
Chris24XD's picture

Zombie Killer


This was my 2nd game made with Stencyl.
Old archived webpage: https://web.archive.org/web/20201206003856/https://chris24xd.itch.io/zombie-killer (btw when l ask about WHO HACKED IT, l didn't know l mistakely had put permissions lol)

---------------Old Description: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hello guys.
This is my 2nd game that l made with Stencyl.
l don't wanna make you got tired so play freely or read this information:
Oh noes...
Zombies and other mobs entered in the Earth to kill you and you must pass Levels to unlock weapons and new mobs. You unlock 1 mob and 1 weapon when you pass each 3 Levels.
How to Play:

Practise Mode:
Spacebar: Use sword.
Click on "Spawn Zombie!!!" button to spawn a zombie.
Normal Mode:
- At level 2 and later...
- Up Arrow: Make Player Jump.
Click on weapons to use them.
End of The Demo...
Left Arrow: Move Player Left.
Right Arrow: Move Player Right.
- Warning: The has lots of bugs that l'll fix them later.
OR tell in the comments the bugs.
Future Updates:
- l'll fix those bugs.
- Add 5 more maps.
And other more things... (which l didn't do sadly :'( )
Game Created: Chris24XD
App Used: Stencyl

Made For: 
An event
hugs's picture

for dattorz: KOOL GAME 2D

Screenshot - 8_01_2014 , 3_36_40 AM.png

i ended up spending longer than i had intended to on this game due to a combination of sheer laziness and a lack of any real programming talent! a lot of things are broken, and i would have liked to have made more levels/not so haphazard levels. oh well! i do hope that you enjoy this game!! i did have fun making certain parts of it!

music used is by lohstana david (cc-by)
libraries used in making this game: hump and hardon collider by vrld, advanced tiled loader by kadoba
if you want to do anything with my (scary) code or graphics, feel free.

mac build is untested.

object of game:
you have to get all of the fruits

wasd or arrow keys to move (though s/down doesn't do anything) move mouse to aim, click left or right mouse button to shoot

tab to toggle special challenge mode
f12 to cheat past a level

Made For: 
An event

Cave Story 2


I honestly only spent 15 minutes on this, but it was so worth it.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
Noyb's picture

Fatty Rain


The rain always puts me in a contemplative mood. It gets me asking questions. Why is it raining hamburgers? What is wrong with my metabolism? Who installed all these toilets? And what does this all have to do with the Cattle Killer? I don't know if I'll ever find out the answer to these questions. All I know is that I need to keep on fighting.

Arrows: Move
Shift: Jump/Confirm

Credits: Uses Pencerkoff's fat guy sprite from Assemblee and a ton of KNP klip art. Flash port courtesy of bc_. I no longer remember where I got the MIDI versions of "Why Don't We Do It In The Road" and "Let The Rain Fall Down" from.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
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