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Game File: 

"The colours... I can't remember what colours look like... so much gray... help..."

"It's like Pong, only in two dimensions! Goodbye left and right, hello 360! Great for kids and adults - three mice out of five!"

This is a sort-of sequel to my own Magnetball. In this game you must also keep the ball within a circular perimeter, but your only tool is a spinning Kururin-like paddle. Hit the ball when the paddle is at the right angle to keep it in play.

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kirkjerk's picture


Game File: 

Asteroids meets an RTS! Draw bounding boxes with the mouse to select a bunch, then click to send them to points on the screen and have them fight the asteroids.

's' adds new ships when your reserves run low.

'r' resets the game. Kind of.

You might just want to press s a lot and have fun with the pretty patterns.

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Made For: 
An event
Smedis2's picture

mosters rawr

Screen shot.PNG
Game File: 

you a some guy who has to fight monsters idk how to make them die so use ur amiagination k

billy oconner is that how u spell it
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FirecatFG's picture

Flood Fill


Based on something that happens to me way to much when making flickgames.

Made For: 
An event
haaanski's picture


Screen Shot 2015-08-07 at 12.42.39 AM.jpg
Game File (Mac): 
Game File: 

made for @aliendovecote's #petjam

Made For: 
An event
sergiocornaga's picture

Knytt of the Month Klub #2

Sat, Apr 24 2010 04:00 PM
04/25/2010 - 12:00
04/25/2010 - 14:00

I've probably left this a bit too late, but I guess it's time for another Knytt of the Month. Make a level for Knytt Stories in two hours! Alternatively, make something else in two hours. Last time we had levels trickling in for a long time after the alleged end of the event, which I found kinda cool, so I certainly wouldn't mind if that happened again.

Never used the Knytt Stories editor before? No problem! Download Knytt Stories here. (If you've never played it before, give the tutorial or bundled level a go to get a feel for how the game works.) The editor comes included, and a good way to learn to use it is by cracking open existing levels and poking at them to see how they work. This guide is also recommended reading.

Join us on IRC for camaraderie, support and merrymaking! Point your favourite IRC client to #glorioustrainwrecks on irc.freenode.net, or use our handy-dandy in-browser chat here.

Upload your level here when it's done!

Games made for Knytt of the Month Klub #2

NameCreatedsort iconByScreenshotComments
Columns04/24/2010 - 18:51sergiocornagacolumnspreview.jpg0
Depths and Also Widths04/24/2010 - 18:12Strongdepths.PNG0
juni's hotfoot04/24/2010 - 18:11dessgeegajunishotfoot.png5
In the Subway04/24/2010 - 17:48Healysubway_shot.png4

Too Many Pigs

Game File: 

Too Many Pigs is the game that asks the question: what the hell

Made For: 
Smedis2's picture

Title Generator Fun

So I was screwing with this title generator to think of game titles: http://www.fictionalley.org/primer/title.html
And I typed in a bunch of random crap and got these titles:

Title One: Deadly Fighters The Evil Kitchens
Title Two: The Evil Arse
Title Three: The Pizza The Deadly Fighters
Title Four: Deadly Arse
Title Five: The Fighting Pizza
Title Six: Fighting Kitchens
Title Seven: Fighting Fighters
Title Eight: Evil Fighting
Title Nine: Fighting for Kitchens
Title Ten: Fighting and Fighting

Any ideas which I should use for a game?

juliette's picture

Terrifying Drive


Not all that terrifying really.

Juliette Porée
Made For: 
An event

Press Space

Game File: 

A game where you take control of a white object by pressing space button. Avoid the black, round objects!

Akmal Irfan
Made For: 
An event
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