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Edrobot the Magnificent

Michael J. Maris (alias "Edrobot") is one of the most awesome guys ever. He's a huge Homestuck fan and works on several forum-adventures and absolutely loves playing video games. His favorite games is "The World Ends With You" for the DS and "Persona 4" PS2, and his least favorite game is "Kim Possible" for the GBA.

Currently, Edrobot is a Game Simulation Arts and Sciences/Computer Science dual major at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

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SpindleyQ's picture

HATWORLD: WORLD OF HATS alpha (not a real game) (only a test)

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HATWORLD: WORLD OF HATS has features on the back of its box
HATWORLD: WORLD OF HATS will make you cry but is not a videogame
HATWORLD: WORLD OF HATS has been in development for 17 years
HATWORLD: WORLD OF HATS features voice acting by peter mansbridge
HATWORLD: WORLD OF HATS was written by a five year old
HATWORLD: WORLD OF HATS does not exist in this timeline

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bul's picture

The Eight Abductees


a game with deep meanings

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markp0rter's picture

Let's play Antikrops DX

after my last let's play video I decided to make yet another one. this time its really long so i had to split it into THREE parts. i don't know if anybody is able to cope with this but if you are I hope you enjoy it. also feel free to suggest games to me and I might give them a go if the quality seems "right" ;)

the download link for the game is also in the youtube video description. you should give the game a try since its hilarious.

part #1


part #2


part #3


RehaSoft's picture

Andy's Fun Fruit Racing [Demo]

Game File: 

The first game made by A-Games.

Made in roughly 2 days, it's a demo.

we're still making the full version & it's roughly 25% complete.

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Johny L.'s picture

Ikiki's games

There was a loads of small games from a weird japanese indie game developer which makes both original games and mario fangames. You guys should check these out and they can be entertaining and funny at all the time.

The creator has its own official site but i think it's down, but i found a ZIP archive full of all of his games, from g4g.it. http://www.g4g.it/?dl_id=1013

Tenniscraft: Scenario II

Screen Shot 2012-03-03 at 02.50.59.png
Game File: 

Tenniscraft Secret Saturday Update #1: Now with AI and scoring!

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Scroungin_4_Catsup's picture

Flashbulb Litter Survey


This game... oh boy. It took me way longer than I thought it would. It's such a simple idea, but making a bunch of little pictures, no matter how ridiculous they were, and then hacking them apart and turning them "invisible" is so unbelievably time consuming. I feel TIRED after making this game. I feel RELIEVED that I am finished making this game.

However, I do feel that the main mechanic is pretty interesting and I'd like to see somebody far more talented than I put it to use in a different genre.

Basically, you crawl around on the ground until you see a pile of litter. You crawl over the litter so your head is directly above it, and hit space bar. This takes a "photo" - really dumps a screenshot to your clipboard. From there you open your favorite graphics program and paste the "photo", then "develop" it by using the fill tool, free select, rotate tools etc. until it is visible and all pieced back together. Is it even worth your time? Who knows?????

I tried to make the atmosphere a little strange, and I guess part of the reason I put so much time in it is that "go around a screen until you find something and see what it looks like" is a little too thematically similar to my other game Bileview and I wanted to make it a bit more mechanically different than that.

Scroungin' 4 Catsup
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