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increpare's picture


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Don't bother with the download, just play here

Don't bother with the download, just play here

Don't bother with the download, just play here

Don't bother with the download, just play here

Don't bother with the download, just play here

Don't bother with the download, just play here

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Too Many Bombs

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Hello Everyone,

This is my first game, which is not saying much, as this is pretty much the tutorial with a quirk; Bombs grow exponentially. This was somewhat of an accident, but at the same time the challenge of getting any decent score turned out to be entertaining in itself.

Hope to do more in the future,

A Member of SJSU Game Development Club

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bpseudopod's picture

Blue's simple text game


A simple text game about exploration and secret-hunting. Can you find all five treasures scattered throughout the land?

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Son of a dolphin's picture


cat large.png
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what a wonderful "game" this is, i am sure it will win many awards at E3, E3 invited me personally to compute the best computer games in the world and to throw them in people's faces in large amounts like a silly egotistical bastard and the underwear pageants are going on and people are singing and stabbing each other in the throats every day and the useless pigeons peck away at themselves while wearing panties and playing contrabass like Ron Carter and giovanni bottesini and michael brough was there adminstering whales for the international whale distributor, thomas bowen and i waited while preparing elaborate pointless attention-getting stunts to secure my nomination as the presidential candidate for the Anus party of 2016 and i will be presentdent of bolivia thank you verys much

by the way, the checkmark "button" doesn't do anything

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Danni's picture

Tips & Kliks

I really want to start a tutorial series on Klik tips and tricks that applies to a broad range of Klik products (though primarily targeting the older products). I'd like to cover concepts in bite-sized pieces to serve as an introduction to the building blocks used to create more complicated behaviors in Klik, as well as provide documentation on a number of useful tricks to give aspiring Klikkers greater control over their creations. I'd also like to provide a section on Klik backward compatibility to document behavior changes going from KNP to TGF1 (and perhaps later tools as well?) so that KNP users can make their games more forward compatible while users of newer products can fix existing KNP games to run on newer systems.

I just see a lot of people getting into Klik and creating new and interesting things but sometimes aren't sure how to do advanced things. I would like to help those people arm themselves with Klik knowledge.

jan_strach's picture

Poor Thing update


Hello everybody.

It has been half a year since my last information on my game in progress, "Poor Thing". Since then I have maintained a fairly steady pace in development and added a lot to the game, however there is a looot of work still in front of me. I have calculated that I still have more or less 100 levels to add. I have 178 levels in my game so far, but some of them are placeholders and some more can be cut out. If no other obstacles emerge, I should be able to fit my game within the planned maximum of 255 levels.

While still adding new levels, I alternate it with either fleshing out already existing locations or finally adding some action sequences. I worked out a way to make objects standing in the middle that can be either walked in front of or behind, which adds a lot of 3d feeling to the game.

At the same time I am working on the story and characters, because I really mean it to be a complete tale, with beginning, middle and an end. Things are constantly falling into place, or switched around if they do not work.

I think I am rambling, but I am really excited that I have kept at it so long and do not feel bored or intend to stop. I calculate it will take about a year to complete and add details to all the levels, then probably another year to interconnect everything, hunt bugs, beta test and add sound effects and probably some music. A long, long way... but almost every other day I keep developing it further.

I hope 6 months is an enough long pause not to be pushy with my project. Truly said, I often have to fight the urge to share every new detail that I am proud of, with you lot!

I go back to working on the game now. As always, lots of love to you lovely people, and keep creating!

Jan Strach

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Noyb's picture

Noyb's Plot Inventory

Inspired by mcc, Sergio, and Leon's similar compliations. An awful lot of games involving inevitable failure/death, and a few that appear to be straight domination/power fantasies get subverted a bit.

Fatty Rain: Reach the exit
The Trail: Become traumatized, reach the exit
Pixel Hunt: Find the magenta pixel
Ce n'est pas un jeu vidéo: Watch a video game being played
Don't Flub Your Line: Perform on cue
Zomble: Stave off inevitable death
Klik Asia: Kill things
My First IGN Interview: Decide how badly you want a job
Jester Prototype: Stave off inevitable failure/death, perform on cue
Jesus H. Christ's Eleventeenth Coming: Decide the effect of the rapture.
Candy from a Baby: Steal candy from a baby
The Trail 2: Vector Trail: Stave off inevitable madness
The Illogical Journey of the Zambonis: Create characters, help them reach the exit
Metapong: Beat player 2 at pong
Bovine Budget Analysis: Try to function with impostor syndrome
The Next Game Artist: Try to create art in a hostile environment
The Pseudologue of Persia: Narrate the story of your own death(s)
Galcon: The Quest for the Perfect Triangle: Conquer planets
This Might Be Passage: Get older
There Is A Monster at the End of this Game: Kill a monster
A More Perfect Universe: Fiddle with obtuse parameters, watch the result
Gratuitous Profanity: Make noise by shooting/killing/surviving

****Not Technically Trainwrecks****
Downhill Hubble: Dodge trees, collect telescopes
Jetpack Fusion: Stay alive until inevitable death
Independence: Set off fireworks
Evil Baby Pong: Beat a baby at pong
Mario's Adventure: Collect stars, kill things
Rocket Skater: Reach the exit
Marionette UFO: Dodge things
TEH FORUM GAME*: Kill Harry Potter and Celine Dion, find bulls, drink oil, make a pizza
The Duke**: Kill things
Shameful Pachinko Romance: Play with balls, confess love
Mr. Destiny's Adventure: Reach the exit
Hackworth's Last Kick: Play hacky sack to distract oneself from inevitable death
Dot Dot Dot: Stave off inevitable death/failure
Cave without Story: Shoot things
Apophenia: Generate abstract art games
Macarena of the Missing: Converse, solve puzzles, save free will
Edge Tycoon: Trademark words, make money
Face Time: Try to get laid

* Minigame compilation by Jonny Smeby for which I provided a level.
** Duke Nukem fangame by 2bam for which I provided voices.

THE Halloween Maze


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Colonel Bleep in the Snowball Zone [Santa 2023 for Hansov]


An artillery-style shooting gallery repurposing assets from Colonel Bleep, The Twilight Zone, and Duck Hunt.

Sekret Santa gift for Hansov. Wishlist:
- A retro-futuristic setting (think classic Mega Man, Astro Boy, The Jetsons, original series Star Trek)
- Snow
- The color #993760
- Rod Serling (the Twilight Zone guy) popping out of a bush

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SpindleyQ's picture

For sergiocornaga: It's Christmastime!


It's Christmastime! Merry Christmas, Sergio!

Use the mouse or touchscreen to play.

Music is by Patrick Alexander.

Jeremy Penner
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