Full alphabet by common-ness: WoEbBtJqrzaSIlpVmKOr. (Language Hyper-Literalists taking this exam: Please accept the alphabet arrangement offered here, as GloriousTrainwrecks does not endorse transposition of the language based on the DVORAK arrangment, only QWERTY. Thank you.)

H) Wall of Endisburgh.

¾) "wOe!", the name of the post-grunge soft~seapunk \chillwave/ nightcore band that is rocking the dance floors.

↑) All Of The Above

<) None Of The Above

↓) All Of The Below

⑧) Word Of Explode

When you are finished, draw the logo of the brand owner of yer favourite flavour of peach ice cream. Hand the sheets in to my desk and you will recieve your grade next Thur


- That's the description of the program on the back of the case of the new open-world, all-inclusive, klikware historical title, Just What Is The World Of Explore?, which attempts to unravel for the player the original prototype game that was the foundation for our current society. As a gamer, I found ...World Of Explore? to be highly satisfying: with SIX whole customizable* characters who can each explore THREE massive locations in highly unique ways (such as: snowman can move left or right, singer can move left or right, jogger can move left or right and up slightly if you glitch the game), players have many reasons to replay it over and over.

This is the only highlight of WoE?, unfortunately. The sound design is awful: there is no consistency between interaction sounds, which all sound like they're from random sources. Music inside of the game appears to be, to my finely tuned ears, entirely composed of MIDIs that should not have seen the light of day. I will admit though, the title theme Welcome To The World Of Explore! by Dj Ruffty is such a great track! I give Music such a high score below only because of this.

Finally, on the visual side, things get a little better. Honestly, I just appreciate the sheer effort put into making every scene ridiculous and overblown. Sometimes, it feels like the art team was just trying to make something be totally differnt from everything else. The lack of cohesion in the art design (yet again, I feel like almost everything is taken from some clipart package or some such) does the narrative of the game harm though, almost to the point that I would call it anti-ludological.

That's every component of a Game covered: Replay, Sfx, Muses, and Sight. Also every sense we evolved humans have.


Replayability: 15/10
Sound: -5/10
Music: 3/10
Visual: 5/10
Overall: 10/10/100

* Only WoE? PRO version only lets you augment your characters on the fly. I'm a skirted train driver with five arms, two feet, who walks around in a bathtub. What are YOU?

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tininsteelian's picture

The Oregon Trail: 6th Edition


This is the next official version of the Oregon Trail!
No it isn't.

You are on a mission to traverse the Oregon Trail in order to claim some land in Oregon! Along the way, you'll face dreaded obstacles such as flowers, small rocks, and elephants. Watch out for diseases like cholera and dysentery, too! Press the space bar to shoot and the arrow keys to steer, most other things you'll need to know are mentioned in-game.

P.S. Real Life Mode is only put in the game as a joke, as it makes the amount of miles traveled increase 100 times slower than in Arcade Mode. So just play Arcade Mode. That's the real game. Or see how far you can get in Real Life Mode.

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Wertpol's picture

Prof. EagleEye 3


The third game in the Prof. EagleEye saga.
The Prof. hasn't seen differences in quite a while. Now he invites you to his
secret laboratory to go to new dimensions and find
some more differences!

-as good as the 2 games before it
-good game
-endless replayability
-more differences than in the first game
-less differences than in the second game
-hours and hours of playtime
-for the whole family

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galman33's picture

Apollo 11 - The Remake


Join the Apollo 11 in their journey to the moon.

Made for the “Dark Side of the Jam – A NASA Hosted Game Jam”.

Made by Gal Pasternak(@galman33) and Raz freedman(@Yinara100).

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