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Danni's picture

A Quick Swim (Mario Maker)


Course ID: 6B9A-0000-00B0-6A74

You need Super Mario Maker to play this! Sorry!

I wanted to try my hand at making a fairly easy/fun underwater course. Total construction time: slightly less than an hour.

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SpindleyQ's picture

Klik of the Month Klub

You've always wanted to make a videogame, but who has the time? Now you do, with Klik & Play, a brutal two-hour time limit, and no standard of quality! It's the Klik of the Month Klub!

Chatting now happens on IRC, on the server irc.freenode.net, channel #glorioustrainwrecks.

CharlieVermin's picture


Game File: 

You are a young and ambitious sphere who feels ready to run for the president. Can you get the support of the majority in a country of two strongly opposing factions? Find out in this action puzzle game than only uses dark blue, yellow and magenta colors unless it uses gray. I made this game in two days after spending several days on having good intentions and producing absolutely nothing. Challenge yourself and spend ten minutes on this!

Or five minutes and fifty seconds. If you win the game this fast, you will be better than me.

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An event
ihavefivehat's picture

Creative Uses for 15 Different Household Items (For let-off-studios)


Walk around and press 'e' to pick up and drop various items.

When holding an item, press the left mouse button to use it.


This was made for let-off-studios. It was an incentive for providing over 12 comments in the 12 Days of Klikmas event way back in December. Oh, is it already February? Oh well. I was originally going to make a quick RPG Maker 2003 game, but I had this idea and I wanted to make it work in Unity. It was inspired by the following image, which let-off-studios provided:



Uses many free models from the Unity asset store.

Thanks to Google Image Search for the textures.

Sounds are mostly from RPG Maker 2003.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
FlaviusMaximus's picture

The INCREDIBLE 700-1 MIDI's Kollection!!! (and some original samples)

Yes! You read it right! 700 MIDI files, just 16MB, and the .rar file is just 1MB!!!!1!!111
Also, i'm providing the original samples of the American Version of KNP that i found in some Brazillian domain. enjoy, and keep Trainwrecking!

EDIT: Yes. i know about the "51.000-in-1"

700-in-1 MIDI's.rar1.85 MB
SAMPLES.rar6.24 MB

Rec me rpg twines?

Or any twine, really, that makes use of a menu-type-function/a page where you can view your stats!

Eliot's picture


Screen shot 2011-08-20 at 5.14.48 PM.PNG
Game File: 

A cheap rip-off of Passage about a young man trying to make his way in the game industry

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Made For: 
An event
everythingstaken's picture


Screen Shot 2017-10-05 at 4.07.46 PM 1.png
Game File (Mac): 
Game File: 

spin. eat candy. screen wrap. embody a snake. eat the special candy to be attractive to the other candies. sate your candylust and roar with euphoria. and then stop.

-Ben Sironko
October 11th, 2017
Brooklyn, NY

Made For: 
An event
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