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Pizza Time's picture


I have a semi-functional Portal-alike working but I have no idea on how to stop portals spawning too far into walls causing the player to get stuck and even clip directly through them. I think it's directly related to animation hot-spots and action points or some jazz. Actually, I'm pretty sure of it but a second opinion is always nice to have so I'm tossing it up for anyone to have a look at since I'd have a far easier time showing what I did rather than explaining. I was going to unveil it as a surprise project but noone likes surprises that don't work so it put an end to that plan. Buttons one and two fire different coloured portals and there's platform controls but no jumping and I haven't set up more than four directions so you can only fire portals in those directions. You might not want to fire a portal into another portal since it causes you to get stuck.

Hilariously, you can set up portals so that you fall into one and infinitely pop out the other if they are the correct distance apart and you keep walking in one direction. Just like in the game!

protal.zip4.02 KB
Danni's picture

Sonic Robo Blast 1


It's basically what started the whole Sonic fangame craze. Was made by Johnny Wallbank, who went by the monkier Sonikku.

Brief history, taken from the website:

Meanwhile, over in England at Sonikku’s school, many kids couldn’t understand why he liked
Sonic. "Sonic’s stinks, and Sega’s dead! No new games are coming out!", they
taunted. He took it to heart, and armed with MSPaint and Klik N’ Play, began work on a
game to prove them wrong, which later become known as Sonic Robo Blast.

Atrocious graphics, badly written Sonic MIDIs, and bugs everywhere. What's not to like? In particular, Sonic's sprite is an absolute classic. There's also a bug known as "killingdead" which means that you sometimes lose your rings even when you kill an enemy with your jump.

Latest version was built using The Games Factory, for those who are on 64-bit systems and/or using Wine. You'll need to download cncs32.dll, if you don't already have it.

srb1.png23.64 KB
sergiocornaga's picture

Quest for Phallic Flora


A collaboration with rhetoricstu that got weird.

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danyburton's picture

3d render of table made out of sticks

I am going to make a 3d render of a table that is made out of sticks. The sticks come from mangrove trees and the inside of the tree flesh is like a mushroom texture or like foam but then inside that there is a white core like a bloody bone. That is what the tables will be made from and you can then go to a restaurant made from this style. This will not serve any purpose to the game except maybe giving you some health (and there will also be a puzzle in the restaurant, but it will be distinct from eating at it). The purpose of this then I do not know, but it seems like a very good experience to include in my opinion. Some things in my opinion should not be gamified, because when a section has a purpose, it then feels like it has died after it's purpose has been exhausted so if you want something to be nice forever, you can not give it any purpose, or I guess you can give it a purpose that is not expendable.
I think that at this joint the ideal food would be a watery looking soup containing some bits of fish floating since that just seems like what they would eat at this joint. Also maybe you can eat a crab since there are some crabs at this island you can catch and there is a woman who I forget the name of who you must battle at a different point in the game who catches the crabs right outta the beach with some long skewer thingies.
Obviously also there has gotta be some great music in the restaurant too, and I think that I am going to need to perform the music live for the right kind of effect. Most of the league of piss music has been made in the tracker program renoise, but I have grown rather sick of trackers, I just haven't thought of a better way of making the music yet. Using trackers is pretty much the complete opposite of live performance and you can tell that when you listen to the music in the games as it tends to be rather stunted. The upside of using renoise though is that it has a lotta cool sounds and all that since it's built in wavetable synth is quite nice and etc.
I used to have one of those melodion things that my great uncle gave me. It would have been really good for this I reckon, but I have moved to a different country now and do not have it so I can't do that. I do have a keyboard / synthesizer which I could use and probably will use.
there will also be a ghost

Old KNP games by zara

I've found a collection of my old games in KNP. I can't even run them so I'm passing the savings on to you.

ASG: Crap shooter, choose individual levels to play. Space shoots, ctrl selects upgrade, / is a cheat to get more money.
BBALL: A terrible attempt at adding scrolling to KNP that crashes on level 2. Arrows.
BOUNCY: I'm quite proud of this platformer! Two complete worlds with boss fights.
COSMO: Full game. Enjoy the scrolling world and sound effects entirely sourced from early internet.
JOY: Oh, the first chinchilla we had. A puzzle platformer of sorts.
PACMANIA: Everyone loves Pac-Man, right? So have 15 levels of it.
S&S: The first level of this works pretty well and it'd work even better if there was a freaking MAP.

Radix's picture



Another thing. This time it's more of a boss fight.

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DeceasedCrab's picture

Cranberries Vs. Not Cranberries

Game File: 

In the war between cranberries and everything else, can anyone truly ever win? Discover the struggle behind the legend. Fight the battles of the war that changed everything.

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Pirate Kart 2
CharlieVermin's picture


Game File: 

Plays Like A Game!
Feels Like A Movie!
Looks Like A Slideshow!

Stereo speakers or headphones strongly recommended.

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fizzhog's picture

Fancy Cakes in Space


A little thing for Potluck Party that makes no sense at all. It's really just a doodle. Float around on a spacewalk looking at the nice cakes. Collect stars if you feel like it. If you're in a gamey mood you can collect stars for half an hour and you'll get a final score. Not sure why anyone would do that particularly but it's there.

Controls: Z key

Sound credits:

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Healy's picture

A Quick One (Knytt Stories)


Here is a short, simple Knytt level. I tried to stretch myself a little, narratively speaking, by telling a story with as few words as possible, but I don't think I was entirely successful. Oh well!

Trivial trivia: This is not the first level I started that takes its title from a Who song, but it is the first one that I finished! Also, note that the song and level have absolutely nothing besides the title in common. (I think.)

Edit: Fixed a really obvious void. Like, dang girl, what was I thinking, leaving a void like that unaccounted for?

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