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Metafictional game. Crazy stuff man.

Use the left and right arrow keys to move the character left and right respectively. Within the textbased portions of the game, when shown (y/n), press the y key (standing for yes) and n key (standing for no) to answer to the questions posed.

Music by Kevin McLeod; www.incompetech.com
Constancy Part Two.mp3
Fairytale Waltz.mp3
Pennsylvania Rose.mp3
Robo Western.mp3
Trio for Piano, Cello, and Clarinet.mp3
Bright Wish.mp3

James Earl Cox III, Alex E Marmor, Mike J Jacobs, James E Hillman
Made For: 
Healy's picture

Knytt Stories and You: A Tutorial by SoftSoft


So if we're submitting Knytt Stories to the Kart, we should probably have our own tutorial, right? I mean, sure, there's a perfectly fine one bundled with the game itself, but that one doesn't really gibe with Glorious Trainwrecks ethos, right? This is what SoftSoft was thinking when it made this level.

Note that SoftSoft is not allowed to touch Knytt Stories anymore.

Made For: 
An event
Danni's picture

Strange Flyguy


First trainwreck I made within Linux. Not 100% sure if I broke the Windows side of things. Please use the multicore-fix-win.bat if you're on Windows, or multicore-fix-lin.sh if you're on Linux (expects you to have wine and taskset installed).

I had to leave early, so this game is a bit unfinished, but what's there is there.

Also, the sounds I included in here will probably drive you up a wall.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
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