Development Diaries

Healy's picture

Awful Mountain Climber Restaurant: A Knytt Story

restaurant_screen 1.png

Here is another one of my dumb Knytt Stories. This time it's a challenging level, though? I was supposed to release this for the Video Game Name Generator jam, but I kept getting distracted by other things. Anyway, it's a pretty standard collect-the-key hunt with a few twists here and there. Let me know if you come across any bugs or anything.

Smedis2's picture

Justice Mustache 3?


Jesus, It's been awhile since I've brought this character up.
I was working on a part 3, but I gave up because I get bored working on cutscenes, and I have no idea how Zecks can put up with it.
I've been wondering if, 1: Somebody would want it, and 2: If somebody would prefer it with/without cutscenes.

Smedis2's picture

Bullet Hell In 1978 (Originally for KOTMK 58)


So,yeah. My Family dinner this night just lasted until 10,so now I can't upload this to KOMTK 58! D:
Anyways,This is that Bullet Hell Asteroids I mentioned on the chat.
I would've uploaded it at the restraunt I went to but turned out that every Wi-Fi connection there was encrypted.
So,enjoy this "Unreleased" game.

ORIGINAL INTENDED DESCRIPTION (Aka one I just wung right now with ideas I thought of earlier)
See kids? This is why Asteroids and Danmaku don't mix.
Instructions in-game.
And yes,this gets VERY,VERY hard.

Entry #4 - Update: These Automatic Arms v1.1


Dear Diary,

Today I uploaded a quick update for 'These Automatic Arms': some small bug-fixes, a couple new levels, a new gameplay mechanic. It's still a 5-15 minute game, and I still don't know if it's worth fleshing out much further.

Had you the eyes with which to see it (and, of course, the arms with which to play) I think you'd enjoy the new crumbling walls. "They crumble like paper," you'd say. "Yes," I'd whisper back. "Like a real diary's paper?" "Yes, like a real book's paper, they crumble in the face of your obvious charms." "For I am the future, bright and cold?" "Yes, you are the future, my diary, my electronic diary. But show some humility. No one likes a braggart."


Healy's picture

You Have to Put the Post in the Forum: A new SoftSoft game

noun_in_noun cover.png

I made this game to celebrate my 1,000th post on some message board I frequent too much. It's basically just a dumb in-joke, but maybe you guys will like it as well?

Smedis2's picture

Doom Draws Near

DOOM DRAWS NEAR Screenie.bmp

So,yeah. I'm working on a legit game called Doom Draws Near. It's themed after old school things.
If you want to play a demo,visit the link in the video's description.

(NOTE:The trailer was made in WMM and also has no music. Be warned.)

Smedis2's picture

Obvious April Fools joke is Obvious.

Yeah,that last post and that game was an attempt at an april fools joke. I can tell noone fell for it.
And no,I don't have a brother.

Entry #3 - Game: "These Automatic Arms"


Dear Diary,

I finished a game today, my first. It's not the one I told you about before. I wish you had arms so you could play it. It's called "These automatic arms." But they're bad arms, not like the arms you would have if you had arms. Oh, diary, one day I will buy you prostheses and glue them to your frail, electronic pages.


p.s. - download it here:

Smedis2's picture

mybrothr's accnt now belongs to me!! :) :) :) :) :)

big brother got hurt in skool and now im using his accont cause my mommy let me yay

Game Maker: flattening a room's tile layers to a surface at runtime

This is just a proof-of-concept GML code thing I did for rdein. What it does is this: when you start a room, it draw all of the room's tiles to a surface or series of surfaces, then destroys the tiles. Then it draws the surfaces in place of the tiles. Drawing a few large surfaces is theoretically faster than drawing 1000s of individual tiles, each with their own specific top, left, width, and height values.

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