
2sman's picture

Bedroom Simulator

Screen Shot 2016-07-09 at 3.27.57 AM.png

An accurate depiction of my bedroom. A preparatory sketch before creatin a Bedtime Operating System.

Made For: 
An event
mkapolk's picture

Statler and Waldorf Simulator

Screen Shot 2015-11-29 at 12.09.27 PM.png

launch this in between playing the other pirate kart games for some quality roasts from those famous crotchety oldsters,
statler and waldorf

Made For: 
An event
Johny L.'s picture

Digging Simulator 2014


Are you bored?
You want to be a professional digger?
No problem! Just play this game and learn how!!

John L.
Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event

Dirty Dishes


The dishes are dirty! Of course, you don't want to clean them. But there they are, and there's physics. A hardcore dish-breaking simulator by Patchwork Doll, for Mac/Win/Linux. Made in Unity.

Try pressing 1, 2, or 3.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
mkapolk's picture

Snowman Simulator


This game is a snowman building simulator.
Controls: Left click and drag to move the camera
*right click @ the ground to make snowballs
*right click @ snowballs to pick them up
~snowballs get bigger when you roll 'em~
*press "1" to add coal bits
*press "2" to add tophats

Made For: 
An event
Smedis2's picture

Flight Simulationer


You must WITHSTAND ONE WHOLE HOUR of flying a bunch of people to somewhere.
There's no obstacles, other than the ground.
And pressing X lets you fly.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event

Penguin Lost


Take control of a lost penguin in this exciting lost penguin simulator, Penguin Lost. Walk through the vast tundra of the south pole and experience a day-night cycle, but don't lose hope! That's the point. There is always hope of finding your family, penguin.

(Made with Game Maker.)

Max Weinberg
Made For: 
An event
markp0rter's picture

Ultimate Trainwreck Training Simulator


I read this game idea "This might be a terrible idea. But how about a game about making a game in 2 hours for Klik Of The Month?"
This is KIND OF my outcome for this. Like that's kind of the idea behind it. I'm sorry if you think I have failed and it isn't really fitting to the provided theme. Please let someone else try to do something with that theme then. Sorry

Also this was supposed to be game #700 but then somone else claimed game #700 and I felt like working AT WORK instead of making trainwrecks


Made For: 
An event
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