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tininsteelian's picture

Klik and Stacker


EDIT: I turned this game into a full-fledged Android game! Check it out here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tininincstudios.everydaystacker&hl=en

This game utilizes Clickteam Fusion 2.5's built-in physics engine! The goal is to build the tallest tower possible by stacking pieces from Klik and Play on top of each other.

P.S. The reason I'm uploading this a bit early is because I thought I wouldn't be available during the actual event so I made the game a bit early. As it turns out, I will be available during the event, so I will probably make another game then.

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FirecatFG's picture



This Megapack is the fourth one! And probably also the last one before THE BIG ONE! Games for your Manygames game reader. Download and play it standalone, or merge it with the other Manygames packages.
This megapack includes the following games:
Adventure of Bom
Don't Get Stabbed By Lighting
Eat The Planet
Here's An Idea
I Had All The Characters For Pacman (And I Didn't Even Realize)
Oh No! Missiles!
Slalom I Think
Spider Vigilante
The Clever Ideas Are Long Gone
This is Bait

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Wertpol's picture

Olson's Journey


Olson's Journey is the new masterpiece by the creators of Inception and bread.

Take part in Olson's Journey and discover vast landscapes.
Solve puzzles, tons and tons of puzzles
Be amazing
Like olson himself.

-Most longest game
-Enviromentally correct
-Hours and hours of gameplay
-You might just take forever to finish it if you don't figure out the puzzles
-So theoretically endless playtime for you
-Olson is a pretty man

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denson's picture


Screen Shot 2017-08-21 at 07.01.20.png
Game File (Mac): 


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SpindleyQ's picture

For sergiocornaga: It's Christmastime!


It's Christmastime! Merry Christmas, Sergio!

Use the mouse or touchscreen to play.

Music is by Patrick Alexander.

Jeremy Penner
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tininsteelian's picture

3D Foggy Drive


Made for 1HGJ #219: Limit

Drive around the area, collecting fuel cans to increase the limit of your car's speed. Don't hit the cones or barriers. Can you collect all 50 cans?

Sources: https://pastebin.com/TjxiMc2Z

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Simple game design

The simplest designs create the most elegant games. This, I guess, is what makes the mobile game industry tick like it does right now. Could simple mechanics be applied to "real" (as in, games with a big plot and lots of content and some bigger meaning and whatnot) games to make them successful?

-Dice Of Mana has been made. It is a gambling game where 2 opposing wizards try to summon the great Bull Beast by gathering up enough magic. However, too much mana at a time will cause a wiz to black out and lose all gathered magic.

SpindleyQ's picture


I'm writing a telnet server for realtime online multiplayer ANSI gaming and game-creation. Realtime collaboration is so much easier when everything happens on the server, and it's so much easier for everything to happen on the server when it only has to worry about spitting out 80x25 character images. I'm almost done with the plumbing (parsing ANSI escape codes from a telnet stream, an internal representation of an ANSI screen, diffing two ANSI screens to minimize the amount of shit sent over the wire), and it should be pretty straightforward to port my Stackless Python game engine to use this new framework. Might this mean a textmode port of Hax0r?

Anyone want to contribute some sweet ANSI?

Ideas for scripting are welcome. I don't really think ZZT-OOP is the way to go (Goto-based programming! Brillant!); a more Klik & Play-style if-this-happens-then-do-this approach is probably better. I can expand on this if anyone is interested.

Leo's picture

Epic Battle (Game created with Klik n play playable on 64-bit PC)

Game File: 

I have found a way to share games created with Klik & Play and that are playable on 64-bit PCs!!!!

arrows to move
Z to jump
X to shoot axes

Take the axes from the ends of the stage and shoot them at the enemy.

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