


Here's the story: I was inspired by this comic, and its straight-faced presentation of whimsy and wonder. But I noticed that I'd already covered this sort of thing (somewhat) in Juni the Jiant, so I decided to try something slightly similar but in a different direction.

I'm not particularly pleased with this, but it's suitable as a prototype.

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Danni's picture

Diamond Snake Jogger


(cw: vore kinda)

Somewhat based off of a very popular game from the old V-Cade where you jumped around a randomly-moving snake-like ribbon while trying not to fall off.

Left and Right Arrow Keys to move.
Shift to jump (you'll probably want to hold the key, actually).
Don't fall off the snake.
Don't let the snake eat you (it does this if the head collides with you from the side or from above).

You can adjust the snake's movement to make it faster, slower, or more random. You can also make the snake's tail longer if you want. The game features a random seed, so you can keep playing the same pattern over and over until you better yourself.

Three game modes:

Score Attack just gives you points for however long you stay alive.
Timed Survival is about staying alive for the specified time period. If you're still around when the time is up, you win!
Collect the Food is about eating all the hamburgers. Eat a hamburger, and you win one point. The snake can eat them too, but this won't earn you any points! Once all the burgers are eaten, you move on to the next round which has one more hamburger in it.

Update: Fixed an issue with past/high score not being remembered on custom games. Also provided more sane default values. Redownload if you've already downloaded.

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An event
Eliot's picture



The first game I've ever made in Klik and Play. Uh... yeah.

Try to shoot the blocks and get as many gems as you can and still reach the exit.

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Made For: 
An event
Danni's picture

Jesus: The Second Coming: Hamburger Flipper


Idea created using that trainwreck idea generator I made earlier:

"You are tasked with making a platform game starring Jesus as the protagonist, whose goal is to collect every Hamburger. Your trainwreck must utilize Win32 API abuse as a gimmick."

This game involves you, as Jesus, coming back down to earth in order to set up a hamburger stand. However, you need hamburgers to begin with, so you set out on a search across the mountains for burgers to sell at your burger stand. And then stuff happens.

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An event

The Syms


My first KotM, and, uhh, I think it shows. Surf on your symmetrical partner. The game is beatable, but the last level is annoying. :Y

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Made For: 
An event
Danni's picture

Imported - Pretend You're Platforming


Imported from Developer Diaries. Visit the link to download the game and see all old comments.

Original description:

Inspired by this.

Use the Eight Directions Movement to control your platforming character to get to the right side of the screen! Avoid creating highly unrealistic jumps! If your movement is too unrealistic (EG. "jumping" too high), you must restart the level!

Only three levels so far, may add more levels and features if/when I get around to it.

Made in TGF.

Made For: 
An event



Mmmmhhhhmmm... balls.

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Made For: 
An event



Click on the ball to pick up; drag and release to throw. The playfield is mostly protected with glass - only a few select regions are bare, in which you can pick up and manipulate the ball.

The inspiration for this was several different of toys I knew when I was young - in particular, a mechanical game where two players squirt air into a water-filled playfield to push a plastic ball through their goal ring, in mimickry of basketball. And, of course, there's a bit of Windosill in this.

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Made For: 
An event
Blueberry Soft's picture

Platform RC

Platform RC - smaller.png

A platform game that uses the 'race car' controls.

Made For: 
An event

Monster Axe


Fight off all the ugly monsters with the Monster Axe! Featuring MSPaint monsters crowdsourced from

Z or space to jump.
X to toss axe when you have the axe.
Arrows to locomote.

Features 10 boss battles.

Probably a bunch of bugs exist. Reported bugs may be fixed in 18 hours.

Made For: 
An event
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