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tininsteelian's picture

The Six-Hour Tinned Jam

Fri, Jan 25 2019 10:00 PM
01/26/2019 - 00:00
01/27/2019 - 06:00

It's been a long time since the last time-limited jam, and after releasing a game on Steam that I worked on for years, I've been looking for ways to get into doing smaller projects. So I decided to create a game jam that my friends and everyone here can participate in.

The challenge: Make a game in six hours. That's it. You can use any engine, any assets, any anything. Any level of quality is perfectly fine. It doesn't matter if you're a professional game developer, or if you've never made a game before in your life. Download a copy of Unity or Klik & Play and make something!

Since a single six-hour period of time might be difficult for people depending on which time zone they're in, the event is open for a 30 hour period. Just pick the six-hour period that works best for you. The "recommended" period is from 5 PM to 11 PM EST, which is when I'll be making my game and streaming it on my Twitch channel: https://twitch.tv/tininsteelian . Feel free to make your game along with me, or not. On Sunday (the day after the jam), I'll stream every game that was made during the jam.

If you don't know what type of game you want to make, there's an optional theme. It's...

Feel free to interpret this theme in any way you like. Maybe your game is inspired by Kidz Sports Basketball, or maybe it's about someone who wears a shovel as clothing. If you don't like the theme or can't think of anything to do with it, then you can just ignore it. This event isn't about restrictions (besides the time limit), it's about having fun!

I'm looking forward to seeing all of your games!

Games made for The Six-Hour Tinned Jam

JonathanWhiting's picture

Secret Snake

Game File: 

Snake is secretive. Change direction for glipses of its position.

Jonathan Whiting
Made For: 
An event
Noyb's picture

Pong Like It's 1999


Home for winter break, I stumbled upon my old KNP folder on a dusty Micron PC. Submitted for your horror: a pair of Pokémon-themed pong games I made in KNP back in 1999. The games are left unaltered from their original states. The sprites, music selections, prepubescent "voice acting," readmes, and bugs are all as I left them. The only thing I did today was compile them in KNP and zip them up.

First, a Pokémon themed KNP pong game I made back in 1999 and never released online. Somewhat intriguing for the terribly balanced "voltorb" ball which either player can attack to force an instant stalemate, and the poorly-rendered sprites made in Microsoft's 3d Movie Maker (which was itself a source of video trainwrecks back in the 90s).

Player 1: W and S move, Z shoots.
Player 2: Arrows move, Shift shoots

Second is a surrealist reflection of 90s media culture in the form of an overly long pong boss battle between Misty from Pokémon and a demonic version of that dancing baby from that early internet video. Ash Ketchum's head is the ball. And the baby throws diapers ripped from a screenshot of Rugrats. And the background is a low-res photograph of a Lego Mindstorms "invention" with my fingers over the lens.

I released this one online for God knows why. Last year, I let Softpedia upload some of my older games to their site in a moment of weakness. This "new and fun Pong remake that will keep you busy for a long time" (their words) has somehow received 286 downloads to date from undiscerning netizens.

Move: Arrow keys.

NoybPongKNP.zip1.71 MB
SpindleyQ's picture

Advergaming at its absolute finest

A browser-based Mike Tyson's Punch-Out clone where you fight a motherfucking bowl of cereal? HELL YES. Your product is retarded but your game is excellent.

SpindleyQ's picture

I Don't Need To Be At GDC To Have A Good Time: The Game

Game File: 

You're not at GDC! Enjoy yourself anyway, somehow!

Made For: 
Glorious GDC Gameboree 2010
jonbro's picture

why are things this way

Screen shot 2010-04-15 at 8.54.54 PM.png

well, got mired down in the details of making the whole thing work, and nothing works. Way to bite off more than I can chew for the first one.

the music is pretty ok, I guess.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
everythingstaken's picture

Mouse Box

Game File (Linux): 
Game File (Mac): 

In memory of all the dead mice.

In memory of all the dead mice.
Enjoy watching these mice for me.
In memory of all the dead mice.

Paperclip Mouse Number 0-∞
Peanutbutter Mouse Number 0-∞
Blueberry Mouse Number 0-∞
Mayo Mouse Number 0-∞
Socks Mouse Number 0-∞
Peppercorn Mouse Number 0-∞
Jeremy Beetle

credits and works cited

  1. gisbrecht - 11 Photos Mario Drawing Mouse Design
  2. ihavefivehat - 1 Background
  3. mno - 20 Photoshopped Photos Mario Drawing
  4. Alternative Play Practices by flan
  5. WATCH DUCKS! by thesycophant - (I traced this game for the intro sequence)

In memory of all the dead mice.

In memory of all the dead mice.

Made For: 
An event
LauriWeb's picture


Game File: 


The Poppycorns are jumping and popping

basically the best game evar

Made For: 
An event

true.love (for mno)


Happy Christmas mno!
I tried to put in this game everything you asked for.

If you want the constant quiet noisy dirty sound to be LOUD, push up your speakers' volume.
You get 360° rotations instead of 180° rotations, I thought it would be fine.
The game seems to run fine even on older computers it's still resource-consuming let me know if you have trouble running it!

And most of it, happy christmas !

Controls : arrows & space

PS : you can't use the golden bubble gum in the game, so just keep it like the most awesome permanent GOTY golden bubble gum award you deserve for your work.

Made For: 
An event
PurpleChair's picture

God Save the King

Game File: 

Use your space jets to collect burgers for the King and fill him up with energy for his sold-out show!

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
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