
Friday November 17, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 10/30/2017 - 16:00
End: 11/30/2017 - 16:00

Happy Halloween GT!!! With SpindleyQ's blessing we're gonna have a jam making KnP games with SpindleyQ as the Wizard. My Crops below but you can find the original tweet here:

:D oah yeah!!

PNG only SORRY: you'll have to convert to BMP yourself, and remember to make it 256 bits.

Some BMPs may not be compatible with KnP, as I found out. X_X

Keep on Klicking!!!

Saturday November 18, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 10/30/2017 - 16:00
End: 11/30/2017 - 16:00

Happy Halloween GT!!! With SpindleyQ's blessing we're gonna have a jam making KnP games with SpindleyQ as the Wizard. My Crops below but you can find the original tweet here:

:D oah yeah!!

PNG only SORRY: you'll have to convert to BMP yourself, and remember to make it 256 bits.

Some BMPs may not be compatible with KnP, as I found out. X_X

Keep on Klicking!!!

Sunday November 19, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 10/30/2017 - 16:00
End: 11/30/2017 - 16:00

Happy Halloween GT!!! With SpindleyQ's blessing we're gonna have a jam making KnP games with SpindleyQ as the Wizard. My Crops below but you can find the original tweet here:

:D oah yeah!!

PNG only SORRY: you'll have to convert to BMP yourself, and remember to make it 256 bits.

Some BMPs may not be compatible with KnP, as I found out. X_X

Keep on Klicking!!!

Monday November 20, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 10/30/2017 - 16:00
End: 11/30/2017 - 16:00

Happy Halloween GT!!! With SpindleyQ's blessing we're gonna have a jam making KnP games with SpindleyQ as the Wizard. My Crops below but you can find the original tweet here:

:D oah yeah!!

PNG only SORRY: you'll have to convert to BMP yourself, and remember to make it 256 bits.

Some BMPs may not be compatible with KnP, as I found out. X_X

Keep on Klicking!!!

Tuesday November 21, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 10/30/2017 - 16:00
End: 11/30/2017 - 16:00

Happy Halloween GT!!! With SpindleyQ's blessing we're gonna have a jam making KnP games with SpindleyQ as the Wizard. My Crops below but you can find the original tweet here:

:D oah yeah!!

PNG only SORRY: you'll have to convert to BMP yourself, and remember to make it 256 bits.

Some BMPs may not be compatible with KnP, as I found out. X_X

Keep on Klicking!!!

Wednesday November 22, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 10/30/2017 - 16:00
End: 11/30/2017 - 16:00

Happy Halloween GT!!! With SpindleyQ's blessing we're gonna have a jam making KnP games with SpindleyQ as the Wizard. My Crops below but you can find the original tweet here:

:D oah yeah!!

PNG only SORRY: you'll have to convert to BMP yourself, and remember to make it 256 bits.

Some BMPs may not be compatible with KnP, as I found out. X_X

Keep on Klicking!!!

Start: 3:00 am
Start: 11/22/2017 - 03:00
End: 01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)






Maybe the genesis...?

Thursday November 23, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 10/30/2017 - 16:00
End: 11/30/2017 - 16:00

Happy Halloween GT!!! With SpindleyQ's blessing we're gonna have a jam making KnP games with SpindleyQ as the Wizard. My Crops below but you can find the original tweet here:

:D oah yeah!!

PNG only SORRY: you'll have to convert to BMP yourself, and remember to make it 256 bits.

Some BMPs may not be compatible with KnP, as I found out. X_X

Keep on Klicking!!!

(all day)
Start: 11/22/2017 - 03:00
End: 01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)






Maybe the genesis...?

Friday November 24, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 10/30/2017 - 16:00
End: 11/30/2017 - 16:00

Happy Halloween GT!!! With SpindleyQ's blessing we're gonna have a jam making KnP games with SpindleyQ as the Wizard. My Crops below but you can find the original tweet here:

:D oah yeah!!

PNG only SORRY: you'll have to convert to BMP yourself, and remember to make it 256 bits.

Some BMPs may not be compatible with KnP, as I found out. X_X

Keep on Klicking!!!

(all day)
Start: 11/22/2017 - 03:00
End: 01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)






Maybe the genesis...?

Saturday November 25, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 10/30/2017 - 16:00
End: 11/30/2017 - 16:00

Happy Halloween GT!!! With SpindleyQ's blessing we're gonna have a jam making KnP games with SpindleyQ as the Wizard. My Crops below but you can find the original tweet here:

:D oah yeah!!

PNG only SORRY: you'll have to convert to BMP yourself, and remember to make it 256 bits.

Some BMPs may not be compatible with KnP, as I found out. X_X

Keep on Klicking!!!

(all day)
Start: 11/22/2017 - 03:00
End: 01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)






Maybe the genesis...?

