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Goals, I Do Adore


Score goals score goals score more goals. If the ball goes through the floor it is a goal. Naturally.

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sergiocornaga's picture

Santa Without a Claus


merry chistmas

((name changed thanks to Smedis2 who is smarter than me))

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Game File: 

This is my first KOTM entry. Made it in GameMaker Studio, and it's the first time I'm using Game Maker.

I didn't really have an idea when the jam started, so the game's not very impressive. Your goal is to pick up the green things and avoid the red things. You can change your size with the WASD keys and move around with arrow keys. If you want to try again, close the game and run it again.

Also I'm sorry about the music.

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SpindleyQ's picture

'Twas The Klub Before Klikmas (Klik of the Month Klub #30)

Sat, Dec 19 2009 05:00 PM
12/19/2009 - 16:00
12/19/2009 - 18:00

The Klik of the Month Klub meets right here on this very website on the third Saturday of every month at 4pm Pacific Time (taking daylight savings into consideration) for a two hour Klik & Play Showdown. Everyone who participates gets two hours to create something from scratch in Klik & Play. Abusing the stock objects is encouraged. If you really loathe Klik & Play you can use whatever game development platform you want. Two hours is a pretty tight time limit, though, so choose wisely!

Klik & Play is absolutely free to download, and learning it takes minutes, so everyone can get in on the action. Want to talk to your fellow Klikwreckers? Join us on IRC -- server irc.freenode.net, channel #glorioustrainwrecks. Join the mayhem!

For more information, check out the KotM N00B FAQ.

Sign up below to get reminded by email the day before the klikkening begins!

Games made for 'Twas The Klub Before Klikmas (Klik of the Month Klub #30)

Cat Cat Panic

Game File: 

Cats. What's not to like about cats? Find out by playing this epic piece of 16-bit gaming history.

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Pirate Kart 2
Pizza Time's picture

SuperDuper Quake (trainwreck mod)


There was an old version of the mod that was full of assets ripped from the Duke Nukem 3D Hi-Res pack but a stink was kicked up so the mod was taken down but now it's back and kicking your arse even harder.

SuperDuper Quake is simultaneously the most beautiful and the most horrifying thing that I've seen come out of "that old game". Just like all those mods like Killer Quake Pack and the like which had about fifty weapons, one hundred player skins and enough hotkeys to fill an entire keyboard twice over.

This one claims that it's "more fun than a barrel of exploding monkey gibs! 100+ MAPS, 50 WEAPONS, 18 PLAYER SKINS, 30 MONSTERS, AND FIVE NEW AND/OR IMPROVED POWERUPS". What it delivers is constant red screens as you bleed and die whilst you are constantly swarmed by waves of monsters that are clearly cheating. Especially if you are playing with bots who don't seem to realise that firing off nucular weaponry when they are right next to you is bad decorum. But at least you can laugh at the Homer Simpson soundbytes.

It's not all bad though, you have several overpowered weapons that can keep you from getting killed indefinitely the homing buzzsaw being the best. Or you can just morph into Jesus Christ and shoot lightning bolts from your hands. There's an exploding hammer that kills everything around you when you hit any enemy and you can get a go-kart that lets you zip around at warp speed ramming into things. Getting the Pentagram gives you infinite ammo for the duration so you can just spam WMDs and it's doubly handy as it's usually stuck right next to the Quad and Ring Of Shadows which now fills you up on guns and doubles your damage. So really you are the one who has the advantage here.

Top of Desk Dungeon




Darius Kazemi
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snapman's picture


Game File: 

You are a frog with a short tongue. You need to jump and eat the files directly. But don't eat bees, that would hurt!

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
jan_strach's picture

Storm Is Coming


Storm Is Coming.

Originally created in 2009, a short black and white adventure in a grassy valley.

Storm is coming and the rain is going to flood the valley unless you find help. There are three animals that can help you. Nothing is obvious but there are hints provided in the game if you get stuck.

Jan Strach
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Made For: 
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Game File: 

A one room RPG!

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