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Porpentine's picture

Wonderful Swamp Crab


A text adventure about a wonderful swamp crab. You choose the destiny of this gentle crab.

Coded in Inform 7, you can play online or by downloading the .zblorb file and opening in Gargoyle.

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In Memory of Violent Trains

Remembering bygone days.

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Johny L.'s picture

Wiki improvements!

We have good news, you can now make really wiki pages of this wiki.

Here's how:

Make a link to a title of a empty wiki page, then go into the page and click edit.

Stranger's picture



leftclick shoot
right click jump
r restart

frog store
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everythingstaken's picture

Brother's Sister's

Game File: 

Hey, if you like setting people up for dates, you might like this game!

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Trouv's picture


I am currently working on a redesign of battleship and I need to playtest it some more. I think I've made my IRL friends play it too much lately, so I'm seeking help here (it DOES have an online mode). Let me know if you are interested! It takes a while to play so make sure you have a couple hours of free time coming up.

A Very Lilinx.com Xmas


wuuurrlllll, it's thee thought that counts...?
klikmas secret santa for lilinx.com~ merry xmas!

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K&P on 64 bit or Windows 7 and higher

Hey there!

I really lov K&P (we all love it), but the only problem I meet in distributing my games is lack of support for good platforms (like 64 bit and Windows 7 and higher)
I saw some people managed to deal with that.
How did you do that?



HathL's picture

blade runner, blade runner sequels, blade runner prequels, ridley scott

Prequels and sequels to Blade Runner might be created

How can prequels and sequels to the 1982 film “Blade Runner” sound, sci-fi enthusiasts? Production company Alcon Entertainment is working out a deal with Warner Bros. for franchise rights. Those who care about the sanctity of such classic works of fiction are up in arms over this typical expression of Hollywood's lack of originality.

How about 'Blade Runner' sequels? Will there be a 'more human than human' part in them?

Philip K. Dick’s novel from 1968 called “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” is what the Ridley Scott movie “Blade Runner” is based off of. It's about a “blade runner” police officer that has to kill superhuman clones with the name replicants. The police officer, named Rick Deckard, is played by Harrison Ford. Themes ranging from the ethical implications of genetic engineering to the oppressive paranoia inherent in a police state where corporate power is omnipresent prompt the viewer to question the very nature of what it means to be human.

As numerous film critics have stated, “Blade Runner” is one of probably the most literate and complex science-fiction films ever made. The London Telegraph states the Library of Congress put the movie in the U.S. National Film Registry. In 1993 it was honored with this.

Enter Alcon Entertainment, and let the cloning start

The original “Blade Runner” can be honored by Alcon Entertainment in accordance with a statement the company has created. Still, several worry over it. Looking at Alcon's track record, for every film like 2009's “The Blind Side,” for which Sandra Bullock won the Best Actress Oscar, there are multiple less-than-successful ventures like “Dude, Where's My Car” (2000), “The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants” (2005) and the 2008 action-thriller “Eagle Eye,” which starred Shia LaBeouf.

The 27 percent Rotten Tomatoes rating for “Eagle Eye” is not what makes it so interesting. It's interesting since the rumor is that LeBeouf may be playing Rick Deckard who was, about 30 years ago, at first played by Ford. Blogger Rob Bricken of Topless Robot said of the “Blade Runner” prequel and sequel affair:

“Okay, maybe Nazism was overall a worse idea, but making a sequel to an utterly complete science fiction masterpiece has got to be up there. ... And seriously, if this happens, is there any way Shia the Beef is not cast as Deckard? Oh, looks like it's scotch for brunch today.”

[links removed by SpindleyQ]

Girls Are Weird


Fantastic dating game which you cannot win! Therefore, it's just like talking to a REAL girl! :D

Made in Ren'Py and stuff. Advance apologies for any typos. Menus are a little unreadable sometimes because I stuck rigidly to a palette for fun.

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Pirate Kart 2
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