sergiocornaga's blog

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10 Year Anniversary

It's been 10 years since I joined this wonderful site! I'll be posting a much-delayed game shortly to celebrate. In fact, it's the one I alluded to in my 5 year anniversary post. Let's see if I fare better this time!

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RIP Mark Gobbin aka rhetoricstu, 1985-2016

It is with a heavy heart that I deliver the news that my friend and collaborator Mark Gobbin passed away on August 1st.

Mark posted numerous games here under the alias rhetoricstu. My first post on this site was a game we made together, and I feel he's partly to thank for the fast and fervorous approach to game-making I've had since. We worked together on so many creative collaborations over the years that I know I'll feel his absence in about anything I do from now on. He was a wonderful friend to me and a constant presence in my life for over 10 years. I will miss him immensely.

I've posted this for anyone to join me in mourning, or just appreciating his work. I plan to post more about his work as the days go by, along with (hopefully) finished versions of a couple of our regrettably incomplete long-term collaborations. Wish me luck...

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For this year's Global Game Jam I worked with Matthew Gatland and Ellie Hayward to create a less sinful version of flickgame, with strict rules inspired by religious law and manifestos such as Dogme 95. I suspected it might go down well here, especially with people already familiar with flickgame, since we didn't put much effort into explaining the original interface. Check it out, and fill the gallery with your anonymous creations.

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Alpha Duck 5100: A Portrait of Perfection


Again, I thought the Global Game Jam project I worked on this year might appeal to a few folks here, seeing as it's a tough-as-nails ARG supplemented with shockingly badly acted FMV-inspired movie sequences that make me cringe. Check it out, and don't hesitate to ask for hints as you will likely need them.

OK, back to work on my Sekret Santa game.

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5 Year Anniversary - 2 New WarioWare Games

Five years have passed since I joined this site and posted my first game, a spontaneous collaboration with Mark Gobbin. Doing so drew responses from SpindleyQ (who I also have to thank for founding this glorious site) and anna anthropy (whose inspirational KotM entries posted on her blog led me here in the first place).

It surprises me how much these comments meant to me at the time (and evidently still do), especially considering one was just "BAM". As a belated display of gratitude, I made two WarioWare D.I.Y. microgames inspired by games SpindleyQ and anna have posted here: in the dark and Xmastime!

I definitely wouldn't be the game maker I am today (i.e. an adequate one) without GT. My heartfelt thanks go out to everyone who's come here, past and present. I have another five year anniversary relating to this site coming up in a few months, which I aim to celebrate in a similar fashion. Hopefully by stating this now I'll be less likely to weasel out of it.

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You Have to Put the Juni in the Machine


Healy has a habit of uploading games for us on her birthday here, but I've turned the tables on her! As far as I can tell she hasn't seen this Knytt Stories level yet, but I figured there might be other people here interested in checking it out.

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#heartBEATbox 5: Heart of the City


I figured folks here might appreciate the game I worked on for Global Game Jam this year, seeing as it's a microphone-powered rap battle simulator set in NegaTokyo in the year 20FF. It's pretty short. Check it out, and let me know what you think!

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Sergio's Games plot inventory

Inspired by mcc and L, I have compiled a list of plot goals for all games I have released (collaborations included). Games are arranged in roughly chronological order. Games that can be considered domination fantasies or where killing something is the primary goal are presented in blood red. Borderline or flimsy cases are presented in dark red. Let me know if you disagree with any of the synopses or categorisation.

EDIT: I read ella guro's original tweet and came up with a slightly different interpretation. So now you'll also find a * next to games that I feel reject or punish the player's attempts at mastery.

All games can be found here.

