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Knytt Stories Last Hurrah Collab!

Sat, Dec 01 2012 12:00 AM
12/01/2012 - 00:00
12/06/2012 - 23:59

Remember the Pirate Kart Knytt Stories Collaboration Level? I thought that was pretty awesome. In fact, best Knytt collaboration level ever, right?

Well, Knytt Underground is supposed to come out before the end of the year, which signals the end of an era - an era where Knytt Stories was the only game, ever. I figure that we need to send it out in style with ANOTHER BADASS COLLABORATION from the Trainwrecks Friendship and Drinking club (Drinking Optional) (TM). It might very well be the last collaboration level for Knytt Stories before Knytt Underground.

So, here's the guidelines, as copied from the last Knytt collab (Thanks EffBee/EffEminate!)

-Each participant takes turns making a section of the level
-Only one section per participant (although this is flexible. I want to see everyone who wants to participate go at least once before we start seeing duplicate participants though)
-Make your section between ten and twenty screens long (more of a guideline really)
-Please don't edit someone else's section (unless you have a really good idea)
-Add a sign message to your first screen stating that you made the section
-First person should start the level off with the Run and Climb abilities. Feel free to introduce the other abilities but try to be gradual about it.
-When you've finished your section, upload it as a packed file.
-Whoever is working on the next section should say so, just so that we don't have two people trying to make section X and thus conflicting with each other.

Submit WIP versions as an attachment to COMMENTS, not as a new game. That way, we don't clutter up the site or the Twitter feed. We'll attach the final version as the real game so there's no confusion.

Since we have some time before the event begins, feel free to share your ideas in the comments and get excited! And send it to your friends!

Games made for Knytt Stories Last Hurrah Collab!

ihavefivehat's picture

30 Games In 1 RollerCoaster DeathRide To InFinity You Will Die After You Play This And No One Will Come To Your Funeral

death ride.png

Hi! I did this event today instead of 18 days from now because I felt inspired. It's 30 games that I made in 2 hours. Warning: even though I felt inspired, these games are pretty much all horrible. Enjoy!

Made For: 
An event

ninja game


alright, so this game was made with processing and it sucks.

Made For: 
An event

Stork Ride

Game File: 

Keep the child safe and sound.
Avoid obstacles and enemies.
Sand is safe.

Any key - lower or raise baby.

Each second - 1 point
Mango (checkpoint) - 50 points
Kiwifruit (bonus) - 100 points
Collision - lose 100 points

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
Blueberry Soft's picture


Game File: 





Made For: 
An event
TheCakeFlavor's picture


bg final.png
Game File (Mac): 
Game File: 

advergame that presents the user with a set of choices

made in renpy

I'm not sure where else to post it, or when.

Made For: 
An event
agj's picture

Drawing thingie

Game File: 

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event

Brick Thief

Game File: 

Bricks in breakout games tend to look valuable, what with all the shininess and gold bricks? It's almost a crime to break them, so why not commit an actual crime and steal them before they are destroyed? Compete against the computer or a friend to see who can wrack up the most points.

P1 controls: Mouse controls hand, left click to pick up bricks. Drag bricks off the bottom of the screen without getting hit by the ball or paddle to score.
P2 controls: Keyboard, cursor keys to control paddle. Break bricks and keep the ball in play.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
bpseudopod's picture

Worryspider in: The Garden


HEADS UP! If you just want to play the game, go to the itch.io link above. The downloadable file contains the source files, and you have to start a local HTTP server (y'know, python -m http.server) to play it. Check out the readme for full credits and dev notes!

A frantic gather-em-up about the bourgeois norms of lawncare. Can YOU gather enough apples to feed your hungry pal?

Made For: 
An event
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