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scab simulator 18

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one's thought is interrupted by another one.

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Twine: HTML file to Twee source code converter

Update: this converter is now built into Twine 1.4 (in the "Import Compiled HTML file" menu item), so this page is no longer necessary.

HTML to Twee Converter

Someone on my Twitter feed reported that they'd lost the source code of a Twine game of theirs, and wanted to know if they could convert the HTML back to a usable format. So, I decided to quickly knock up a utility that could do that. Here it is - it extracts the passages from a HTML twine game and converts them to Twee source code, which Twine can import using the "Import Source Code" menu option. I hope it works for you.

Twine_HTML_Twee_Converter.html2.96 KB


figured i should give everyone who cares an update since i'm Still Alive

most of my focus has been toward animation and comics these days, but i still want to make another game someday (which is something i constantly tell myself for a few years now). i have a couple ideas floating around, just need to open RPG Maker up and start throwing them together.

i also feel the need to contextualize some stuff, as a lot of the stuff i made and said over here were when i was still a middle schooler (i'm 20 right now, btw) and uhh yeah looking back at those things i can't help but feel a bit embarrassed lol. i'll try not to be super harsh on myself about this stuff but yeah Lol i apologize for any dumbassery of my part from back then, and my most sincere Thank You to all who have supported my vidya making endeavors. the games i made back then were pretty defining for the overall direction i wanted to take my art in, and joining this community definitely helped as well :)

thanks for reading, and please let me know if you're interested in checking out some of my New Stuff in comics + animation !!

(btw i don't plan on keeping the nuuup username bc it honestly doesn't represent me anymore, but i'll probably keep it for the time being)

Crash's picture

Tiger Woods Golf '11

Game File: 

Time to play some golf bitches

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
qrleon's picture

Ninja Gaiden Golf

Game File: 

"WHAT THE ..."

Made For: 
An event


Game File: 

Chomp on the brains of the townsfolk as they try to flee. For the less-discriminating undead palate, animals are also available. There's no way to win, but if you do well, you'll go back to the grave satisfied.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
clyde's picture

Clickteam Fusion

I got Clickteam Fusion 2.5 from the current HumbleBundle. I'm interested in getting familiar with it for fast prototyping. there are far fewer tutorials for Clickteam than there are for Unity and I like to look through tutorials and follow along. If anyone comes across good ones or happens to make some, please tell me so I can check them out.

captaincabinets's picture

The poly-faceted ethical conundrums of Klik of the Month Klub

In KotMK #4, kirkjerk raised an interesting point with his totally brill Conway West. What is the general deal with game forethought in relation to the klub? I know that nothing in relation to trainwrecks of a ferociously glorious nature is technically frowned upon, but I still feel dirty when I have come up with my basic concept for KotMK 2 weeks before it happens (which I'll admit is what happened for pac-manly). And I have already come up with my idea for the next one, an action-puzzler called Serengetting Down in which you must guide gnus to the local Wildebeestie Boys concert.

Basically, my thoughts are that it is not really a good thing. It becomes more of a race against time to not leave out features (with forethought, you know basically what Klik n Play can accomodate, and what you can fit in in 2 hours), as oppose to a scenario where you are furiously coming up with ambitious designs and then refining and scrapping and redirecting and, well, hyper-crappening. The pirate kart worked well in this regard, because the sheer volume of games required in a short time meant that there was no way you could think. I guess, also, it was right at the start of my re-acquaintance with KnP, so I forgot what it could and couldn't do.

Don't get me wrong, I am not here to tell people not to think about the games beforehand. That would be stupid, domineering, double-standard-a-riffic, and well, wrong, because frankly I don't care whether people do or don't and I am head over heels in love with every piece of user-generated content on this site. But I am finding it a little bit of a problem, personally, for my brain to stop thinking, and I need to know how to klik the habit. Maybe I should actually follow the allotted time? Being early on sunday morning, the nausea and total lack of focus from another horror saturday night might help, or it may result in me spending the two hours writing an incredibly vivid and emotionally raw backstory, with nary a game mechanic in sight.

So what are people's thoughts regarding pre-planning of 2 hour trainwrecks? What should I do, Dr. Miracle? Has anyone else dipped their cup into the KotMK moral quagmire and found something else that tastes, well, brackish?


Strong's picture

We Go Play Hoop


We Go Play Hoop is a basketball game made in KnP. You play some hoop with a friend.

Player 1 is the Disco Weenie and moves with the arrow keys and spacebar. Player 2 is the yellow jogger and moves with WASD and Shift. Shoot the ball to the other hoop to score mad points yo- first to 10 or so wins. Also, the start screen lies- press shift to start.

What are you waiting for? Go play hoop!

We Go Play Hoop.zip124.5 KB
mkapolk's picture

Coincident Spaces

Screen Shot 2017-02-04 at 11.32.06 AM.png
Game File (Linux): 
Game File (Mac): 
Game File: 

Just a neat little experiment about being in two places at once.

Made For: 
An event
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