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Noggin Quest

Game File: 

The fairy from my previous game Catatoniac has returned to make amends for that trainwreck of an adventure. This time she's helping the victim of an execution get out of her poor situation, by clicking and dragging to throw her severed head like a ball.

Two different endings! I think.

EDIT: Updated 28/10/11 with more shortcuts.

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In The Well

Game File: 

I pondered several story ideas for this, but didn't really like any of them. So, just enjoy this wordless implementation.

Arrows to move; Z, Space or Up to jump.

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CharlieVermin's picture


Game File: 

Plays Like A Game!
Feels Like A Movie!
Looks Like A Slideshow!

Stereo speakers or headphones strongly recommended.

Made For: 
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markp0rter's picture

Killing of the Great Pumpkin


Killing Of the Great Pumpkin

A game by Mark Porter with music by Duncan Fenn.

Thanks to Philip Linde.

Yesterday I joined glorioustrainwrecks and made my first game in years- well 5 years to be exact. I have to admit it was quite a lot of fun so I felt like doing something else well just today - with the remaining motivation and spirit. I have to admit this game took longer than 2 hours because my computer would fuck up and a lot of other problems. The graphics just took me like 25 minutes so the rest got wasted in coding.

I still hope you enjoy this title even though it took longer than 2 hours. Sorry but I didn't want to submit a buggy piece of junk.




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FirecatFG's picture

Submit Games

Game File: 

"In an alternate universe where the time limit for Klik of the Month Klub keep getting decreased after the 89th one. One guy has the brave task of submiting games right in time for the event..."

You must program and submit games for the Klik of the Month Klub events, starting from the 88th one (Before the time was getting halved). You will have a certain amount of minutes to finish creating your game, (which, in your mad game design rush, i'll fell like mere seconds). When you're on the game screen, just press ANY KEY (besides enter) in your keyboard to make the game, the more complete the game feels, the more Awesome Points you will get for it. Once you're done, press ENTER to submit it to the event. Be sure to do this before the time runs out, and you will be able to participate on the next KotMK event. When you're not on the main game screen, the game will move to the next scene automatically.

I think this concept has already been made but whatever.
Also, i realized after compiling that i used "PM" on a 24 hour format. Let's just roll with it.

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Danni's picture

Untilted Game

Dattorz (@gt_effbee)

Made for #OneGameAMonth - January 2013.

(NOTE: Temporarily hosting this on Glorious Trainwrecks until I can get a site up.)

This is a game about tilting paintballs. Match the picture on the left with the one on the right.


This is the initial release as of 1/31/2013. The game includes only twenty levels. I may or may not add some more at a later date.

One of my testers couldn't find the key to start the game, so I'm putting it in these release notes. You need to press Enter to make your selection on the main menu.

The game should adapt correctly to any display resolution, but is optimized for 1920x1080.

LOVE (0.8) has a very annoying memory leak where every new audio source it creates causes the process to eat an additional megabyte of memory without ever giving it back. This shouldn't cause any issues for this game unless you press F2 a whole bunch...

If you ever need/want to backup or delete your save data, it is located in your user data folder, under the subfolders love/untilted-game/ . On Linux the full path is typically ~/.local/share/love/untilted-game/ . You can edit this file and cheat. Frankly I don't care. Encrypting/obfuscating save data is stupid and chances are if you wanted to have a fully solved game save you'd probably just copy your friend's save anyway.


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increpare's picture


Screen Shot 2012-02-25 at 14.25.13.png
Game File: 


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Super Data Entry Extreme!


Just type the text from the left side into the right side. Yes, you can win.

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Capt_hastings-Chrissy's picture

Glassware: When Everything Isn't Crystal Clear- Merry Klikmas Fizzhog!

casual captuer first sceen.PNG
Game File (Mac): 

A Klikmas Game for Fizzhog.
Fizzhog asked for:
I want it to be over the top --- I'd say maybe

Something about the theatre and stage sets --- Check

Glass - there must be glassware--- More than you can handle

A story - pure melodrama --- Kind of. I'm more of a comedy person but there is some!

I want game assets that can be freely re-used - I may want to make something in response - Included!

Lots of characters--- YES!

Good luck in there! I hope you enjoy it!

***Potential problems- there is a short video file that plays in two of the scenes. If you have it open to full screen you cannot see the text. I can't figure out how to fix it.
Also- I'm bad at spelling (sorry!).

***Fixed Sergio reported bugs. Ignored Clyde reported misspellings

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kirkjerk's picture

thoughts on development

I'm thinking about what platform I want to code on.

I think Processing has been pretty good to me, and I might stick with it... it lets me use my Java mojo, I've figured out how to do sounds, it can embed in a webpage and make standalone downloads, it has some 3D primitive stuff going on, it's kind of artsy.

The downside is it has a big footprint, in terms of download size and processing power, and its 3D is pretty rudimentary, plus I have to code a lot myself, though I'm slowly making progress on some simple engines.

I prefer to be conservative in picking up toolkits (which is a bit of a handicap my professional life shares as well)

So, criteria would be:
* should be embeddable in a browser ... I think downloads are a big handicap for people tooling around with your game
* I'd like to find some kind of 2D and/or 3D physics engine

Any thoughts? I'm taking a 2 part Flash introduction class, just to try and get a feel if that's something I want to get into. I think of the games at http://www.ferryhalim.com/orisinal/ -- but then again, that clearly has a TON of love in the A/V department that my games likely will lack

I was considering pygame, especially since professinally I think cementing my python skills would be a good thing, but I don't think that's embeddable.


In general I think I keep meaning to get more into the online indy game community, tigsource and all that stuff. And I have a hope with my new move reducing my commute to like 25 minutes, I might find it easier to find the time. But even then it's tough to for me to focus when I'm feeling angsty about my chances of making something cool. Also, it's so easy to get jealous when someone grabs an idea I've been thinking about, like heat seeking missles and sproingy rope physics.

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