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Hogan's Run

Game File: 

In a dystopian future where all adults over the age of 29 are executed by the state, you, a new Sandman recruit, must train your firearm skills by shooting a spinning can in midair to make it bounce upward. Featuring an acclaimed soundtrack by Wario Ware Inc.'s own 9-Volt.

You can score bonus points by hunting and shooting "points of interest" as they appear. It's up to you to guess as to what those are!

Made For: 
An event
Terry's picture

Envy For Lucky Sally

Game File: 

Another NoiseBridge game.

Made For: 
Glorious GDC Gameboree 2010
SpindleyQ's picture

Mario In The Future


I am tired but EffBee is more tired and we decided to take a half hour to MAKE ANOTHER GAME because it is LATE and we CAN

This game is about jumping in mid-air! In many other games you can double jump but in this game you can SEXTUPLE JUMP (six times)! This is what the future will hold.

This game features:

  1. mario
  2. the future
  3. sextuple jump
  4. level design
  5. bricks

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event

Flower Garden


Made For: 
snapman's picture

Don't Repeat Yourself


Is this a game about worrying that any new game ideas you have are a repeat of something you've already done? Nope, it's a dumb, buggy counting game about never repeating the same number of seconds between keypresses.

happy kotm100 everybody

Made For: 
An event
fireball3k's picture

Doc Johnny vs Cornette Face

Game File: 

defeat jim cornette's face before it blows and takes the world with it!

arrow keys move and shift jumps

holy crap i was in a rush to make this game. any constructive criticism would be much appreciated.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event

Home Invaders

Game File: 

These aliens want to eat your house for some reason. You should probably do gun things about it.

Press space to do that thing that I said, and arrow keys to move.

Nick Scalzi
Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
Pizza Time's picture

Assassinatrix Adventures

Are you a bad enough dom to assassinate the diplomat?

Control the assassinatrix to kill the invincible diplomat but look out for his bad dude tough guy bodyguards. Killing him multiple times may cause him to call for backup. Button one to shoot, button two to drop mines.

Also has a four player mode.

assassinatrix.zip43.65 KB



this year, I finished a short film for college. it's called Catábase (Katabasis), is almost 10 minutes long and in a way does feel like some of the stuff I was making back in the day. here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMXmihtIDNU (english subtitles are available)

this project has meant a lot to me, as it was a very fruitful and loose creative experience, and i just let out everything i wanted to let out for this film. it was the kind of thing that i needed to make as a reminder that i can just do whatever i want and that's really all that matters. after this one, i plan on working on another short film in my own free time and on other projects as well.

i'm not really active on social media outside of instagram (https://www.instagram.com/10000ratazana/?hl=en) and discord (also 10000ratazana). idk where y'all glorious trainwrecks people are nowadays, and i'm interested in going back to talk with the people i spoke with back in the day

lmk your thoughts on catábase if you've seen it, and please share it with people if you liked it! it's been out for a couple of weeks now, but I only remembered to post about it here today. my bad!

edit made shortly after posting !!!

one of my key influences in certain parts of catábase is something called "gamecore", which i heard for the first time when harmony korine started promoting his latest film, 'aggro dr1ft'. since i'm not in a city that holds film festivals --especially the ones that would show something like that film-- i didn't watch that, but i let my imagination go wild. many of the scenes from the 3 minute mark onward are my own spin on "gamecore". i kinda want to make this a thing in my following film projects. it's a fascinating concept to work around with, and one that i think marries perfectly with other ideas i had floating in my mind (i want to incorporate more and more "slow cinema" influences in my films, too, and i think a "gamecore" and "slow cinema" combo could be interesting)

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