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wibi's picture

Lesson in Trickery


A puzzlescript game that I expected to be nothing but memes for 5 levels straight, but actually turned out decent.
Has 11 levels of varying difficulty. Made it in two, maybe three days.

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An event
KlikBot's picture

Klik of the Month Klub #61

Sat, Jul 21 2012 04:00 PM
07/21/2012 - 16:00
07/21/2012 - 18:00

The Klik of the Month Klub meets right here on this very website on the third Saturday of every month at 4pm Pacific Time (taking daylight savings into consideration) for a two hour Klik & Play Showdown. Everyone who participates gets two hours to create something from scratch in Klik & Play. Abusing the stock objects is encouraged. If you really loathe Klik & Play you can use whatever game development platform you want. Two hours is a pretty tight time limit, though, so choose wisely!

Klik & Play is absolutely free to download, and learning it takes minutes, so everyone can get in on the action.

Want to talk to your fellow Klikwreckers? Join us on IRC -- server irc.freenode.net, channel #glorioustrainwrecks. We've also got a Mumble voice chat server -- just connect to glorioustrainwrecks.com using Mumble and you can talk to us like real human beings! Join the mayhem!

After you've made your game, you should upload it here!

For more information, check out the KotM N00B FAQ.

Sign up using the "Sign Up" tab above if you want to get reminded by email the day before the klikkening begins!

Games made for Klik of the Month Klub #61

LFF's picture


I enjoy making games, except for that I never have the motivation to make ones that aren't joke games. Probably doesn't help that I don't know any programs other that Scratch, KnP and Ren'py, either.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
KlikBot's picture

Timezone Lottery Klik Jam #5

Sat, Aug 06 2011 07:00 AM
08/06/2011 - 14:00
08/06/2011 - 16:00

The time is right... for making videogames! The Timezone Lottery Klik Jam happens on the first Saturday of every month, at a time chosen randomly by our top-of-the-line numerical hour-choosing machines. This month, it takes place at 2:00 pm UTC. Whenever that time rolls around for you, you have two hours to make a game!

How can I possibly make a game in that short a timespan, you gasp? There are many game-making tools available, but the most ludicrous and welcoming of all is Klik & Play. If you want to give K&P a shot, we have a Learning KNP FAQ available, as well as some advice on making it work on modern machines.

Making games is its own reward, but it can be much, much more rewarding when you're doing it with friends. To get the most out of this worldwide internet game jam, come talk with everyone on IRC. It's a great way to share this awesome experience, and get quick help when things aren't going right. Our server is irc.freenode.net, and our channel is #glorioustrainwrecks.

After you've made your game, upload it here!

For more information, check out the N00B FAQ.

Sign up below to get a reminder email the day before the jam!

Games made for Timezone Lottery Klik Jam #5

thesycophant's picture

Koi Puncher

Game File: 


Z: Punch
F/F4: Fullscreen toggle
Q/Esc: Quit

To end the game, attempt to crawl out of the pond next to your sandals (which is to say, hold that direction for over a second).

Game developed based on title suggestions from Jared Allred and John Allred.

3/29/2015: Updated for compatibility

John D. Moore
Made For: 
An event
mcc's picture



This is a variation on my glorious trainwrecks game from last week:
based on the way SophieH incorrectly played it.

In this game your goal is to climb down as far as possible into an infinite abyss of cubes. But be careful, you take falling damage...

I'm saying this was a 3 hour game. I started at about 1:10, and I finished at about 5:10, and I spent about 45 minutes in there arguing with a pharmacist. Someday. Someday, I will finish a Glorious Trainwreck game inside the 2 hour limit.

Source code: https://bitbucket.org/runhello/fall

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event

Brainmotron 3D

Game File: 

Planned for this to be bigger and better by about 4-6 hours of work, but had some problems with Unity mostly caused by being an idiot and lacking sleep :) Oh wells! Playable at least.

Adrian Gordon (Code) + Arran Langmead (Art)
Made For: 
An event
Terry's picture

Terry Cavanagh

Lemon Meringue Pie


* 225g / 8oz Cream Plain Flour
* 50g / 2oz Icing Sugar
* 150g / 5oz Margarine (room temperature)
* 1 Egg Yolk
* 1 Tablespoon Cold Water
* Few drops Lemon Juice


* 50g / 2oz Shamrock Cornflour
* 125g / 4oz Caster Sugar
* 300ml / 1/2pt Water
* Rind & Juice of 2 Lemons
* 2 Egg Yolks


* 3 Egg Whites
* Pinch of salt
* 125g / 4oz Caster Sugar


1. Preheat oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas 6. Lightly grease a 20cms/8” flan ring or dish.
2. Make pastry: Sieve the flour and icing sugar together. Mix the egg yolk, water and lemon juice together. Place one third of the flour mixture in a bowl, add the margarine and the liquids. Cream with a fork until well blended. Add the remaining flour and sugar mixture and mix to a firm dough. Cover and refrigerate for about an hour.
3. Roll out pastry on a little flour and use to line the flan ring or dish. Prick the base well with a fork, then, cover with well crumpled tin foil. This prevents the pastry rising during baking! Bake in pre heated oven for 20 minutes until ‘set’, remove the tinfoil for the last 5 minutes baking. Remove from oven. Reduce oven to 150°C/300°F/Gas 2.
4. Meanwhile make the filling: Place the cornflour and sugar in a saucepan, gradually whisk in the water. Add the lemon rind and bring to the boil stirring until thick and transparent. Remove from heat and stir in the strained lemon juice. Beat in the egg yolks and pour into the flan case.
5. Make the meringue: Beat the egg whites in a clean dry bowl with a pinch of salt until ‘stiff’. Beat in the sugar until glossy. Spoon meringue over filling, sprinkle with a little sugar and bake for 25 minutes until golden brown.

Recipe Notes:

* Refreshing tangy dessert, can be served hot or cold!

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2

UpRising 2.0

Preview - Stage 1-5 (Haphazard).png

Climb the 30-floor tower in this basic old-school platformer!

Made For: 
An event
everythingstaken's picture

Proof 1-3

Game File (Mac): 
Game File: 

got into an argument and then made this game

the Mac and PC versions are pretty different

Made For: 
An event
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