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SophieH's picture



Make a tower faster than the other players!


Sophie Houlden
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Tinkering with Twine page transitions

I'm just tinkering with different CSS transitions between pages in Twine games.

* Expand.
(These below force the passages to the fixed width of 60em in order for the out-transition to be congruent with the in-transition.)
* Cross-fade.
* Zoom.

I'll edit more into here if I make any.

(The game that is being used is The Sky in the Room.)

tsitr_fade.html89.99 KB
tsitr_zoom.html89.72 KB
tsitr_zoom2.html90.16 KB
tsitr_typeout1.html94.07 KB

And Behind This Door We Got

Game File: 

So this is just a single level (works with any doom port i guess, you'll need a doom2 wad to play it)
i had this idea of putting weird things behind doors
and you don't know what is behind the door
like maybe it will kill you, maybe it will be a bonus, maybe it will do nothing etc
so it's sort of a luck and memory based thing

yours truly
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Turtle Hurtle!


some stupid thing i made

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GeorgeBall Episode 1: The AntiGeorge

Game File: 

You! You must press space to reflect ball at anti-George and move up and down sometimes!

Wishing you best of luck!

TACTICAL ELEMENT: pressing enter ends the game and saves your score. YOU (you!) must decide wherever you should FINISH THE GAME or PRESS BOLDLY ON AHEAD

(took me a little over 2 hours all up with no planning or collection beforehand from 1-3:20 with a quick break to put the washing in the dryer)

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mbtzl's picture

Insecurities and a need to create


Sometimes I find myself staring longingly at itch.io

I scroll through, looking at the beautiful art and programming genius that takes place.

It makes me sad, but also hopeful.

I love making games, more than I ever thought that I would, but a lack of budget, knowledge, and overall skill makes it incredibly difficult.
I feel a constant need to create, but never the ability.
This blog entry is mostly just a ramble;
Some sort of shout into the void.

I feel insecure about what I make.
I feel inadequate.
I feel like I'm spinning in circles, even though I have only just started taking this seriously.

Ever since I was a little kid, I had a deep fascination for this stuff.
I research and research, never actually applying or learning.
Just longing to create.

I feel hopeless.
I feel petty.
I feel pathetic.

Deep down I know that I am new to this, finally putting my foot down and releasing things that I make. I know I will improve, but don't know where or how to start.

I feel like I should give up.
But I don't want to.

Even recently, when I would lurk on this website for hours, I never thought I could do what some of you do.
And yet here I am. I can't say that what I make is good, or even passable, but Glorious Trainwrecks makes me feel like it is.

I feel accepted.
I feel supported.
I feel loved.

Blog posts tend to not get much attention on this site, so maybe nobody will see this, and maybe that is OK. Just writing this, I feel a little bit better.

Perrin's picture

Infinite Yoshi


Guide Yoshi through the infinite, defeating monster just because.

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Strong's picture


Game File: 

Alladin really hates penguins! He hates them so much that he's going to kill them with the fast food industry somehow! AND YOU GOTTA HELP HIM! Use the mouse to murderdeathkill some penguins, bro!

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Pirate Kart 2
Healy's picture

You are a Blob! (a SoftSoft Twine game)

Game File: 

This year I decided to enter Ectocomp, a yearly Halloween competition hosted by someone in the IF community (yes, I know this overlaps with the IF Comp, I dunno either). You can read more about it here. I downloaded Twine and everything just for it too.

You are a Blob actually wasn't my first game idea (a choice-based adaption of "Jacked Up Jack-o-Lantern" from the Regular Show Trilogy of Terror 3), but an eight-year-old was getting cold feet about entering, so I vowed to make a game so crappy it would make everyone else's game shine like gold! Which turned out to be no small feat, because everyone and their mother entered a game (or two) this year, for a grand total of 24 entries. But I think I gave it a good run.

If you like this game, please consider downloading (and judging!) the whole set. You can play most of these games through an interpreter like Gargoyle.

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