Sunday November 26, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 10/30/2017 - 16:00
End: 11/30/2017 - 16:00

Happy Halloween GT!!! With SpindleyQ's blessing we're gonna have a jam making KnP games with SpindleyQ as the Wizard. My Crops below but you can find the original tweet here:

:D oah yeah!!

PNG only SORRY: you'll have to convert to BMP yourself, and remember to make it 256 bits.

Some BMPs may not be compatible with KnP, as I found out. X_X

Keep on Klicking!!!

(all day)
Start: 11/22/2017 - 03:00
End: 01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)






Maybe the genesis...?

Monday November 27, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 10/30/2017 - 16:00
End: 11/30/2017 - 16:00

Happy Halloween GT!!! With SpindleyQ's blessing we're gonna have a jam making KnP games with SpindleyQ as the Wizard. My Crops below but you can find the original tweet here:

:D oah yeah!!

PNG only SORRY: you'll have to convert to BMP yourself, and remember to make it 256 bits.

Some BMPs may not be compatible with KnP, as I found out. X_X

Keep on Klicking!!!

(all day)
Start: 11/22/2017 - 03:00
End: 01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)






Maybe the genesis...?

Tuesday November 28, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 10/30/2017 - 16:00
End: 11/30/2017 - 16:00

Happy Halloween GT!!! With SpindleyQ's blessing we're gonna have a jam making KnP games with SpindleyQ as the Wizard. My Crops below but you can find the original tweet here:

:D oah yeah!!

PNG only SORRY: you'll have to convert to BMP yourself, and remember to make it 256 bits.

Some BMPs may not be compatible with KnP, as I found out. X_X

Keep on Klicking!!!

(all day)
Start: 11/22/2017 - 03:00
End: 01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)






Maybe the genesis...?

Wednesday November 29, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 10/30/2017 - 16:00
End: 11/30/2017 - 16:00

Happy Halloween GT!!! With SpindleyQ's blessing we're gonna have a jam making KnP games with SpindleyQ as the Wizard. My Crops below but you can find the original tweet here:

:D oah yeah!!

PNG only SORRY: you'll have to convert to BMP yourself, and remember to make it 256 bits.

Some BMPs may not be compatible with KnP, as I found out. X_X

Keep on Klicking!!!

(all day)
Start: 11/22/2017 - 03:00
End: 01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)






Maybe the genesis...?

Thursday November 30, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

End: 4:00 pm
Start: 10/30/2017 - 16:00
End: 11/30/2017 - 16:00

Happy Halloween GT!!! With SpindleyQ's blessing we're gonna have a jam making KnP games with SpindleyQ as the Wizard. My Crops below but you can find the original tweet here:

:D oah yeah!!

PNG only SORRY: you'll have to convert to BMP yourself, and remember to make it 256 bits.

Some BMPs may not be compatible with KnP, as I found out. X_X

Keep on Klicking!!!

(all day)
Start: 11/22/2017 - 03:00
End: 01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)






Maybe the genesis...?

Friday December 1, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 11/22/2017 - 03:00
End: 01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)






Maybe the genesis...?

Saturday December 2, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 11/22/2017 - 03:00
End: 01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)






Maybe the genesis...?

Sunday December 3, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 11/22/2017 - 03:00
End: 01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)






Maybe the genesis...?

Monday December 4, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 11/22/2017 - 03:00
End: 01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)






Maybe the genesis...?

Tuesday December 5, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 11/22/2017 - 03:00
End: 01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)






Maybe the genesis...?

Wednesday December 6, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 11/22/2017 - 03:00
End: 01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)






Maybe the genesis...?

Thursday December 7, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 11/22/2017 - 03:00
End: 01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)






Maybe the genesis...?

Friday December 8, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 11/22/2017 - 03:00
End: 01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)






Maybe the genesis...?

Saturday December 9, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 11/22/2017 - 03:00
End: 01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)






Maybe the genesis...?

Sunday December 10, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 11/22/2017 - 03:00
End: 01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)






Maybe the genesis...?

Monday December 11, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 11/22/2017 - 03:00
End: 01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)






Maybe the genesis...?

Tuesday December 12, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 11/22/2017 - 03:00
End: 01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)






Maybe the genesis...?

Wednesday December 13, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 11/22/2017 - 03:00
End: 01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)






Maybe the genesis...?

Thursday December 14, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 11/22/2017 - 03:00
End: 01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)






Maybe the genesis...?

Friday December 15, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

End: 1:42 pm
Start: 09/01/2017 - 13:42
End: 12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets: (From Nikki, thanks!)

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 11/22/2017 - 03:00
End: 01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)






Maybe the genesis...?

Saturday December 16, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 11/22/2017 - 03:00
End: 01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)






Maybe the genesis...?

Sunday December 17, 2017
(all day)
Start: 08/16/2017 - 01:00
End: 02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

(all day)
Start: 09/25/2017 - 15:00
End: 12/25/2017 - 15:00

Just make a sector in the vastly underused Jumper Two Editor. Maybe play the main game a bit to familiarize yourself with the physics/mechanics.

