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Game File: 

OMG it's tipping over OMGOMG

Made For: 
An event



Are you a bum, a lion, or a charles? Do you communicate with fish, plants, or diamonds? What sports do you play that involve a hockey puck and hurdles and nets in the middle? Can you handle the pressure, pilgrim? What about the lack of plot, no set goals, and the fact that this is published to an event that ran last year?

Who knows if anyone will play it, or maybe they'll click on it before I fix the link to it. You are... Bum Charles.

`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - SOUNDTEST
= frameskip BACKSPACE frameback
K pause music L Resume music
ARROW KEYS movement, mouse leftclick, game button one, spacebar - trigger ..
p - used a lot here.

Music Romantic Warrior by Return to Forever, Chick Corea's sweet beats can be heard here in alternative format. The real goal of this game changed when I heard this track and I did my best to make it sound as good as possible, choosing the right soundfont etc. It's all about the music.

Made For: 
Ladies' Auxiliary Klik of the Month Ball #5 (Mar 2010)

how to make clickbait (nsfw)


a small powerpoint presentation on how to make clickbait. nsfw because of crudely drawn sex scenes and nudity and some violence thanks. more information in game.

Made For: 
An event
Noyb's picture

There Is A Monster at the End of this Game


Arrows + space.

Made with a team for Molyjam NYC.
Monster sprite ripped from Monsters, Inc. GBA.
Music ripped from To the Moon.
Full credits in game.

Made For: 
An event
Smedis2's picture


Game File: 


Made For: 
An event
SirNiko's picture

Monster Vaccine

Game File: 

Halloween is coming up! Give the monsters their vaccinations so they can be healthy for the big day!

Space to navigate menus, and the fire. Shift to jump.

Your vaccines are limited!! If you run out, wait a second and they will refill (you gain one per second, and can hold a maximum of 3).

Grab the vitamin D capsule for maximum dumb-bomb action!!


Zombie - 100 pts
Frankenstein's Monster - 250 pts
The Creature from the Black Lagoon - 500 pts
Dracula - 1,000 pts!!!

Based on this true article: http://www.naturalnews.com/027231_Vitamin_D_immune_system_vaccines.html

Thanks to Nowhere Girl for inspiration, and GreyGriffin for music recommendations

Made For: 
An event
Johny L.'s picture

The Super Mozart Adventure 2 events... (forum post for ideas)

TSMA2 Teaser.png

TSMA is finally released here and it is mostly unknown that how the events of TSMA2 are going. The sequel will contain a new long storyline, new playable characters, and stop n swop feature!

The 2 following characters of the previous game will have changes:
Mario is now Paper Mario (not mentioned in the game and uses Ninja's Paper Mario sprites).
Flerppy has changed sprites in-game (which are custom by me).

Anyways go look the teaser poster, it's amazing!

Ideas that would appear in this game:
: Plot idea by sergioconada (http://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/5630#comment-19009 )
: Another feature idea by bc_: Crouching characters, restart button on every level, new password screen and soundtest. (http://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/5630#comment-19082 )
: Character idea by FlaviusMaximus: Bach (portrait only) and Bob the Kangaroo (On IRC chat, no link available)

Ideas that wouldn't appear in this game:
: Feature idea by bc_: Playing sounds through frames. (http://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/5627#comment-19072 ) Declined due that the feature is hard to use.

Ideas that would be decided to do:
: Plot idea by FlaviusMaximus (a heroic sacrifice in the end) (No link, asked on IRC chat)
: Character idea by Smedis2: Jesus with Batman's Mask (http://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/5630#comment-19098 )

Request more on this thread: http://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/5646 !

Ideas are:
: Features that would appear in the game.
: Some plot ideas that would succed in the story.
: Characters that would appear during the story.

EDIT: I'm announcing that the idea asking will end at October 3, 2013. And development will begin at November 25, 2013.

maves bocan teches tipeng 3

Game File: 

Players complained that maves bocan 2 was "too difficult," we have corrected these concerns.

Made For: 
An event
spiral's picture


Game File: 

From the mind of somebody who misread a licence plate and decided to make a game based off of the resulting title, comes....


Q: Just WHO did all the mind-blowing soundtracks for this game?

Q: What IS a ghost mump?

Q: How CAN I find and harness the power of a ghost mump?

Q: Can YOU win the Goblet of Grrggaarr before the year 2015??

Q: Just HOW do I skip a significant portion of the game because of that one level (Level 6) that randomly glitches and becomes an awful sludgy mess to play for no good reason?


**Actually for the last one, should Level 6 break for you, close and re-open the game, and under the Game menu, enter the password "itbroke" to skip to Level 6 (with a minor score penalty). And for the first one, the music is by "S"!

GHOST MUMPS: EPISODE 1 is an action packed platformer to no end (it can be replayed infinity times!). It features 10 intense (after the tutorial I guess) levels that will keep you up at night trying to figure out!

Keep your eyeballs stuck to this screen for the upcoming exciting GHOST MUMPS: EPISODE 2: THE THIEVES OF GHASTLY GHOST MUMP MUCK SWAMP MANSION!

Made For: 
An event
FlaviusMaximus's picture

Gravity toy (not an actual game, just a pointless toy)

Game File: 

read the title

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
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