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GeorgeBall Episode 1: The AntiGeorge

Game File: 

You! You must press space to reflect ball at anti-George and move up and down sometimes!

Wishing you best of luck!

TACTICAL ELEMENT: pressing enter ends the game and saves your score. YOU (you!) must decide wherever you should FINISH THE GAME or PRESS BOLDLY ON AHEAD

(took me a little over 2 hours all up with no planning or collection beforehand from 1-3:20 with a quick break to put the washing in the dryer)

Made For: 
jamatthews's picture


I'm jamatthews. I mostly like all the things you hate and/or are indifferent to. I might also like one or 2 things that you like but probably not.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
Protohm Johnny's picture

In Your Little Box

Interpret this game's meaning for me, I was too lazy to come up with anything.

Made For: 
An event
SophieH's picture

Detective Gary and the Melancholy Mystery


Detective Gary explores the possibility he has died

Sophie Houlden
Made For: 
An event
spiral's picture


Game File: 

[Bit late for the event BUT]


Play the game because I'm not going to tell you anything about playing it here.

This was originally inspired by some tweets by winter k., and just went from there. Please enjoy it, as much as I did making it!

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
mcc's picture



I'M NOT REALLY SURE WHAT I JUST MADE This was supposed to be an actual game but instead it just turned into this thing with rainbow orbs and a crazy kaleidoscope effect on the screen, and you can drag the orbs around or you can adjust the kaleidoscope effect with the sliders? IT'S REALLY COOL AND I'M NOT COMPLETELY CERTAIN HOW IT WORKS

Music by Liz Ryerson

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
vampirkat's picture

XMas or concert or booze money, whatever (Beating Depression)

kitty drinks.jpg

I'm working on a video game as I'm trying to get thru this horrible horrible depression. Fainting in the shower last week spooked me into actually living the life I want to live, somewhat. Altho I'm back home now and dealing with my annoying mother (and she wonders where I get my bad attitude from), I'm back to making trainwrecks. I need something to do. Still no job. Nor do I want one, altho mom is getting quite vocal about it.

I'm blasting some DSBM to make myself feel better. And it does work. :D I can't wait for the weather to turn cold so I can wear my leather jacket all the time. I like the weight of it (and the look--it's so freakin cool and awesome and it's not your typical Schott Bros. biker jacket that I desperately wanted after watching The Wild Ones).

Still blogging, still turking, still trying to find something to do with my art and make that paper. Sucks that in order to live in this city, I got to have a piece of useless paper to do anything. I scavenge, reuse, recycle, walk, or bike. Anything father than 10 miles I take the bus. I can't wait to outfit an engine on my bike so I can go farther and not get so sweaty.

Smedis2's picture

there are no events

Thu, May 30 2013 09:32 AM
05/30/2013 - 09:32
06/01/2013 - 09:32

there aren't.

Games made for there are no events

Blueberry Soft's picture


Game File: 

You can hear when I got bold enough to mess with effects. It's like two songs glued together. I like the second song.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
ihavefivehat's picture

Spherical Constitution


Made by Claire Carré, Longxiao Li, and me (ihavefivehat AKA Dennis Carr).

Hold space or the left mouse button and move the mouse to tilt the level. Get the ball into the glowing hole.

Claire Carré, Longxiao Li, and me (ihavefivehat AKA Dennis Carr)
Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
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