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Game File (Mac): 
Game File: 

some warmup game

Confusing Kabuki in My Pocket
Made For: 
An event

The Castle of The Worm Legends

Game File: 

This is the first game I made using Twine so it doesn't use any fancy customization or scripts. After thinking for a little while about the videogamena.me title "The Castle of the Worm Legends", I thought I would make something about stories invented by kids. As I wrote it, it assumed a grim tone that wasn't quite planned.

The .zip file includes the twine source and the generated HTML to play.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event

Show Me The Money: The Remake From Memory: Abridged


Based on what I remember from my first completed game on Klik & Play back in the mid to late 90's. Multiple controls and rules for levels.
Collect money from your housemates to steal a spaceship to get back home to [not included] stop evil aliens from taking over. Eventually led to two completed sequels and one that was in the works. All of which have since been lost.

Level 1:
8-way movement = Move
Collect all coins to advance to next level.
Collision with enemies restarts entire level.

Level 2:
Platform movement = Move
Button 1 = Jump
Get to LEM to finish level.
Getting hit with asteroids restarts entire level.

Level 3:
Controls in-game
Button 1 = shoot
Shoot all asteroids to complete level.
Collision with asteroids restarts entire level.

Level 4:
Same as last level.
Get to Mars to finish level.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
SpindleyQ's picture


I really need a snappy name for this project, so I can register a domain (or at least a Sourceforge project). InfraBaby isn't really doing it for me.

clyde's picture

KWFK (a HaLLoWeEn game)


A HalloWeEn game inspired by prompt 7 of 13 during the 13 Days of Halloween: Bite Sized Grab Bag event.

This was made with RPG Maker MV.
The game file I uploaded (for download) is just a zip file with the html5 build in it. I think it's compatible with all operating systems, but possibly not with all browsers. Just click on the index.html file to open the game. I'm not positive it will work.

Made For: 
An event

For Everythingstaken : Apple loses control of herself


PLEASE READ : In these last two weeks, I was extremely busy. Also, this game was not made with a visual game engine, it was made with an Actionsprit 3 framework called Flashpunk. I was learning Flashpunk back then. Also, sorry for its length. I hope you can understand it.

Merry Christmas, Everythingstaken ! :D

A game about important life choices. If you can' t eat a thing that will be good for you, what will you do ? Will you try to eat it ? Will you eat the unhealthy red 'n commie McDonald' s broccoli ? Or will you escape ? Choose one of these... but one of them is worse than the other. One is good. It has also a part in which you cannot control yourself. That depends on you, though.

Made For: 
An event
SpindleyQ's picture


The site is up and I am excited! NOW LET'S GET DOWN TO WRECKING TRAINS, YOU GUYS.

As an incentive to participate, if I am not the first person to upload a finished project onto this site, I will personally videocapture an excruciating home movie that I made when I was like eight years old or something, in which I crashed my model trains into miscellaneous toys for like an hour and upload it to YouTube for all to see. Yes, all you have to do to make me publicly humiliate myself is to have an awesome time creating a ridiculous videogame and uploading it to the site! WHAT COULD BE MORE FUN?

As an aside, literally the morning after I registered the domain for this site, I got a spam email with the subject line, "Trainwrecks are fun, trainwrecks are loud, trainwrecks are spectacles."

Seriously! SPOOKY.

slmjkdbtl's picture


Game File (Linux): 
Game File (Mac): 
Game File: 


Made For: 
An event

Feeding Time

Game File: 

You're a shark! Awesome! Eat ALL the fish!

Controls: Arrow Keys

Made For: 
An event
NiallM's picture

Wall Jump Time Sphincter (episode 3)


The next stage in the epic Wall Jump Time Sphincter story.

Play the previous episodes here, here, and here.

Made For: 
An event
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