Development Diaries

Healy's picture

Birthday Trainwreck Surprise!

September 25 is my birthday, and I thought I'd celebrate by making another hit game in the "You Have to Put the Noun in the Other Noun" series! Turns out I was an hour late with it (over here, anyway), but whatever. Comes with the source code for the original "You Have to Put the Ball in the Cup" game, which is the template for nearly all of SoftSoft's incredible games! I am going to stipulate that it is alright for non-commercial derivative use (but why would you want to sell this?!?), as long as you clearly mark that it is a fangame.




So plan that and like bring condiments.. You can't go without condiments. Sometimes the caterer bails on you or the food is late.. Sometimes your neighbors can be invertebrates... But keep it on.. You can do it. Get a manual... You don't have to read it, cuz manual reading is like manwell's tv. Just give it some time, wear a crown, and if you can't afford that wear a frown. It's the best you can do to make the stew. CHEERS


Smedis2's picture

Ideas sapping, will to live draining

Haven't made a game in a while and im out of ideas. HALP.

this one's for mno


I've been dedicated to the irc front of the ug for a while... yes it's #glorioustrainwrecks on and for those who already idle about on irc servers this channel is probably one of my fav and if I ever tell someone "hey get on irc" i'll be hitting this one..

This is made possible by people like SpindleyQ, linhat, effbee, Smedis2, mojofilter, ray, pirate_sephiroth and those who make their presence applicable either just to say hi, but I'm really making this post to promote irc awareness and there's a being that makes it worth the while.

That's mno.. It isn't much but he got like older the other day. like a couple decades i'm assuming is his age but of course he's wise beyond his years and I've been viewing games in this ug for a while and I've always been impressed by not only his releases but the way he has them written up. When he makes a cover page for something he goes out of his way to make it count, and that's why we shout out his birthday or at least I do.

So yeah join irc if not just to catch mno riding dirty, or maybe with his pals goto and chie, or whatever. If you're looking for inspiration, he's a good go-to but don't overdo it... He needs inspiration too. That's why I picked this link where like if he's ever feeling a lack of it, and he doesn't want to look at the klip art on days when he's feeling down, he can go here.. It's a little last second since his birthday was the other day, but as we all know....


so enjoy this long url from yahoo images cuz I thought it'd add to the value and keep on doing your thing sir.;_ylt=A0oG7kL83VJQkXgAqGxXNyoA?p=spatula&fr=yfp-t-521&fr2=piv-web

vampirkat's picture

WHY??!!!?! I hate it when old tech bites the dust


I wanted to finish my game for the themed trainwreck, but my laptop died and so has my backup laptop. How am I gonna do my projects now? I pulled up the old desktop from the basement and got zip disks to save my projects. Aargh. So annoying. Now I got to carry a zip drive wherever I go (it's USB so woot)

The zip250 drive died on me yesterday and I'm upset. At least the zip100 is still kicking. I went online to find any other zip250s on Amazon, but most of them are listed for $50. WTF. I'm not paying that much for a zip drive when I can find them at the thrift store for less than $10. Ugh. I just want to complete something, anything! How can I when my stuff keeps failing?? I was actually too depressed to do anything but my sister gave me a pep talk and I got out of bed to go finish a project. I would like to have a finished product.

ExciteMike's picture



So the Pirate Kart launchers are pretty cool, right? Makes browsing and playing games that little bit easier. It would be cool to have a launcher like that for every event or even one launcher that works for all Glorious Trainwrecks events! (well at least the ones since the new game submission system) I thought that'd be pretty rhinoceros! So I built it!


If you see any weird issues or have ideas for improvements, let me know!

UPDATE 19 Feb 2013: Now should launch DosBox so you can play 16-bit EXEs on Win 64. Also some bugs got fixed.

vampirkat's picture

Working on my skillz


I've entered into the themed trainwreck #4 and the KOTM #63. I'm actually going to complete something this time! I'm so excited! I already have my handy programmer's notebook and I scribbled some ideas. I'm using KNP/GF again and it's tough re-learning how to use this dang thing. My sis has the original KNP manual at her house that she borrowed from me. I got to wait until she brings it back. I do have a PDF version of the manual.

I was thinking of firing up the old Mac and use KNP on there, but I can't get the internet and the version of KNP I downloaded didn't work (as it read the zip file wrong as Windows zip, not Mac Zip). I wonder if anyone uses KNP for mac?

vampirkat's picture

XMas or concert or booze money, whatever (Beating Depression)

kitty drinks.jpg

I'm working on a video game as I'm trying to get thru this horrible horrible depression. Fainting in the shower last week spooked me into actually living the life I want to live, somewhat. Altho I'm back home now and dealing with my annoying mother (and she wonders where I get my bad attitude from), I'm back to making trainwrecks. I need something to do. Still no job. Nor do I want one, altho mom is getting quite vocal about it.

I'm blasting some DSBM to make myself feel better. And it does work. :D I can't wait for the weather to turn cold so I can wear my leather jacket all the time. I like the weight of it (and the look--it's so freakin cool and awesome and it's not your typical Schott Bros. biker jacket that I desperately wanted after watching The Wild Ones).

Still blogging, still turking, still trying to find something to do with my art and make that paper. Sucks that in order to live in this city, I got to have a piece of useless paper to do anything. I scavenge, reuse, recycle, walk, or bike. Anything father than 10 miles I take the bus. I can't wait to outfit an engine on my bike so I can go farther and not get so sweaty.

SpindleyQ's picture

Some things

Sup gang! Just thought I should post about a couple of things.

FIRSTWISE: I did an interview about this wonderful community! Perhaps you would like to read it?

SECONDWAYS: I have done away with the star rating system for games. I hope most of you don't think it's a big deal. I really only ever meant it to be used as a sorting mechanism, back for the Pirate Kart II, rather than having it be a way of giving feedback in and of itself. If you like a game, or have some criticism to offer, you should leave a comment! Communication with your peers in a supportive community is waaaaay better than watching anonymous numbers going up and down; let's do more of the first thing, and less of the second. High fives? HIGH FIVES.

THIRDWHISTLE: Soooo how are things going for you guys? Anything about the site / community that's bugging you? Any way in which things might be cooler? Just kind of want to check in.

Smedis2's picture

Laptop failing

So, my laptop is failing on me.
It keeps crashing on me like crazy.
I'm typing this on my DSI. So no Skype or chat.
Yes, it sucks.

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