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Blueberry Soft's picture

Build me a performance space

Fri, Aug 23 2013 08:00 AM
08/24/2013 - 01:00
08/25/2013 - 12:59

Hi GT gang.

I don't know how aware of this people here are, but I am an artist in my final year of a fine art degree. I have started making virtual performances—that is using virtual, videogame-like spaces as locations for performances—and would like your help creating new spaces in which to perform.

The only requirement is that they be 3-D. Unity 3D is super easy to just plonk models in and have camera and physics taken care of, and I can help you if necessary, and 3D Rad is simple for similar reasons. Google Sketchup is a nice simple 3D modelling program, and a plugin that exports to Unity is available called PlayUp. There's also a 3D Rad related plugin that kind of confused me.

I won't give you any further rules for these spaces, but I will vaguely advise that—so far it seems—a good virtual performance space:

  1. Be open (whatever that means to you).
  2. Have things to perform with.
  3. Be played from a first-person perspective.

But challenges to these rules are much more than welcome.

I will be using these spaces to help me figure out what makes a good performance space, and I will stream myself playing each entry submitted via twitch.tv/ryliejamesthomas. Potentially some may also be used in my graduate exhibition (but I'll ask permission for anything public), but who knows; it's early days, and I still have a lot to think about.

The starting point for this idea was our own Fabien Poree's Destroy Your Home, and some examples of me performing in this game can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaSzjHiPqLH4-_BxBSXlCq1SG-uXYWqci

[i]Short version:[/b]

Make some 3-D games that are low on rules for me to play round with/in.


>> S U B M I T G A M E

Edit: now with 'cool 3d gif"


3d_lowangle.gif60.24 KB
davidope14.gif484.74 KB
heatcool_explicit-3D.gif16.59 KB
vtx.gif204.26 KB

Games made for Build me a performance space

Bird's picture

Crazy Computer Competition

Game File (Linux): 

Your girlfriend asks you to get rich. You heard, that computer freaks become quite rich. So you participate in a computer challenge, where competitors use their machines in battles to show, who the best is. But don't let the evolution of the newest era make your team look like dinosaurs.

This game works on Windows 95. There is a DOS version available on Doshaven, too.
It got an update in 2024, adding some more selectables and making the storyline more confusing.

Made For: 
FirecatFG's picture

Kick Jumper

Game File: 

Something i made on KnP. click on the screen to do jump kicks to the robots but avoid the walls.

Made For: 
An event
Smedis2's picture

The Adventure of Skatre Dued

Game File: 

Lol I maded this in klik and play enstaed of Gaem
Makerer cause its what everyone else lieks to use for dis gaem kart and cause its easyer to use .

(Seriously,though,Klick and Play and The Games Factory 2 are surprisingly easier to use than Game Maker!)
(Inspired by Thunder Dragon's Waligie Games.)

Made For: 
An event
Mataata's picture

Nightmare Squad! (very very early)


Made for TheCube for Christmas. Sorry I'm late!
This game isn't particularly Christmas-themed, but that just means you can play it year-round.
Game includes completely original music, sounds, sprites, and backgrounds. Font is Casual Encounter by Anna Antropy.

Long ago, an evil queen attempted to rule the world with a dark cloud. Although she has been long slain, fragments of her powerful magic remain, and have been invading the Dreamscape, a world where minds go when their bodies sleep. Four agents calling themselves the Nightmare Squad have come to put a stop to these abominations!
Game isn't particularly buggy, but I've only finished two levels so far, so it's a little short.
The goal of each level is to find all the keys needed to unlock the boss door, and then to defeat the boss monster. There are several shops in each level as well, and your friendly neighborhood Charles the Giant Carnivorous Plant will be happy to sell you items in exchange for Quartz pieces you find around the level! Various items include Bombs, which you can throw to destroy rocks and heavily damage enemies, Carafes, which will instantly refill your health before you die, and life-extending potions. Each character also has 5 Star Cards hidden around each level. These can be collected by shooting as well as touching them.

A and D: Move left and right
W: Jump
Q: Throw bomb (if you have any)
Shift: Attack (you can hold it to constantly fire)
E: Go through doors, activate switches
Esc: Pause/Forfeit level (will prompt you)
(Warning: There are some debug keys that probably either instantly kill you or restart the game still bound, so try not to bang your keyboards much)

Character's attacks:
Sammy: Rapid fire, short range, easy to hit with wave attack that can go through walls.
Crockett: Long range, slower shooting snipe shot that does more damage than Sammy but can be harder to hit with.
Ulix: Small area-of-effect sphere that constantly damages any enemy caught in it.
Izzy: Long range tackle that sends you flying straight forward and does massive damage on a successful hit. Will collide with walls. Izzy can be VERY easy to die as, so be warned.

Attack types (Changes based on the kind of element card you collect)
Fire: Higher damage than normal attacks, as well as an added burst effect that harms nearby enemies as well.
Water: Lower damage, but goes through enemies and can push certain ones.
Electric: High damage and goes through enemies. Can also activate generators, toggling generator blocks (marked with a lightning bolt) on and off.
Ice: Buggy. Does higher damage than normal and will turn enemy into an ice cube if their health is low enough, allowing for a faster kill and a platform. Can get you temporarily stuck some times, though, so watch out!

Some enemy behavior can be buggy as well (especially Dojies, who will charge at you if they spot you).
The game will save and load high score data (tracks cards collected for each character, highest quartz at end of level, and levels unlocked), but I'm not entirely sure if it created a fresh file, so don't be surprised if any levels are already unlocked or there's high scores already there.
Use mouse in menus and in the store.

If there are any other questions, please ask! I'm still working on the game and plan on adding tons more levels and things.

Mataata von Fawks
Made For: 
An event
Zecks's picture

Crazy Old Dudes: White Ops

Game File: 

finnish dudes were kinda amazing back in the WWII times.

and god knows why i got this idea.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
MegaIlinx's picture


From the streets of Raleigh, North Cackalack comes a new challenger.

Ya boy on Production and Design.
Young Tizzy AKA TAP on the beats.

The team is The Great Society.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
snapman's picture

Candy Alchemist

Game File: 

Some candy goes well with other candy. Also, some people are alchemists. Hey, you’re an alchemist! Even though you lack some of the more useful alchemical tools like a philosopher’s stone, your shadowy laboratory is stocked with some delicious candy. Which you will use. Alchemically. What will you make? What will you discover? It’s up to you in Candy Alchemist!

A collaboration between Snapman and WordRescue.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
RehaSoft's picture

Destroy the Toys PROTOTYPE (Improved Version)

Game File: 

Just another version with a setup program for people that can't run a .gam file.

Reha Soft
Made For: 
An event
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