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watlers world's picture


Game File: 

A simple game of colors and mod music.
Win16 version

The truespace 2 "ts2trial" program has the Intel 3dr librarys.
For MCI mods you can use the midas mci mod player
or m4w_inst.zip and mci24ins.exe

watlers world
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juliette's picture


Game File: 

with enemy placement help by resoudrelamour

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Wertpol's picture

Presentable Liberty


You have been imprisoned without being told why. All you can hear day in day out is the faint ticking of a clock in your cell. That is, until the first of 5 fateful days begins.

-The amazing 'sequel' to Exoptable Money
-Much less money than in the first one
-Twice as many amazing characters
-Tick tock tick tock
-4 times as many letters
-No cat
-The Doctor would like a word with you

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Trouv's picture


Birch Photo.PNG

Made in 2015. I was debating whether or not I should upload this to GT when I first came here, since it was so amateur, unpolished, and doesn't exactly represent me as a designer anymore. Now that I've been here a little while, I realized that this is exactly where it belongs.

Description from my website:

"Birch is a small puzzle-platformer about codependency, made in GameMaker Studio.

This is technically the first video-game I made seriously. I was heavily inspired by Jonathan Blow’s Braid, and I wanted to be able to use puzzles in an artistic and meaningful way. I’m writing this a couple of years after the game’s creation. There are plenty of things that I would have done differently if I were to make the game again, but I’m genuinely proud of my work on this project, and I can think of a couple of levels that are especially good."

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mkapolk's picture

I never liked this game

Screen Shot 2017-06-03 at 5.14.22 PM.png

snood or znork or plape or w/e it was called. the character is really cute though

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No More Lasers

Game File: 

Basic arcade scoring type thing. Shoot at the enemies and try not to die.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
Zecks's picture

Babies that have Rabies

Game File: 

In 201X, a terrible epidemic hits the world, you are the ones save from it... can you make earth a place to live again?

This is how it goes in zecks games incs newest masterpiece, babiesthathaverabies (bthr), jou are cyperpolice john connor and the only who who can put stop to this mess. you use control and shit tho shoot and aim your remote control tourette. if you can make it you are a true saveior.

Note: sometimes the babies are so dumb that they run staight to their death at the beginning of the level. its particularly hilarious when it happens in the final boss.

Also, the sky level crashes a lot for some reason. sorry for that.

EDIT: Updated with a hopefully less crash prone version. It's also a bit "harder" in the first few levels.

Made For: 
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Unpredictable storyline twists


I haven't decided yet if I should give explanations about this game.

Pierre Chevalier
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nilson's picture

Barista Statement


Barista Statement by nilson carroll

- take everyone's orders on the river lethe
- don't mess up. you literally have one chance
- take orders from dynamic npcs (just like irl)

- - -

maybe like a ten (10) minute barista puzzle (?)
made for coffee jam over on itch. original idea
based on something i said in class and everyone
laughed (?)


"play by your own runes" - nilson

Made For: 
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TheCube's picture

Clint Emsley

I like to pretend I'm a game designer, but really I'm just another guy with a big ego and a verbose, pompous manner of speaking.

You can check out MORE of my verbose pompousness at my blog, http://clintmakesagame.com

My secret wish is that I'd joined Glorious Trainwrecks when I first visited the site about 2 years ago. Then I would really be a cool kid.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
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