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figured i should give everyone who cares an update since i'm Still Alive

most of my focus has been toward animation and comics these days, but i still want to make another game someday (which is something i constantly tell myself for a few years now). i have a couple ideas floating around, just need to open RPG Maker up and start throwing them together.

i also feel the need to contextualize some stuff, as a lot of the stuff i made and said over here were when i was still a middle schooler (i'm 20 right now, btw) and uhh yeah looking back at those things i can't help but feel a bit embarrassed lol. i'll try not to be super harsh on myself about this stuff but yeah Lol i apologize for any dumbassery of my part from back then, and my most sincere Thank You to all who have supported my vidya making endeavors. the games i made back then were pretty defining for the overall direction i wanted to take my art in, and joining this community definitely helped as well :)

thanks for reading, and please let me know if you're interested in checking out some of my New Stuff in comics + animation !!

(btw i don't plan on keeping the nuuup username bc it honestly doesn't represent me anymore, but i'll probably keep it for the time being)

A Bastard

Game File: 

A variant of http://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/2761 . But it's more fun than that.

For two players, the winner is the one who shoots the other person first.

Palette ripped from http://mareodomo.tumblr.com/post/18460467234/close-ups-of-my-pizza-poster-the-colors-really . Name suggested by Iain Gillespie.

Made For: 
An event

The Most Racist Game Ever

Game File: 

After making this:

I had the following conversation:
[23:05] http://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/962
[23:05] First game
[23:06] Should I now make The Most Racist Game Ever?
[23:06] Will it be a painting app where you can draw blackface on photo portraits?
[23:06] No.
[23:07] But that's a good idea.
[23:07] Fuck it
[23:07] I'm making that.

And I decided to use random images of Robert Downey Jr. just because I thought it might lessen the inappropriateness of it all.

Move the mouse around and use the left mouse button to paint. The only color you can paint is black and the only place you can paint is on Robert Downey Jr's face.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2

Your Mischievous Mouse


This is perhaps inspired by The Haunted Mouse, and to an equal extent by WarioWare: Smooth Moves and WarioWare: Twisted!. Keep the rodent player-character from being zapped, even as your mouse controls are periodically rotated 90 degrees, requiring you to rotate your in-real-life mouse to compensate.

The Windows version works a bit better than the HTML5 version, insofar as the latter can't register the mouse's movement if the pointer drifts out of the screen region.

Leon Arnott
Made For: 
An event
SpindleyQ's picture

Deleted account and user ban

Hello Glorious Trainwrecks community,
You may have noticed a lot of posts from RustyMoon/Uuuuuuuuuuuu in the past day. This user was privately asked twice to remove misogynist slurs from their game description; their response to this was ultimately to replace the titles of their games and descriptions with asterisks, complain about progressives ruining Glorious Trainwrecks, and make events called "Poo Jam" and "Pee Jam" before being blocked. This user has asked that their account be deleted, and I have done so. Unfortunately this means many users' comments on pages RustyMoon created have been lost.

Also yesterday, the user danyburton made a long post titled "Why I Hate Alt-Games" which was a fairly direct attack on the work of a substantial portion of our community. He also participated in the aggressive posting this morning, much of which is now deleted as it was in response to content that RustyMoon created. The post has been deleted and danyburton's account has been blocked.

My comments from the last time I deleted an account stand. If you are here only to satisfy yourself and don't care who is hurt by your work or your actions, then this is not the community for you.

Many thanks to the Glorious Trainwrecks moderation team for taking the lead on dealing with this situation.

everythingstaken's picture

Vampire Having

Game File (Mac): 
Game File: 

this is the vampire having, turning
you turn the vampires
you controll al of the vampir
it's short
it's a
thank you for playing
thanks again, i appreciat tte it

Made For: 
An event
sergiocornaga's picture

You Have to Put the Juni in the Machine


Healy has a habit of uploading games for us on her birthday here, but I've turned the tables on her! As far as I can tell she hasn't seen this Knytt Stories level yet, but I figured there might be other people here interested in checking it out.

Sergio Cornaga - You Have to Put the Juni.knytt.bin286.48 KB

gangs on new york

Game File: 

you must help your gang to take over new york

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
CharlieVermin's picture

Slice of Life 13


This is an even more confusing version of the game Proper (glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/9719). Every version is different! I see other people started uploading games too. Good luck everyone!

Made For: 
An event
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