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Dont Wake the Sleepy Kittey


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atuun's picture

Dingos and Dungeons Game Night - for mno!


It's Christmas Eve, and that means board game night. One of your friends has brought over a weird game he got while he was studying abroad. None of you have heard of it, but it seems promising?

The back of the box reads:

"BEHOLD, adventurers! A quest like none other! Explore an Australian Outback ruled by mysterious characters and enchanted by magicks arcane such as GATORMANCY, SHIVINATION, and MATH. Lead your heroes through dozens of unique challenges using the unique CARDSTAT system, guaranteeing that no two games will be alike (unlimited* replay value)! Each space offers a new adventure. Will you fist-fight a KANGAROO? Eat a bunch of JAM? Hack the OUTBACK DARKNET? And, at the end of the day, will you adventure competently enough to reach the coveted G'Day Grotto, complete the trials, and retrieve the G'Day Goblet? The choice is YOURS, hero!

This revised edition includes the acclaimed "GOLD COAST OF DEATH" expansion, featuring an in-depth Artifact system.
An RPG from your friends at Reverse Flush Games."

* Might last you 4, maybe 5 games.

Merry Klikmas, mno/Nikki! I hope this game brings you some holiday joy and I wish you all the best in the coming year! :D

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Dingos and Dungeons - Win32.zip34.88 MB
sergiocornaga's picture

Santa Without a Claus


merry chistmas

((name changed thanks to Smedis2 who is smarter than me))

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Dark Acre Jack's picture

Dark Acre Jack's Space Finger

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Commander Guy is floating in a hallucinogenic miasma when the psyche comes under siege from the deadly Zlorb, alien space finger!

Fend off the invasive, probing fingers of Zlorb's army and pray that Guy can wake up in time!

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Five nights at skullboys


This is a Five nights at freddy' s parody made in Twine. It satirizes most Five nights at freddy' s clones. It' s highly educational. made in twine and ms paint in some 30 minutes or so.
You can also play it here : http://fivenightsatskullboys.gweb.io/

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Son of a dolphin's picture

Eat The Poison -2: A Cumstain On The Face Of Humanity: The End of A Cycle

angry face.png
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a hopefully moderately interesting game made with stencyl

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Right from the mouths of madness comes a game
orignally made for the recent Bad Lovecraft Games Jam ( https://itch.io/jam/bad-lovecraft-games/entries )
which was in the very spirit of trainwrecks
and thought you might

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rhetoricstu's picture

"without a cause" without a cause: the non-game

ceci n'est pas une gaem, ceci est une piece of crap

(not worth downloading, do not play). I was going to include more dialogue but it sucked, oh man did it suck.

oh well here's a video about "blender sux" to sweeten the deal


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UFO Panic Attack

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elektron's picture


Game File: 

Oh no! You've fallen into a hole! There is a bat here. And a rock! And a text parser with a bad vocabulary! And there is a bunch of exclamation marks in the description!

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