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snapman's picture

Get Ready!


Back when I played through Indigo Prophecy (Fahrenheit) on PS2, my friends and I often joked about the "GET READY!" prompt that appeared before action sequences. Together we imagined a game with dull activities like making breakfast or getting the newspaper overlayed with the "Simon Says" interface, followed by spectacular failure sequences (drowning in the milk, fatal papercut on the newspaper) and the melodramatic voice over saying "This is how my story ends. Officially it was a suicide..."

So of course my immediate reaction to the first demo footage of Heavy Rain was to whip up an overlay game in Flash. I guess the final game didn't really turn out all that different, except with a little more JASON!

Play with fingers on homerow, as if using 2-handed WASD.
That's ESDF for the left hand, and IJKL for the right.

(Finally posting this all these years later because SpindleyQ is making plans for a Youtube FMV Game program. Source code will be available shortly.)

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SpindleyQ's picture

Numerous Wizards


A game improvised in about 10 minutes in front of a live audience at Babycastles, to demonstrate the playfulness and joy of Klik & Play.

You can play it in your browser but it's just gonna start crawling when the wizards start flying, so if you're on Windows, please download it. There's a 32-bit .exe included as well as the original Klik & Play version.

Important: I made this game while dressed as a Klik & Play wizard.

Made For: 
An event
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I am an artist and a complete newbie in game making. Can somebody, please tell which steps I shall follow to get into it.
(I know that newbies irritate sometimes, but if you help me, I would be very happy and we could become friends)

Thank you.


ExciteMike's picture

Voluntary Servitude


gratuitously inaccessible
Based on Jane McGonigal's book but not in such a way that you could ever tell.

Flash version added:

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Made For: 
An event
Techokami's picture

Bomb Quest

Game File: 

The life of a Bomb is harsh.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
thesycophant's picture

Super Sister-Finding Adventure World

Game File: 

This is what I built out of my aborted Ludum Dare 23 project. It's pretty silly and maybe broken?

Character sprites stolen from Survival Kids. Game kind of born of my desire to make a game like Survival Kids.

John D. Moore
Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
fizzhog's picture

Spring Rites

Game File: 

An epic miniature! My first trainwreck. My first play with Game Maker. Controls: WASD.

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