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The 529 in 1 Klik and Play Pirate Kart Part II: Klik Harder

pkart3 Mosaic05.jpg

48 hours.

102 people.

529 games.

The definitive collection that was five months in the making is finally here.

Download the 529-in-1 Klik & Play Pirate Kart II: Klik Harder now! (BitTorrent, 450mb)

Troubleshooting FAQ

  1. Bad Pirate won't run!
    Yes, sorry, the zip that Dock uploaded doesn't have all the data to run it, and I didn't catch this before release. You can play Bad Pirate online in your browser here.
  2. Collect the Umbrellas won't run!
    This can be fixed by replacing "kartconfig.lua" in your Kart directory with this version.
  3. No Klik & Play games will run! I get some error about not being able to run a 16-bit program or something.
    If you are using a 64-bit computer, which is fairly likely these days, Klik & Play games may not work directly. See our page about running Klik & Play games on 64-bit computers for help.
  4. Some Klik & Play games won't run, but others will!
    It's been reported that some games refuse to run in 16-bit colour mode. Try switching to 32-bit colour.

Haze's picture


Game File: 

It's time to kick ass and slurp popsicles, and you're all out of asses!

It's your one big shot for fame and glory, so lick as many of those popsicles as you can! Just don't get that dreaded.... brain-freeze!!

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qrleon's picture

Get Through Without Dying

Game File: 


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SpindleyQ's picture

We're almost two years old

Glorious Trainwrecks Dot Com is turning two years old on the 24th of April (less than three short weeks!), and while I don't have the stamina to put together a Year Two collection, I am planning a little birthday surprise for all of you wonderful people. But it's a secret! Shhhh.

Little Mouse Maze


It is a little maze for the mouse to wander around in and collect cheese.

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Klik & Compose

Game File: 

Yeah. It's a sequencer made with games factory!

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Pirate Kart 2

Pirate Kart V launcher: For my Megazeux games, will I need to include a copy with EACH game or only ONE?

I just did Ludum Dare Mini 32 with 19 Megazeux games and 1 Sega Master System game, and am hoping to upload the games I made to Pirate Kart V. Apparently, uploading them all as 1 archive is not a good idea, so I'm trying to split them into 20.

Will I need to include MegaZeux in *every* archive that needs it?




! ! ! pop the zits before bobby becomes a zit monster ! ! !

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SpindleyQ's picture

RealTime Robots

Game File: 

In my mind, this is the game that spawned the Klik of the Month Klub.

I made this game in early 2000, for a game programming competition that I proposed for Teen Programmers Unite. The object? Make a game, using the Allegro game-making library that was popular at the time, in just four hours. An impartial third party came up with the theme, like Iron Chef. Myself and one other guy actually pulled it off.

The theme: make a realtime version of Robots. This is my entry. I would forever remember the experience as one of the most exhilarating and satisfying I'd ever had.

And of course, that practical experience as a teenager was what convinced me years later that making a game in two hours using Klik & Play would actually be possible, and really, really fun.

(If you can tell me where "It's a beaker, Todd!" comes from I will give you one million points. There are only three hits for that phrase on Google, is how inside that joke is.)

Hit T to teleport, click the mouse to call in an airstrike, and hit ESC to quit.

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netgrind's picture

SSSnake (Tainted)

SSSnake (Tainted)ss.png

When you eat a pill you taint the pill making it deadly

Made For: 
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