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coast (for astralCastoff)


ummm here is my "video game"

secret info: f4 to fullscreen, game autosaves, delete the ini file it creates to restart your progress

A combination/clash of two themes/aesthetics that aren't typically seen together
A gimmick or mechanic that leaves no corner of the game unscathed ("really? did it really have to also affect this?")
Homemade ambient track
A parable that teaches the player a lesson quite different from any parable they have heard before
A fun or interesting character controller, or one with two different modes

wasn't able to hit the second and fourth marks BUT i have achieved combining the aesthetics of 'pixel art' and 'vector flash gradients' as well as 'cute character' in 'uncute environment.'
made a couple homemade ambient flavored tracks and movement is platformer but can also propel yourself by shooting

sound effects were made with jsfxr
i did not make the song that plays in the bonus level
the world 2 song uses a sample that's just a clip of another song, and it is not a song that i made. i don't know what song it is i found it in a silly video and i wasn't able to successfully find the source of the audio but i do know that i did not make it

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Scroungin_4_Catsup's picture

Wrist Lock!!!


A "local multiplayer mouse-based tug of war platform fighter." I've typed this phrase approximately 3000 times. I've typed the explanation for what that means 3000 more. This is my fault for making such a high concept video game.

You and your opponent stand or sit across from one another. The mouse is in between you. You each place a hand on your side of the mouse. When the game begins, the goomba-like monster is mouse controlled. Try to move it towards your lumberjack to get them to jump on it. If they do, THEY become mouse controlled and you now must move your lumberjack towards your opponent's lumberjack to bounce off of them and reduce their lives to zero.

It's also possible to win by reducing your opponent's OUCH meter to zero. Do this by getting them to land in the same place the just-jumped-on monster sits dazed.

Thirdly, the monster will "explode" when the timer runs out in a timed match. Anybody standing nearby will immediately have their lives reduced to zero (even if their life bar is set to infinite! Yow!). By "anybody" I mean "anybody who exists inside of the game." You, the player, should be safe.

I made the game customizable so you could theoretically do a "ouch drain only" match or a "countdown to destruction" match where you try to get the opponent exploded when the timer hits zero.

Not everybody is able or willing to use the mouse so you can also use the keyboard keys or the left thumbstick on an Xbox controller.

I think this is a pretty fun little bite-sized party game (ANOTHER genre???) and I hope you have fun with it too!

Attached is a .gif to give a better idea of how the game plays.

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Super Vadimka V: Versus Roman Norrow


Super Vadimka V: Versus Roman Norrow - horror videogame the fifth part of the action in the platformer genre developed by VadimBallzGame And its head HyperTheLoopa420, is a worldwide game developed by brilliant developers 2 weeks ago for a long hour of development to give people satisfaction.

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Super Vadimka IV Evil Returns the Horrors of Vadimka's Adventures


Super Vadimka IV Evil Returns the Horrors of Vadimka's Adventures - action the computer game was supposedly under development on June 25, 2022 and is the fourth part of a series of games. Super Vadimka has now been added finally the opportunity to choose for Sergei, he was insidious, evil, become almost an antihero and Vadimka's best friend.

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Leo's picture

Buffy the vampire slayer


game based on one of the television series of my youth created with Klik N Play (playable on current PCs).

(Arrows) to move
(Z) to Jump
(X) to Hit

explore the graveyard an kill the vampires.

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Leo's picture



Pac man + Platforms = Platform-Man

Eat balls, jump, run away from the ghosts, EAT THEM!!!

created in 2 fun hours...

Controls: ARROWS to move. SPACE BAR to jump

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Super Vadimka


Super Vadimka - rside-scrolling platformer developed by the genius developer VadimBallzGame was released on October 20, 2021. It contains more than 73 brutal levels to survive scary places to kill enemies of other monsters and the main antagonist of Dr. Kulik.

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Super Vadimka III Enter ALJ


Super Vadimka 3 Enter ALJ - the side-scrolling platformer developed by VadimBallzGame was released on May 10, 2022. The last war is a continuation of the previous parts. Super Vadimka and Super Vadimka II Revenge of Dr. Kulik the third part you have to go through more realistic to learn new adventures.

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Super Vadimka II Revenge of Dr. Kulik


Super Vadimka II Revenge of Dr. Kulik - a side-scrolling platformer partially based on January 4, 2022 was released on current Windows is a sequel. Super Vadimka after the event of the first part, the action takes place in the second, the scandalous villain has returned. Dr. Kulechek dreams of destroying the world.

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Leo's picture

Clown sommelier in the hell of the evil demons clowns


Game made for Grid Grind 2021!!!!

Place: the world of demons
Person: Clown sommelier
Thing: cheese

Arrows: move and crouch
Z: jumps
X: shoot cheese

CHEAT: in the tittle screen press UP-Arrow + Z to jump a Boss screen (shhh... it's a secret)

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