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sergiocornaga's picture

Mushroom Maze

Game File: 

Is there no escape from Mushroom Maze?

(There is no escape from Mushroom Maze)

Event Created For: 
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An event
gisbrecht's picture

FINA FLIGHTSY (for marbles-box)


Welcome to the newest Cube Enix Produkt, FINA FLIGHTSY.
SEPP, WHIZ, and MOOG are on an adventure in the sky until they are attacked by sky monsters!

Arrows - Move
Z - Fire SEPP attack when ready
X - Fire WHIZ attack when ready
C - Activate MOOG shield when ready
R - Reset Game

Art from Final Fantasy Something
Sound Effects from Roblox, 3D Movie Maker, Chip's Challenge and Klik n Play.
Title music is Title from Final Fantasy Legend III ( track by Ryuji Sasai? )
Game Music from is Boss from the 7th Saga ( track by Norihiko Yamanuki )

This Game Was Made For marbles-box as part of Sekret Santa 2020

This was originally going to be an rpg maker game so I included the sprites I made before I switched to clickteam. They'll work in RPG Maker MV but you'll need to edit them to work in older versions probably. Feel free to use just credit me as Mariken S. or Mariken Drawinge

Made For: 
An event



I actually made this game with my friend quite a while ago, but it was hidden away on a distant website. So! I uploaded it to GameJolt so that it gets more exposure. I'm still pretty happy with it.

An art game, in that it's a game about making art!

You are presented with a rude image! It's your task to use the drawing tools to turn the rude image into something nice and family friendly!

You can then submit the finished image to the gallery where others can vote on it's niceness or rudeness! Or, go straight to the gallery and rate other works!

Made For: 
An event
everythingstaken's picture

Heart Pounding TrainWreck Marathon


Yo, what's up Glorious Trainwrecks?!

So, there was that "Klik and Play Marathon: The Final Laps" event.
FirecatFG and I made 42 short games!
Each of these games were made in about 15 or so minutes!

This exe has all the games that were posted in Klik and Play Marathon.
It also has a few games that I wanted to save for this huge file.
There's an interactive overworld for selecting all the games!
There's a password screen!
There's a huge text file with all the controls for each game and different hints.
Ask us questions if you want!


FirecatFG and everythingstaken
Made For: 
An event

Kierkegaard's afraid of love

Game File: 

uh, I learnt klik n play as I made this

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
sergiocornaga's picture

Soccer Judge: The Revenge

Game File: 

Made in literally 10 minutes, mostly by my friend Liam.

An epic tale of revenge.

Made For: 
An event
snapman's picture

Don't Repeat Yourself


Is this a game about worrying that any new game ideas you have are a repeat of something you've already done? Nope, it's a dumb, buggy counting game about never repeating the same number of seconds between keypresses.

happy kotm100 everybody

Made For: 
An event
Danni's picture

Weird Tetris Games

Today's xkcd strip got me thinking. What sort of weird Tetris or Tetris-like games are out there?

So far I've seen Tetoris (that Flash Tetris game with an enormous playfield), First-Person Tetris (someone should remake this in 3D where you are literally looking out from the side of the piece), a physics-based Tetris or Tetris-like where the pieces are really bouncy, and a Tetris tech demo with anti-aliasing, anisotropic filtering, HDR, bloom, refraction, ambient occlusion...

Oh, and KnP Tetris!

Anyone know of any others?
Hmm, maybe we should make our own weird Tetris knockoffs too, though that might be a topic for Locomotive Engineers.
Edit: Ah, heck with it. I'll just go ahead and make this an event.

SpindleyQ's picture

For Lynx: Don't Shoot

Game File: 

Ho ho oh god it's more than halfway through January


You gave me some difficult criteria! Like, "not stupid"! And "Depth"! Those are things I don't normally attempt, but this game turned out really good anyway!

Don't Shoot is an arena shooter where instead of shooting, you run into enemies to destroy them! Sometimes the enemies shoot at you but YOU CAN RUN HEADFIRST INTO THEIR BULLETS AND GET POINTS RAAAR FUCK YOOUUUUU BULLETS

Kill lots of stuff really fast without dying and your multiplier goes up! Complete all four waves and the game loops over, harder, and the multiplier MULTIPLIES! (I have yet to actually complete all four waves but I've gotten close!)

Sound effects courtesy of my son Eric, age 6. He insisted.

I finished this game like a week or two ago but I've been stuck on deciding what music to put in, and finally I decided that you should listen to your own music while you play. It's a feature!

If you want, you can edit the levels by messing around with waves.csv! Make the game vastly easier, or thrust yourself into a punishing, treacherous hellscape of your own devising! The choice is yours! The order of the columns is:
level name, max pursuers, max exploders, max orange circle fuckers (seriously fuck those guys), game ticks

Jeremy Penner
Made For: 
An event
Blueberry Soft's picture


pyramid 2.png
Game File (Linux): 
Game File (Mac): 
Game File: 

An attempt to make a space where each action has a marked and legible effect on the world, and which effects the rules of that world.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
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