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markp0rter's picture

Sonic Boom

Game File: 

sonicboom by markp0rter for http://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com

help save halloween and kill dracula in this action packed action pack featuring sonic the hedgehog. forget sonic 4 - play sonicboom!


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Android Street Fight


Customize your android and take to the streets to battle it out! This game is not quite finished, as I ran out of time.

Player 1 controls:
WASD keys - move
E key - fire

Player 2 controls:
Arrow keys - move
Shift key - fire

Spencer Green
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SpindleyQ's picture

Oops, I broke password reset for like three and a half years

Hey, remember back in 2013 when I updated the password database to not use unsalted md5 for password hashing?

Wellll apparently that change broke password reset links with some regularity. (Occasionally a working password reset link would be sent out if you were persistent.) So if you've been trying to reset your password and it hasn't been working, try again! It should work every time now!

And remember: If you're having trouble logging in, or the site is broken for you in some way, please email me and let me know! I'm friendly and want to help and can definitely fix your problem!

Thanks to denson for the bug report that finally led me to track down and fix the issue.

I switched to using bcrypt for password hashing. But it turns out that the password reset link uses the password hashing function to generate its url, and bcrypted hashes can contain the "/" character. Which meant that if the hash happened to contain a "/", then during URL parsing only the part of the hash up to the first "/" would be checked, and of course it would decide that the hash didn't match and throw a cryptic error.

wibi's picture

Jump the City

Game File: 

i made a jumper level you can open in the Jumper Two Editor its where you have to do real tricky jumps U have to use your skid jump ur wall jump and ur double jump if you dont know what one of those is then please play the actual jumper two game thx

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Healy's picture

Zen Garden Demo: A Knytt Story


So, hey! Haven't been here for a while. How about a little Knytt Story to make up for lost time? I actually started making this for a level competition on the Nifflas forums (the basic theme was "keys," although it was a little more complicated than that), but I never finished it in time to enter. I decided early on to make it a maze-type game, even though I hadn't had any experience at all with building mazes. I think the inexperience shows, frankly, but at least I gave it some nice scenery.

Healy - Zen Garden demo.knytt_.knytt_.zip68.8 KB
tininsteelian's picture

Spin Spinner 12: Donald Trump Edition 2.1

2015-11-28 19_49_21-Spin Spinner 12_ Donald Trump Edition 2.1.png

various peformance enhancements and bug fixes and feature additions and stuff

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squidlarkin's picture

Super Extreme Bird Frightener: Terrible Clipart Edition


By popular request.

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Pirate Kart 2
TheCakeFlavor's picture


a conversation over a meal
a conversation over a game

in a book, the reader sets the pace
in a film, the author sets the pace
in a game, who sets the pace?

I'll crosspost this to various knytt boards l8r

thanks to sergiocornaga for testing and compiling, and for various assistances over the year.

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fotocopiadora's picture

Pillar Star 0: Ancient Explore Synchro

Game File: 

great world of objects

find water source and new expanse of creature. year 20000000 the last battlefield of dna

use arrow keys and spacebar


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ihavefivehat's picture


New Bitmap Image.jpg

You can press without which if you don't think of what not to excite because I fell over, though it isn't quite about them.

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