Chisel: Solve a murder mystery and recover your identity.
Nitroblazer: Get tied up.
Crudquest VI: Buy things and kill things with the things you buy until you run out of things.
Count Pacula: Eat all the dots.
Pacula Resurrection: Eat all the dots and kill Dracula.
Weem: Scale a cliff and collect a crystal.
Emballos: Destroy blocks and occasionally lifeforms.
Envados: Kill aliens.
Liam 3000: Kill monsters, zombies and people.
Keyboardiac: Recover keys, kill Jonny.
Eyeball 1: Kill shadows to delay inevitable death.
Eyeball 2: Kill monsters and take their candy.
*Eyeball 3: Rorschach % Dungeon: Kill enemies and solve puzzles, approach shadow lord king.
Labyrinth Lad: Traverse mazes, kill doppelgänger, avoid other obstacles and enemies.
*Chasm: Explore a chasm.
Cavern Tale: Rescue stranded creatures.
*Kocmoca: (unknown)
Space Invader vs. Pac-Man: The Revengening: Kill Pac-Man.
You Have To Go Down The Hole: Find and free doppelgänger, then return home.
FUTURE WARS: 92 Minutes: Kill American presbot.
*Time Weasels: Die to prevent time paradox.
*Bonksy Da Ghetto Toad: Die attempting to become gangster king.
*Bluegirl: Kill your father (accidentally).
*Standing in the rain, Waiting for Mark Gobbin, Crying: Realise futility.
*The Box That Ate Time: Die to prevent time paradox.
*Meh Effect 1: Deliberately collide with aliens smaller than you.
*Meh Effect 2: Unwillingly collide with an alien larger than you.
*Soccer Judge: Arrest criminal using soccer ball.
Spread Joy: Convert criminals into policemen.
The Legend of Zeldar: Hunchback Extermination Extreme: Kill hunchbacks and Dracula while avoiding 'princesses'.
Piss Christ: Urinate on a crucifix.
Piss Christ in Space: Urinate on multiple sentient crucifixes.
Malco Monogatari: Kill characters from Cave Story.
Cakewalk 7000: Deliver cake.
Shake Yer Assets: Empty box of game assets.
Letter Killah: Escape level.
my shadow is a killing thing: Kill bugs.
THE NORMAN FAMILY GOES VACATIONING 2: Guide family through maze.
*Pac-Man Without a Cause: Attain satori.
*High Society: Accept social hierarchy.
Juni Encounters a Bug: Descend into void.
Columns: Locate the only non-lethal route.
Oh Man Go Time: Experience drug-induced delusions.
*Oh Man Go Time 2: Regret taking drugs.
My Super Secret Basement: Reunite with lost cat.
Weem 2: Rebuild dilapidated wall.
*Knytt Without a Cause: Attain bodhi.
Quest for Phallic Flora: Embark on Freud's dream field day.
*It Keeps Happening: Fall down stairs forever.
Noah More Heroes: Eat animals in order to survive long enough to save other animals.
parkour: Explore a city.
Eyeball 3D: Escape a maze, killing monsters if desired.
I Wanna Be The Red Guy: Kill attackers and wear their skin to gain acceptance. Note: abstract/ambiguous.
thurs day: Experience videogame history.
Bee Man: Pollinate flowers, commit assault.
*Jesus The 73rd Coming: Nobody is Left: Descend into void.
defective: Learn that killing is not always the solution, then traverse maze.
9 days: Look at flower.
Sergio Cornaga: Procrastinator: Avoid writing essay as long as possible.
devective: Recount a murder mystery.
Eliza Edith Escapes Expiration: Run away from Death.
Worker & Parasite: Make learns.
thurs day part ii: Experience artgame history.
*TIME WORM!!!: Instigate revenge, death.
Water Walk: Return to reality.
You Have To Eat Yourself: Eat yourself.
AAAAAmaze: Destroy nightmares to regain sanity.
Dandelion Game: Blow around dandelion seeds.
Keys to the Asian Market: Unlock the Asian Market.
*Stop Using Your Gut: Fail to measure and subsequently destroy robot infant.
*Coolmann: Attain enlightenment and/or watch American Beauty.
Pixel Perfect Gaiden: Decide not to jump off a cliff.
*The Negging Wife: Gaiden: Collect rhinoceros faeces to maintain relationship.
Barbara Kwest: Barter with frog for house key.
Barbara Kwest 2012: Find hidden objects.
*Passagebalt: Jump between buildings until you die.
Rainy Day Adventure: Persuade Rain God to cease rain, prevent unrelated catastrophe.
Oh Man Go Time Gaiden: Gaiden: Navigate glitches.
*OH MAN GO TIIIM3: Fall off a building.
stanley melberg: accursed accountant: Kill Satan.
Snowflake: Avoid Hell, seek romance.
Juni Jones: Ace Attorney: Escape the land you were banished to.
You Have To Put The Stake in The Dracula: Kill Dracula.
You Have To Put The Steak in The Dracula: Feed Dracula.
Endless Winter: Forcibly end Winter.

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Sergio's Games

I've started a tumblr devoted to posting all my released games, in as close to chronological order as I can manage. They've never all been in one place at once, and a large number of them currently can't be downloaded anywhere so this is probably long overdue. I will be posting all the games I locate regardless of how terrible/embarrassing/shameful I find them.

Since my only alternative at the moment is MediaFire, I was planning on uploading them here. The total size of all my old games is about 50 MB. Given SpindleyQ's policies on linkrot and preserving terrible games, I'm pretty sure there won't be any problem with this but I figure I might as well wait for an OK before proceeding. I wonder if there's a limit on the amount of files that can be attached to a blog post?

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9 days: New Knytt Story I made

Thought some of the folks who visit here might be interested in a Knytt Stories level I made over the last 6 days. Download link and further information can be found at the thread on Nifflas' Support Forum.

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