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RaveofRavendale's picture

Ten Tonnes of Carbon Landing On Your Head

Game File: 

This is a game about things falling on your head. Here is a quote from a recent review on that amazing games journalism site Destructoid:

"Ten Tonnes of Carbon Landing On Your Head is so incredibly atmospheric and innovative, and sets the standard for all gaming ever. Indie games are gay lol" - Jim Sterling.

Press left and right to dodge.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2

Cat Party

Game File: 

This game is about a cat party. Use your skills and intuition to avoid getting stuck inside walls and have a good time at the party.

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Cool Blick


This is cool blick. I agree it could be more cool but we'd be freezing off parts at that point. I'll attach the midi of the OST for those interested. You can right click/save as in-game if you want a copy of the converted version. a flickgame

Made For: 
GT Saturday Specials: Knytt Stories
U_SONG00.mid146.87 KB
TheDoctorCrow's picture

Black screen

black screen.png
Game File: 

My first published game in here - Black screen

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nilson's picture

the killers

Game File: 

Made in RPGM VXA - just a small game i made this morning

i like JRPG tropes: the idea of impossible foes/battles designed as real but are in fact scripted (to lose) and the idea of hero destiny (the heroes can't lose 'cause that's how the game was written) are common in JRPGs since their inception. i think it's pretty cool when you're playing a JRPG and you think it's a hopeless boss fight but it's just a really hard regular boss fight and you let the boss kill you.

the killers is also informed by the stories 'the killers' & 'a good man is hard to find'

thanks for playing (▰˘◡˘▰)

Nilson Carroll
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An event

I'll Make games. But here's a blog bc i saw the blog entry part and thought 'that would be fun' pt.1??

Games as an art form should not seem so preposterous, it is only viewed so negatively for its incorporation of user participation, which admittedly immediately fucks up integrity with the automatic compensation that must take place (at least in terms of wide-audience relases) however lesser popular games will inherently contain some obvious quirk of the designer, the user instead will have to grapple with the singular/small teams issues/inadequacies instead of being comfortably carried through a la book or movie, it becomes simultaneously about experience and analysis, if not direct analysis of the programmers then that of the simulated environment they created with a pinch of willful suspension of disbelief (the ol WSD) so really in this day and age i no longer try to argue or defend video games artness because really its kind of auto-art, not something which you can just claim isn't such and it will be defamed, like it's eternally esteemed in my head so what. maybe that seems a little solipsist but you understand how it's essentially human excess just like any other art, just concerned more with creating a comprehensive controllable experience or something i dunno. you get what i'm saying. thanks

Techokami's picture


Game File: 

FIND DA COMPUTER ROOM before time runs out! The location is never the same... good luck!

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An event
Draknek's picture

Getout: Forever

Game File: 

Playable online at: http://www.draknek.org/games/getout/

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An event
quasiotter's picture

happy birthday mom

Screen Shot 2018-02-02 at 11.40.40 PM.png


hi it's my mom's birthday the day i am posting this

i usually send an actual card, but i thought i'd make a little video for her!

the card is the machinima (video made from the game). i am including the game link because why not... well, actually, i wouldn't be posting this here otherwise lol

i did in in bravitzlana (created by marek) because it's awesome and underrated and i hope more people use it please

press e to edit the card and start playing around!

also, i have my flatgame 2017 to post, but i guess i'll wait a bit so i don't flood the new games feed lol

Made For: 
An event

Bastard Keys 2 - Haywire!

Game File: 

Cyborg Malfunction! Help him cross the bridge without falling off, beware, his cyborg motor routines are going crazy and change randomly!

Adrian Gordon
Made For: 
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