NOTE: Pressing "save" instead of "save as" will just save your sector as "New Sector.j2e". If "New Sector.j2e" already exists, it WILL be overwritten. For that reason I suggest you always "save as" so that you don't save all your data to an easily overwritable file.

(all day)
Start: 10/02/2017 - 15:45
End: 10/02/2018 - 15:45

I thought it’d be interesting to pick up where the Mystic Western game jam left off and make an event around Mysticism per se (actually lumpen suggested making an event, I just complained about the other jam on discord). There’s an understanding of the words mystic and mystical which implies an experience of wonder, the magical, and the occult. A mystic is someone who wields a strange power and works in unexplained ways. There’s a sense in this definition of there being unexplained mysteries that, possibly, can never be unraveled. Or of being transported to another world. But there’s another tradition of meaning for these words.

This other meaning of mysticism could be briefly but unhelpfully summarized as an immediate and direct experience of ultimate reality, a fundamental spiritual truth, or God. It refers to a type of internal experience in which one has the sense that something very important has been revealed. For William James, two elements define a mystical experience. The first is its ineffability: “the subject of it immediately says that it defies expression, that no adequate report of its contents can be given in words. It follows from this that tis quality must be directly experienced; it cannot be imparted or transferred to others. In this peculiarity mystical states are more like states of feeling than like states of intellect.” The other element is a noetic quality: “although so similar to states of feeling, mystical states seem to those who experience them to be also states of knowledge. They are states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority for after-time.”

There’s a similarity between the two meanings, especially in terms of an underlying sense of wonder, but the noetic quality makes the latter very different from the former. If the knowledge of the former definition of mysticism is occult, the knowledge of the latter is exposed. The secrets of the former meaning have the potential to be revealed by initiation into their mysteries, but in the latter the secrets are already revealed, if ineffable. There is a sense that the truth has been in front of us the whole time, and that all we had to do was look at it the right way.

To make an event based on an ineffable and transcendent experience seems exclusive, but I hope that these experiences are not so uncommon as they seem like they should be. James claims that “personal religious experience has its root and center is mystical states of consciousness,” and William Harmless, in the introduction to his book on mystics, recounts a story about his students’ experience:

She said, “I don’t want to sound arrogant or anything. But you know- when I read these people, I think that I’ve experienced something like that. I am beginning to think that I’m a mystic--- maybe, not in the same way these people are, maybe not as intensely. But I know what they’re talking about.” There was a pause, then hand after hand began to rise. Each who spoke repeated something similar. These mystics were talking about things that they themselves had tasted, that they too had felt. I put aside the day’s lecture. We had something urgent to talk about. We talked about the culture we live in, the way our world ignores- even silences- the mystical, the way it has deprived us of words, stopped us from speaking about the mystery that runs under and through our lives. We talked about the way the mystics give us a language, a vocabulary, to begin to articulate what we all taste and feel. We talked a little about Karl Rahner, about the way he suggests that being a mystic is a constituent element of the human person, that most of are, in fact, repressed mystics.

I think also that a vast, overwhelming secular awe with the enormity of the universe and its unimaginable complexity is a feeling that approaches the mystical. After all, for an understanding that encompasses the whole universe and all of physics, it’s only a short trip over the threshold into metaphysics.

So, I see this event as an opportunity to explore games related to these ideas, or connected to them as broadly as you please. Have you had mystical experiences? Do you feel haunted by existential questions, and is your life lacking meaning? Do you have a personal religion, and is it perhaps at odds with your inherited religion?

(all day)
Start: 11/22/2017 - 03:00
End: 01/07/2018 - 03:00

UPDATE: The deadline may have passed, but the KLIKMAS/CHISTMAS SPIRIT lives on! Enjoy playing the games made for this edition of the Sekret Santa Klub. And if you're one of those folks still working on your gift for someone else, please stick with it and be sure to post it here once you're done.


HO HO HO all you GT'ers out there! It's time once again for us to celebrate making games with gusto. It's the SEKRET SANTA 2017!

Here's how it works. There are 3 steps to follow.

STEP 1 (CLOSED): Post your wish list in the comments below. Let us know what kind of game you want FOR CHISTMAS. Due 3rd December. It can be anything you want. When I was a kid I would have an itemized list set up for my parents after I browsed through the entire JCPenney Christmas catalogue. You can do the same thing, but for stuff you want to see in your very own game.

STEP 2 (CLOSED): On December 3rd, you receive your assigned game recipient. Have a look at their list and be inspired to make a game for them.

STEP 3 (ACTIVE): Submit your game for this event, and post notice of it to the recipient! Games are due (kind of) by 7th January, 2018.

NOW. On to the Santa gifs:

Previous Sekret Santa events... HUGE THANKS to Danni for starting this train rolling. :)






Maybe the genesis...?

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