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SpindleyQ's picture

Ladies' Auxiliary Klik of the Month Ball #16

Sun, Feb 20 2011 09:00 AM
02/20/2011 - 16:00

Is the regular Klik of the Month Klub at an absurdly inconvenient time? Then try the Ladies' Auxiliary Klik of the Month Ball! (Ladies' Auxiliary Klik of the Month Ball is open to all genders and time zones.) The Ball takes place at 4PM GMT -- check that link to see what time that falls on for you.

The rules are the same: You get two hours to make a game in Klik & Play. If Klik & Play is a hindrance rather than a boon to your creativity, feel free to dump it for the game creation tool of your choice. If you're new to Klik & Play, check out our Learning KNP FAQ.

It's no fun making games by yourself in a vacuum, so make sure to stop by IRC. Our server is irc.freenode.net, and our channel is #glorioustrainwrecks. There's also got a Mumble voice chat server -- just connect to glorioustrainwrecks.com using Mumble and you can talk to us like real human beings!

After you've made your game, you should upload it here!

For more information, check out the N00B FAQ.

Sign up below if you'd like to be reminded the day before the ball!

Games made for Ladies' Auxiliary Klik of the Month Ball #16

Pizza Time's picture

Zombie Slash Bikini Killers, the list-ening

I've decided to compile a list of stuff for the next release, for shits and giggles. Feel free to print it off and tape it to the side of your monitor so you can add exclamation marks next to the features that I neglect to add.

- Sexy combo animations
- Zombies that change attacks/animations based on how much of their
shit gets messed up
- Use hitboxes for attacks instead of that separate sword-trail object
- Hidden meaning that compares the relationship of the zombies and
the claustrophobic urban setting as some sort of reference to the
mental struggle of humanity and their modern day environments
- Puddles of gore that hang around due to the low amount of on-
screen dead people (so no huge swarms like in Dethbus and
Zombie Invasion: the Body Explosion).
More blood+less zombies=more violence!
- Trash and chaossss!!!!

everythingstaken's picture


Screen Shot 2016-10-31 at 4.31.00 PM.png
Game File: 
Jheronimus Bosch

Someone I know who loves Jheronimus Bosch, who I used to be very close to, became a crust punk recently and is going to live in New Orleans; don't do drugs, stay in school; here's an abstract 1-5 player competitive game.

Made For: 
An event
Jheronimus_Bosch.jpg23.8 KB
Techokami's picture


Game File: 

do iiiit

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2

Twine: improved YouTube background audio macros

This code is largely based on some original macros posted to the Google Group by, er, somebody. These take a YouTube video ID and plays the audio of that video invisibly in the background of your Twine game. The player will require Flash installed, of course.

http://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/files/TwineMacros-YouTubeAudio-2.1.0.txt (Last updated 16/3/14)

What I've done is upgrade it in the following ways:
* The volume slider is removed, on the basis that most authors will probably not have much call for it. Also, it required jQuery and jQuery UI, which not only inflated the footprint of the script, but may have interfered with other jQuery-using Twine scripts.
* It supports multiple sound tracks per story, and lets you play them simultaneous with each other if you so wish.
* The script will attempt to preload all of the videos, ensuring that they play as soon as their macros are called. (Note: currently it only preloads the tracks from the start, so this performance gain may not be seen when starting playback from the middle of the track.)
* A few more macros are provided, roughly in line with my HTML5 audio macros: <<unloopbgm>> and <<pausebgm>>.
* The code has less implicit globals. (This is a meaningless distinction.)
* There should be more informative error messages for specific error codes.

The macro names themselves are similar, but I made the following changes: <<playbgm>> now plays the audio once, and <<loopbgm>> causes it to constantly loop. Otherwise, they function identically.

Note: For browser security reasons, local HTML files are prohibited from accessing network files through a Flash embed. So, you have to test these macros by running the game from a web server.

Usage examples
*<<playbgm iHBWZn9re0U 32>> plays the YouTube video starting from 32 seconds in.
*<<playbgm iHBWZn9re0U>> plays the YouTube video from the beginning, or resumes it if it was paused.
*<<stopbgm iHBWZn9re0U>> stops the sound track.
*<<loopbgm iHBWZn9re0U>> makes the sound track constantly loop (although it may not quite be seamless).
*<<unloopbgm iHBWZn9re0U>> stops it from looping.
*<<pausebgm iHBWZn9re0U>> pauses the sound track.
*<<stopbgm iHBWZn9re0U>> stops playback and resets its position to the start.

Feel free to report any bugs to @webbedspace.

TwineMacros-YouTubeAudio-2.1.0.txt3.13 KB
LauriWeb's picture

MUHAMMAD 5 The verwourren TimeSpaceDoor


The decades of suffering are over! Muhammad 5 is finally released worldwide!
Because at least 0.3 people played Muhammad 1-4, the wonderful and epic finale to the Muhammad pentalogy is finally released worldwide!
You wanted it so it is finally released worldwide!

The Timespacedoor has been opened!
Muhammad III woke up in old Berulohr caves 40 years after his adventure in Muhammad 4 and received the task to find Muhammad I, Muhammad I the King, and Muhammad II in order to defeat the evil Sak, a mysterious new villain who opened the timespacedoor to destroy the past and make him the king of the world.

What an awful plan.

Now all the Muhammads are on a magical journey through time and space to defeat Sak and make the world happy again.

-Bigger and better than every other game
-more than 274897432974092749027490724720947920³ Levels
-not as hard as Muhammad 4
-Finally released worldwide!
-Not Professor EagleEye
-Better story than Inception
-Better story than Bionicle

Play it.

Made For: 
An event


Game File: 

SO MANY PRETTY FLOWERS... ENJOY THIS ADVENTURE PILGRIM... SHIFT+ARROWS TO SHOOT, ARROWS TO MOVE. SOUNDTRACK is HERE including ptf and WAV. Original Tracks, Tracks used: Tealgun, wrenchbaron, and bigrose. There's a little bit of plot and background but it sort of fades away as I decide to make it more ambient since most ZZT-style games contain too much.

Made For: 
Ladies' Auxiliary Klik of the Month Ball #5 (Mar 2010)
FirecatFG's picture

Black Runner Spooky Halloween Jog

Game File: 

You are the Yellow Jogger's long forgotten rival/friend/sidekick, you were enjoying a nice night time jog when suddenly Halloween, what will you do?, eat candy?, get spooked?, continue with your jog ignoring everything?. The choice is yours i guess.

Made For: 
An event

Man Cannon

Game File: 

OS X download: http://l.j-factor.com/gamemaker/MacManCannon.zip

Run over enemy soldiers to collect them. Shoot them at other soldiers to incapacitate them temporarily. Shoot them at tanks to destroy them.
Resist the invading army!
Your tank can only withstand four hits.

You will face several kinds of foes!

Standard soliders fire a bullet.
Big Guys are armed with a spread gun.
Pyromaniacs shoot limited-distance flames.
Tanks fire very fast shells.
The Generalissima must be defeated to claim victory.


W, A, S, D - move tank
Mouse - move crosshair
Mouse click - fire cannon in that direction
Space, arrows - navigate the menu

Made For: 
An event
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